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Best Amazon review for Programming in C (non-affiliated link) (amazon.com)
29 points by DamagedProperty on Jan 5, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Actually all his reviews are like this:

Sharpie Fine Point Permanent Marker -> One Star -> "Ruined my whiteboards"

Rotorcraft Flying Handbook -> One Star -> "The information is confusing and I ended up crashing the helicopter"

Jedi sarcasm. Amazon reviews is an interesting place to ply that skill.

Is this guy real? I'm not sure. I'm 50/50. I can argue a great case of both sides. Also, which is better? Somebody like him or somebody that would waste time putting up those reviews.

Funny. However, it's a sad reality that a lot of people lie on their interviews. HR processes sometimes fail to catch these and well... Here we have it.

Assuming the review is not fake: the company got what it deserved. That person could have been weeded out by a simple interview on a blackboard.

Sadly, while this review is probably fake, I've seen enough real world examples that make me sigh.

Regardless of whether this reviewer is real, the laughs were worth it.

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