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I always say. A country can be valued by how it protects it's weakest.

I wish people would realize that in a society we should all work together rather than have the strong huddle in a little pile and point and laugh at the weak or needy.

I propose a new law for Hungary saying that every company with more than 10 employees should have the same percentage of female/male as that of the population or in special cases (like with IT) that of the field at universities. This would stop some companies profiting from healthy 30 year old single men, and then throw them away like rags once they start feeling the pressure or want children.

To give incentive to the law I propose giving higher tax to those companies not following the laws and increasing them at an exponential rate yearly :)

The real problem is not that women won't get a job, but that the non-corrupt tax paying companies get kicked out of the price war, because they have to charge more, to compensate for the high taxes. Hungary takes more than a half of peoples salary (and a whole lot more after), and most of the companies just don't pay the taxes for your real salary, only for the minimal wage.

I'd like to think of myself as responsible person in all possible aspects. That of course means, that I'd like to be socially responsible too. I would even go as far as saying that I actually am socially responsible. My point is, the sort of regulations you are proposing don't work. They impossibly violate the rules of life, especially when it's a small business. These regulations do a lot of harm. I do believe seriuosly, that society must protect its weakest. So goverments should make it cheaper to employ them. That's fair enough. And then, please, let us do our business. We businesses are people too. We can't be treated like this, or we just can't survive. We have to close shop, if all sorts of regulations are against our freedom to do business the way we think it makes sense. Well, something like this... :)

If it governs every business I'm sure the fittest business would survive.

And I think that regulations mostly do good and are important to stop bullies from eating up society.

I'm sure most business thought that outlawing slaves in the US would ruin them. Now business are thinking that hiring women of child bearing age will ruin them. They probably also think that not being allowed to dump their waste in the river will ruin them too.

You see, they DON'T govern every business. That's the issue. They govern only the decent, good businesses. This die, the corrupt ones (that are NOT governed by any regulations, nor taxes, nada) survive.

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