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“Blue Light” creating capacity for nothing (2007) (theoryofconstraints.blogspot.com)
151 points by Symmetry on Dec 27, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 78 comments

I know most people are gushing with positives ... but to me this reads like the epitome of a clueless consultant who got lucky because the 30 plus years manager missed the basics ... unless the era of the tale was early 60s or something or some middle of nowhere fabrication that sprang up with little idea of how other similar places work ... um great story but what really was this based on.

In the industry it's fairly well known (ok that's a weasel phrase even though I'm sure I'd be right if I used 99.999999%) in regard to the overall benefits of TAs (Trade Assistants.) Typically a TA around welders, they're grinding and readying the surfaces to be welded and helping position the work. Though there's value in setting up, not just making blue light, welders generally receive a much higher pay packet, since ultimately it's their good welding skills that ensures quality welds leave the floor and a long life of the component.

What's obvious is what would have happened if the blue light was 50 or 60% of the time and the welding machines were at capacity. (Higher capacity welding machines are generally a lot more expensive.) To the clueless a lot more can be squeezed out ... and that's what the hero would have aimed to do, in fact no doubt another 25%. The experienced plant manager would have then kindly thanked them at that point perhaps realising the consultant was out of their depth.

To be fair, the situation in the story truly does happen in a variety of jobs and businesses.

What you are highlighting is the countervailing lesson, kind of a specialization of Chesterton's fence: if highly experienced people are doing a process in what seems to be an inefficient manner, consider that it might actually be the most efficient manner, given constraints that you do not fully understand or are not aware of.

I'd agree this sort of thing does happen in regular life where the agent of change is someone who's had wide ranging experience and maybe a lateral thinker and adopting other work processes that are proven in existing industries. (However the story above is just that, the chance that happened as stated are slim ... and only for reasons along the lines I've mentioned being a bit isolated or operating in a vacuum.)

Sometimes, not that I can think of much software or hardware related situations, the fence is just an idea, years of experience have lead to a situation where they've established a comfort zone of sorts, and hesitant to change the way things are done ... often because they don't totally understand complicated processes they might be using ... or because things done differently might be more open (but rare) to a specific problem or being prone to a failure which from their previous experience, might have chewed up half a day to a day if not more to sort it out ... when the fix by someone who is competent (having been shown the correct way from the start) is able to resolve the issue quickly, barely 20 minutes of time and patience and it's in half an hour it's like nothing happened.

As for "do not fully understand" - yes that is an excellent way to describe total inadequacy.

the story seems to be set in a world that uses gas to weld steel as part of a production process, making a blue flame. are there any torches that can weld steel and make a blue flame? does anyone use manual gas welding in automotive production‽

The blue light is from a arc welding process be it stick rods or gas shielded continuous wire. A flame would not have the on and off as described as well as being hard to detect at any distance. The most common steel welding flame process, oxy acetylene flame has an inner blue hue but the welding pool is probably brighter, so I doubt even at 10 feet a person could notice any particular colour hue, for anything hand held.

Great article. It is almost always the case that we live under "assumed constraints". Most of the time when we question the underlying assumptions we are able to break the constraint or relax it to obtain a better solution.

The Goal, by Eliyahu M. Goldratt is highly recommended for understanding Theory of Constraints told from the view of a fictional plant manager.

I read that, having received a similar recommendation, but after I finished it I had no idea how to translate that into my own job (I do not manage a factory).

What’s the thing that adds value to your customer? What is the part they’re actually paying for?

How much of your time is spent on that thing/those things?

How much is spent on other things and how can you reduce that, especially for any resources that are your constrained (rate-limiting) resources?

It doesn't have to be a factory producing physical goods. Anytime we have a multi-stage process with different team members responsible for various stages with interdependencies, you will find constraints abound.

ToC tells you that while there will be multiple constraints, your biggest bang for the buck comes from identifying the limiting constraint first and finding workarounds to break / relax that. Focusing on the non-limiting constraint would not give you the best benefit.

