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Your link and the explanation there is not enough. It only shows the current resource you are looking at. As I said above - you should also consider representing the breadcrumbs of how you got there in the hierarchy (you could have taken multiple paths) and also on top of that use URLs to represent actions that can be taken in dialogs !

Here is a question for you: what happens when you have a url for a New Issue in github? By itself. It renders a form for a new issue full-page. But now what if I want it as an overlay over a hierarchical state that U navigated to? I should have a longer URL and it wouldnt be full screen anymore.

Overlay is useful sometimes, however not always the best UX.

The main route of the url (example.com/page/subpage) represents the background page of the overlay.

You have two options. 1. Using further subroutes to represent the stage of the overlay if your framework supports it (Ember does) (example.com/page/subpage/form/step1). 2. Using query parans to store the state of the overlay (without the actual data of course): … subpage?overlay=form&step=1

Also breadcrumbs should always mirror the routes. Frameworks, libraries can automatically do it for you.

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