"We originally planned to let people rename the rows and columns with labels and implemented the feature. Eventually we decided that we needed to assure stable reference names so prevented people form moving into the zeroth row or column. Instead we implemented the ability to split the screen vertically or horizontally.
All the oposite from today's design in which they let people rename everything.
> All the oposite from today's design in which they let people rename everything.
What spreadsheet program lets you rename a row or a column? The pattern I see all around is that you add your own column names as the first row for example, but the actual column doesn't get renamed. Or, you get to define your own "Named Ranges" where you can assign a name, but the row/column identifier stays the same.
But I don't think I've seen any software allowing you to rename column C to whatever you want, for example.
Apple's Numbers has a relatively clever way to pull this off. If a cell (e.g., B:$2) is in a table with a column (or row) header, all formulas will use the header field value in the variable. e.g.,
= floor( [Strength:$Value] / 2 - 5, 1)
These labels are purely descriptive. The underlying reference is still B:$2, but it makes formulas infinitely more readable without needing to manually define named ranges for everything.
(Among many other nice features Numbers has... one of the few things I miss since my switch to Linux)
They'd been working/programming a decade! "By the time we created VisiCalc Dan and I had been working professional and academically for well over a decade."
also I found this interesting. "The Apple's screen was 40 columns and 25 rows. "
That's 1,000 cells.
And now a modern Google Sheets starts with 26 columns and 1,000 rows. 26,000 cells. But also can go up to 10,000,000 cells!
well then you'll love apps on smartphones! they don't do anything complex, think of each app as a small garden that has a wall around it to keep out any complications. Luckily, they frequently allow for in-garden purchases so you don't even need to leave to get more fertilizer, etc. and the gardeners even get paid that way, no worries! they were even able to do away with the reference cards!
All the oposite from today's design in which they let people rename everything.