This is such a general concept that we can apply it to so many processes whether it is sales, customer service, bug triaging/resolution, logistics etc., Any place we observe a queue (whether visible or hidden), I can guarantee that there is a lurking constraint somewhere.

The Phoenix Project is based on The Goal but applied to the software industry.

If your specialist employees are spending their time doing non-specialist work, then perhaps you have not set them up to work efficiently.

Yeah, that's what it's for. But the ideas generalise to general project-management and processing of 'stuff'. A lot of it makes sense in multi-person hardware development projects.

Bullshit story the consultant made up to bolster his point (93% efficiency claim from a foreman wtf).

Of course finding some help moving parts around for the welders would be the first thing the foreman would think of, because thats what foremans do all the time in factories.

Maybe the welders chose to work this way (i.e. inefficiently) because continuous welding produces fatigue which risks H&S and lowers the quality of the product.

So if the story was real, the solution would be extra personnel so the welding is done continuously, by rotating people between welding, moving parts and other jobs.

That literally is the solution they landed on: they hired helpers, i.e. extra personnel.

The critical difference is that they did not need to hire more welders, buy more welding equipment, set up more welding stations.

I don't care if the story came right out of Aesop's fables, because it's a good story and it makes a good point.

The problem is it's not really a good story to tell, because this leads people, who might not know any better, to later in life recount to some welder friend(s) they happen to know, about how the article's creator was the guy who worked out welders needed TAs ... or one fabrication welding business needed TAs. It's better not to make things up, or use really really incredulous examples, that may lead people to unwittingly embarrass themselves.

It's almost like a story where the genius works out the boss needs a secretary.

When it comes to inventing stuff, important points are often overlooked.

Imagine if the same sort of story recounted a company with a 9 to 5 office where 100 people worked solely at their desktop computer station back in the days of W98 or XP doing whatever it was they did. The guy observes when people arrive for work they're not productive because the first five minutes their system was booting and virus checking. There's over 8 hours of lost production so it's worthwhile to hire an additional low paid casual worker for minimum award, with the minimum required hours for casual (here it's iirc it's been around four hours a day,) to arrive a couple hours beforehand to ensure all systems are running so workers can start working immediately when they walk through the door. Clearly that sounds right, but most here would know, in practice, for many workers, output would not increase substantially. The nuance is in the finer details.

This has to be either the world's dumbest foreman or at least largely fiction. And this consultant would have had to have been the first guy who walked into the shop besides the foreman and the welders who either also had never worked in a functioning production environment or had already told the foreman to hire a material handler and been ignored. Or they really liked the overtime and dragging pallet jacks around.

I've seen some pretty terrible inventory management and poor process flow, but this is a whole other level.

The story might not be a accurate, but the concept is certainly valid. I see this sort of thing all the time. This terrific story helps people to understand the core point, that busy does not equal productive.

Yes, exactly. THE STORY IS NOT ABOUT WELDING! It is about having misconceptions about efficiency and productivity, and that people being busy does not mean they can't be more productive.

Though it tries, it's a bad story about determining work flow efficiencies and misses the mark. Surely if the consultant had been immersed in any industry for long, they could have recounted where they zeroed in on one particular metric to determine efficiency. Mind it's a very good story of a consultant picking one metric and the result ... as already stated, just happened to be extremely lucky I can probably recount a tale or two where the agent (new management or new ideas from up top) for change was totally clueless and things went downhill ... there is period where profits don't take a hit and by the time the fall out is happening, it's hard to wind back the clock ... customers / clients are on the decline.

It's incredible that one person was able to handle all the work that took up 90% of the welders time. Lots of time must have been spent getting in and out of gear. I’d expect that one guy to end up the bottleneck and the welders to be waiting for him to bring them parts, but it says he even as time to peel the plastic!

I imagine the blue light applied to programming would be a crude tool. I want to hear keys clacking? See issues closed, pull requests? But we can ask what are the things developers are doing which interrupt them from coding and could there be a benefit to someone employed to handle those distractions?

> Lots of time must have been spent getting in and out of gear.

