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Trying out Windows on Amazon (scripting.com)
14 points by bdfh42 on Oct 24, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Winer says: "I haven't used a command line since I left MS-DOS in the early 90s."

Seriously? I can't even imagine how you could get by on a UNIX or OS X as a professional developer without using a command line at least occasionally. Does he really only use Windows?

Whenever he has a problem that can't be solved by a GUI, he just blogs really, really hard at it until the computer gives up and does whatever he wants out of sheer embarrassment.

He uses his own environment called Frontier. Since Frontier has a REPL there's not much need to use the OS command line. http://frontierkernel.org/

I agree, this post reeks of incompetence.

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