I kinda like random/automatic autoplay but because Apple Music only seems to buffer the next 0.002 seconds of music any interruption of network service tends to just ... stop playback. And when you manually start it again, it switches to a "random autoplay, but from downloaded songs only" mode and you have to futz around to get back to the "random autoplay from all music" mode by clearing the queue with that one-song playlist hack. Same problem when leaving the house, have to remember to manually disconnect from wifi to avoid playback being interrupted.
Also, why does it take five seconds to connect to the Airpods? Even Linux is quicker. Sometimes it seems to take even longer. These devices are mere nanoseconds apart!
It all just seems to be built on a "the network is very reliable" assumption - in a mobile device.
Yes! I have Beats Flex with Apple's H1 chip, and I really really miss Steve Jobs calling in all bluetooth & mac HW and SW teams, showing them the unreliable 5s+ long switch (that 1/3 time ends up with my mac's speakers selected back, and music playing in the office), and threatening to fire them if this is not fixed in a week.
Interesting you say that about the Airpods. In my experience I've found that Airpods work extremely well so long as they're only paired with your Apple devices. Once I paired them to my PC I started having issues where they'd drop from my iPhone randomly in the middle of playback. After unpairing them from the PC altogether the problems went away.
That's because you didn't disconnect them (manually) from the PC, both Windows and Linux will grab the airpods when something tries to play audio, even if that "playing audio" is technically silent.
Also, why does it take five seconds to connect to the Airpods? Even Linux is quicker. Sometimes it seems to take even longer. These devices are mere nanoseconds apart!
It all just seems to be built on a "the network is very reliable" assumption - in a mobile device.