My understanding from reading that is the new helper didn't have to get in and out of gear. He wasn't a welder, so wasn't wearing any of the welding gear. His job was to help move things around, position materials so they'd be ready to work on, and generally get the "grunt work" out of the way so the welders could keep their gear on 100% of the time and thus spend most of their time doing their actual specialty: welding.

The new helper was essentially a new floating resource who could quickly move anywhere in the room to clear bottlenecks. Before he was there, the bulk of the time that was wasted was because the welders had to keep context switching, and also because there was some work that the welders were doing sequentially that could have been done in parallel if they had another pair of hands to set things up just right.

Also consider that I'm sure it wasn't really 90% of the welders' time. Even if the author was only seeing blue light 10% of the time, I'm sure these changes didn't bring it up to 100%. There were probably still some non-welding things the welders had to do that couldn't be delegated to others.

What gear are they having to take off besides their hood, btw? I'm pretty sure anything you'd need respiratory gear to weld on would be added after it was welded. It's not like you make truck bumpers out of stainless steel. You'd want to keep your gloves on to lift with. No reason to take off your jacket, sleeves, apron, or anything else you'd use welding in a shop.

Not all of it, just enough of it to move the bottleneck somewhere else. A factory is always bottlenecked by something, sales if nothing else

> A factory is always bottlenecked by something, sales if nothing else

I don't feel like that's a very good conclusion.

If a good chunk of your processes have roughly the same capacity, and they're all running at that capacity, you don't have anything I would call a bottleneck.

For me, the programming equivalent of the blue light is my development environment being in focus, and receiving key strokes and mouse clicks.

Crude but surprisingly accurate. If I am not interacting with my development environment, it usually mean there is a problem somewhere. Sometimes that's me (slacking off, getting lost,...), sometimes it is organisational (useless meetings and processes,...), sometimes technical (slow computer, unresponsive network,...). But it is always a sign of inefficiency.

He’s not taking welding gear off and then re-donning it 50 times a day, for starters.

So the derivation of Eli Goldratt’s ideas for programming is necessarily different because we are doing artisanal work rather than manufacturing. But yes taken naively it is a measure of Git commits merged into the main branch after running precommit checks and tests and code review and whatever else, and ideally shipping to prod directly. And this is where you want to enable the ability to ship broken code without breaking prod (feature toggles are super handy for this)... This speeds the code review time for example, “oh all that stuff is behind a feature toggle, we won't ship it until it's ready.”

A better derivation of Eli's ideas ultimately causes your entire team to work on one feature before deploying another before deploying another. Sprint planning is “what do we want to take on next, how are we separating it across the team, and how will we pass the baton?” The relay-race baton-pass becomes the crucial concept, whoever has the baton is expected to be working 100% on this thing and only this thing, anyone who does not have the baton is either meant to be preparing to receive the baton, or else they are free to work on whatever refactoring or bug-fixing or side-feature or user support or whatever needs to be done. They are the equivalent of this non-welder helping out. And this is also why it's important for the baton to pass from person to person, because it can be exhausting to hold the baton for too long: what do you call someone who sprints for an hour—a jogger.

This also unlocks the true value of daily standup, which is the person with the baton telling everybody else what they need in order to be successful, and the person who is about to receive the baton to be aware about the timescale at which they have to drop everything else they are doing and work 100% on the next part of the sprint, and the rest of the team checking in on the personal health of the person who has the baton, making sure that they are not overworking themselves to death. Are you okay?

What's at stake is covered in Goldratt’s book Critical Chain, that in a “project context” there is a complex network of dependencies, including hidden ones that come from the raw logical fact that one person can't be working on two different parts at the same time, and the constraint, the thing that actually needs to be tracked and preserved is temporal safety buffer. The default state for a project is that if a step is completed late, that delay has passed on to the next step, but if a step is completed early, that advantage is not communicated to the next step because the person working on the next step isn't ready to drop everything and start working on the project yet.

