> Technology has always made us trade quality for low-quality quantity in exchange for convenience. People now interact more through technology which removes a lot of body language and other enriching experiences.
I went to the mall today and you can tell malls are dying. I lived in a small town where the mall died and it had a zombie like existence a long time before it finally cratered. The mall here in this larger town has that feeling. I also thought about how nice it is to go to the mall just to be out among people. The same is true of the downtown. If the endgame is for everyone to stay home and shop online that's going to be a very soulless existence.
Or don't shop at all and use that extra time to walk with friends in nature. Or when you really do need to shop, avoid the commute and use that extra time to spend with friends in nature. Being forced to be around strangers to get chores done doesn't put soul into my life.
I also avoid laundromats and do laundry at home and it doesn't feel soulless.
Sometimes circumstances mean that going to a mall is the only way some folk can get to meet their fellow human beings. And that doesn't mean it doesn't have other advantages such as conversing with people one might not normally come across.
I went to the mall today and you can tell malls are dying. I lived in a small town where the mall died and it had a zombie like existence a long time before it finally cratered. The mall here in this larger town has that feeling. I also thought about how nice it is to go to the mall just to be out among people. The same is true of the downtown. If the endgame is for everyone to stay home and shop online that's going to be a very soulless existence.