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> getting on HN might be the best way to get it looked at by a human... but also make sure you don't have any other issues going on.

Wait, why are we normalizing this? Getting on HN is always the second-best way to get it looked at by a human. The best would be, you know, Google devs doing their job and helping their users instead of solving LeetCode or writing their next promo packet or whatever it is they do all day.

I'm not a big fan of this trend where Google and other companies are essentially outsourcing their (horrible) customer service to this message board.

I mean I'll still upvote the post in case I need to invoke this terrible fallback in the future, but I think it's reasonable to grumble about it.

To their defense: given the company's business model, there's probably no other way of handling it. They make money at a massive scale, and as an individual user, you're not worth enough to provide customer support - or really, any special consideration.

The problem might be the business model itself. Google is not attached to any one of its billions of users, but they can cause a lot of pain if they randomly cut you off - especially in a world where email is essentially online identity. But then, I'd wager that a good 90% of us are employed in places that want to replicate that model at any cost... glass houses and all.

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