I actually use these principles to manage the cooking of Thanksgiving meals for our family. My wife was very upset the first time I did it because there was a lot of drawing graphs and stuff, a bunch of diagrams, I had never done it before. But now she wants me to do it every year because it is absolutely intoxicating for her to ask me “what should I be doing right now?” and for me to reply “ nothing, you should rest, but in about 30 minutes you are going to have to drop whatever you are doing and put together everything for the corn casserole.”

That this is how it works should not shock us, not those of us working in web development. Everybody here who works in web development should understand that you overprovision your servers and 90% of the time. They don't do anything. That's not for no reason, it's not because we're wasteful, it because it gives us a much better latency on our incoming requests. Making it clear what the Sprint goal is, and whose shoulders that goal is currently falling upon, is part of making a very low latency system which can respond to whatever fires occur on a day-to-day basis while still getting these longer term projects done ahead of schedule. 80% of the team should be resting or dealing with the latest crisis while one person is legit sprinting on the Sprint goal, and progress on a feature should never have to stall just because the sprinter's significant other is suddenly in the hospital: the feature was owned by the team and the whole team needs to be able to work on it, with everybody checking their work in daily and everybody willing to help out to make the group's deadlines.

I've kind of given the sales pitch for it so let me give one major limitation, a lot of our current methodology is structured in order to identify underperforming people by concrete metrics like how many features they complete, how many story points are those features, and the above methodology kind of creates a space where people can hide: they never take the baton so they never are really in the hot seat, but the whole group takes credit for the success of their individuals. Random assignment and pair programming are one mechanism to rectify the concern and then rectify an obvious concern with that solution (“what if we give a frontend task to a backend programmer?”—answer is, they should do the frontend task, but as the person holding the baton they are running the show and thus entitled to say “I want help, can someone who knows more about frontend code pair with me so that I can just ask “how do I do that in the browser?”).

That sounds like an extremely efficient way to get one feature, or a series of overly dependent features, done as fast as possible. But I'm not understanding why that would be your goal except in rare circumstances.

Why not have most of the team coding toward the goals and one or two helpers? Especially because that's how the welding story worked.

This reminds me of the fight I had to hire an Infrastructure Engineer (they call them DevOps, these days).

It was like pulling teeth, but, in fairly short order, the chap I hired became the most popular member of the team.

My current environment... we develop on a production environment.

And our toolchain... put it this way. We went from no documented procedures, to several. And the several... have no date, no version, no author, no revision control...

Friday is my last day. I am so happy.

Congrats. Hopefully a better situation for you in the new year.

I had to beg for a simple server to separate staging and customers demos once, that were jamming up half a day a week.

The official request I made said the server would pay for itself in eight weeks. I think the boss finally understood why I was being so grumpy about it at that point. Or maybe you could just trust the people you claim to trust.

Persuasively communicating cost-savings in a budget increase request?

I'm so sorry to inform you, but you have management written on you.

(But in all seriousness, communication is an important management skill, it's good you explained it so directly, but ideally a manager would communicate back-and-forth without needing to be spoonfed all at once.)

The article's story anecdote of "blue light" is about finding the true value in a process. Blue light means the welder is actually creating value in the product. Anything else in the process does not help build value to the product. It is all non-value added activities. The non-value added activities might be necessary such as setup, delivery, reposition or what not but it doesn't drive value. By maximizing the blue light welding operation it maximizes value being created. Maximizing value will minimize extraneous activities that don't help make a finished product and should decrease cycle time for the value-added activity.

This all can be learned from The Goal by Goldgratt which is a story about theory of constraints.


Those are things are also necessary, they just don't require a welder to do them. All the talk of "value" will pollute your thinking and encourage you to be a productivity and value bigot.

Can you explain what you mean by "productivity and value bigot?"

In my mind productivity and value generation are major virtues that benefit the doer and society, big "bigot" has a negative connotation and I don't understand how it goes together.

Devaluing anything that isn't what the executive considers value. One wants optimize systems, not just increase the duty cycle of the thing that is expensive. By focusing on the only thing that one considers "adding value", the "non-value add" tasks and positions become viewed as low quality, low skilled and fungible.

