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Eggs are significant ingredient in many homemade things (eggs, bread, pancakes, pastas, brownies) and one of the cheapest,cleanest protein sources in the American diet.

The Aivian flu + inflation caused a carton of 18 eggs to increase in price more than 50% recently (<$5 to > $7.50).

My household has fought this increase by increasing mushrooms and spinach in our eggs, and recently hybridizing with liquid egg whites.

> Eggs are significant ingredient in many homemade things (eggs, bread, pancakes, pastas, brownies) and one of the cheapest,cleanest protein sources in the American diet.

Yes, and food makes up ~13% of the BLS CPI. This is taken into account when they do their surveys to see what people are spending their money on:

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consumer_Expenditure_Survey

Remember that the CPI is the national average inflation for an average basket of goods, and not your personal inflation. In Canada, StatCan actually has a personal CPI tool so that you can see how things are for your personal basket of goods:

* https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/71-607-x/71-607-x2020015...

I'm not questioning the survey results, I am challenging the lack of importance of eggs.

> I'm not questioning the survey results, I am challenging the lack of importance of eggs.

The survey would determine how many eggs people eat, both directly (omelettes) or indirectly (or as a component, as in cake):

* https://www.statista.com/statistics/183678/per-capita-consum...

And from there the BLS would know how many to put in the basket of goods it uses. Which they have listed in this table:

* https://www.bls.gov/news.release/cpi.t02.htm

And here's the data series for the price of eggs:

* https://data.bls.gov/timeseries/APU0000708111

* https://fred.stlouisfed.org/tags/series?t=bls%3Beggs

What people put in the the survey would indicate the the "importance of eggs" (in the average case).

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