The person who fills and jigs the welder's pipeline is just as valuable from a systems perspective as the welders.

Neglecting the person who fills the jigs will lead to less ur time in the long run though.

I'm guessing your issue is not with those that are fixated on productivity, but those that are just poorly educated in the complexity of how to calculate it.

Thanks for this and the couple other comments in this thread. I get where you are coming from. First, I agree on the level that, let's say, "non-glamorous" work is important. So I didn't mean that the work of lifting bumpers to the station is stupid itself (it's necessary and someone has to do it) but that it's stupid for the welding specialists to do it.

But I am not sure the other axes you have to grind here. A surgeon and a janitor are both necessary to the functioning of a hospital, but obviously and not-controversially the surgeon is a lot less fungible. Like, in a pinch, you could ask patient's families to clean the toilet in the hospital room, but you wouldn't ask them to do the surgery.

And more obviously, if people were dying in the ER because the surgeons were busy cleaning the toilets, that would indeed be stupid.

Sometimes -- as I believe is true in the author's case -- these tasks and positions are low-skilled and fungible. The extra helper was lifting things, moving and arranging things, and peeling the plastic wrappers off new parts.

Nearly any able-bodied worker can do those tasks, and they don't require much skill. That doesn't mean they have no value to the overall process; obviously they do. But there's a big difference between finding and hiring a trained welder (or training someone up), and finding any random worker who can lift things and follow some basic instructions.

Absolutely agree with you that focusing only on the "value add" tasks can cause blindness. But that doesn't make the other "non value add" tasks somehow high-skill, high-quality, difficult-to-replace tasks.

> these tasks and positions are low-skilled and fungible.

Any task requiring or being > 100% better when done with more than one person is now a team. We are now optimizing team output and talking about low-skill is no longer an accurate description of the problem.

It also under attributes how important having a quality fitment/parts prep person could be to the quality and pace of the output. Adding another person can make the work 2x or more productive. If they can spot problems before they get to the welding stage, even more.

When I was young and while I was probably the A-team of the B players in the org, I romanticized about what it would be like to be in a high performing org of all A-players. This thinking is flawed, it devalues the importance of the b-players and puts an outsized importance on the high value heroes.

That prep person may be fungible on day zero, but by the end of the week, they should be a high functioning team member. The value bigot will say that the person that only preps the pipeline should only be paid X/hr because the work is low-skill. But their value to the system is much higher. We should be thinking in systems ant labels about what each component of that system is worth.

Like a VC for instance. They are blood sucking leeches upon our society

Like I try not to get hung up on language but "value/productivity" and "leeches" are essentially antonyms.

I don’t see the contradiction?

“Value/productivity bigot” = what they think

“Leeches” = what they are

> Blue light means the welder is actually creating value in the product. Anything else in the process does not help build value to the product.

So when the downturn comes, fire the trade assistant.

Where's the part where the welders start doing needless welding to satisfy the helper's target?

Or is the point that a good consultant knows to leave before that happens?

Your comment reads like you have an ax to grind against consultants and have a foregone conclusion separate from the content?

In this story, the consultant found a way to remove stupid/low-skilled work from the welders' todo. They no longer have to lift shit, take off their gear, and peel plastic off parts. None of that sounds fun and presumably welders are happy not to be doing that.

I suspect a welder prefers to weld. The consultant found a way to let welders do what they chose/are trained to do, which is weld. I don't see any sort of bullshit metric/target imposed on them.

> remove stupid/low-skilled work

This is an example of what I mentioned in my other comment.

It is literally stupid work (pure waste) to require them to repeatedly suit-up in and later remove PPE in order to be able to do a different task.

It is low-skilled work to move a part from here to there as compared to welding.

These are literally correct and practically useful descriptions of the work removed from the welders.

We aren't talking about the same things.

One has to separate the value judgement from the system optimization. The system is the combination of the all the pieces operating in concert. You can't point at a specific part and say, "this is the only thing of importance".

I never said that. I do stand by GP’s claim that taking off and putting on PPE repeatedly and putting parts on a cart is stupid and low-skilled work, respectively, compared to welding.

> It is literally stupid work (pure waste) to require them to repeatedly suit-up in and later remove PPE in order to be able to do a different task.

And I never said otherwise. I am responding to your non-sequitur with the like.

> In this story, the consultant found a way to remove stupid/low-skilled work from the welders' todo.

> I suspect a welder prefers to weld. The consultant found a way to let welders do what they chose/are trained to do, which is weld.

That's right. An, on a semi-related tangent, it's ironic how a lot of what software industry does is add stupid/low-skilled or mismatched work to specialists' todo.

Consider the "office suite" software - whether by Microsoft or Google or others. The word processor, the spreadsheet, the slideshow creator, the mail client, the calendar and contact manager. All of these tools help us automate and perform faster the work that... we otherwise wouldn't be doing at all, because companies used to have specialists to handle it. But now, instead of having some secretaries and an internal graphics department do the work efficiently, we all have to do a little bit of it on our own. This is particularly impactful in tech itself, where the company "saves" on couple $X/month secretary salaries by having their job distributed to a larger amount of $10X/month engineers.

This applies in B2C and in individual life too. Once I first realized this, I keep seeing this false economy everywhere. And I increasingly hate having this extra work dumped on me. I now feel self-service is a scam - a way to externalize the costs onto users/customers.

I've recently seen it happen at organizational level, too. I once talked with a finance person who complained that (large) companies used to have well-staffed finance departments to handle things like employee expensing. These days, every employee is supposed to handle it by themselves, promising to not make mistakes or misuse company resources, and the much reduced finance departments are called in to occasionally audit this. The finance person I mentioned doesn't like it, because in practice it means that, come end of business year, they have bursts of high-stress, high-importance work for which they're severely understaffed.

My hypothesis as for why this happens is, to borrow the term from Seeing Like a State, legibility. Or rather, lack of it. Salaries of secretaries and other support personnel are legible - clearly visible on the balance sheets. Removing them and spreading their workload equally among everyone else in the company is invisible. It looks like the company is saving money - and the overall loss of productivity is something that "just happens", it surely has nothing to do with everyone being increasingly busy with extra work that isn't what they were hired for.

That's very interesting, but I think there's also an element of "democratization" here that you aren't touching on. In the past, the number of employees in the org that would use a secretary or graphics team was low as a percentage.

Like, today a junior dev can be called on to do a demo to another team, and he can easily throw some slides together. It's not like 50 years ago he would have had the in-house design team on hand to do slides, he'd just not be presenting.

That's a good point, but then, what does said junior dev accomplish with those slides, that they couldn't do without them? It's not like slides are improving communications much (some would say they're hindering it[0]), not relative to e.g. sketches on a flip chart.

I think this is another example of a problem I'm hinting at: the reason said junior dev has to make slides is because they can. If their only option was to ask the in-house design team for help, nobody would expect them to show up with pretty-ish slides. But, because PowerPoint makes it easy for anyone to do slides on their own, everyone now has to - much like Word making it easy to write reports and letters means everyone now has to.


[0] - https://www.edwardtufte.com/tufte/powerpoint

On the point that not every presentation needs a deck, I completely agree with you. So if an individual is abusing slides (or another tool) "just because" - that's bad but perhaps a different problem than what we started to talk about.

On the flip side, I've occasionally been really impressed by the quality of decks I've seen from developers. Not talking about looks-wise (that helps but especially not holding devs to doing that perfectly) but to actually using these materials to support their point and drive results. And I feel like that wouldn't have happened before.

I think our argument is essentially this: in the olden days, cars came with chauffeurs. Now, most people drive themselves. On one hand, that's an artifact of how many more people can afford a car. On the other hand, they can drive themselves to a stupid place. Both are true.

I agree with the flip side point. I like to occasionally make a slide deck myself, or do little bit of computer graphics or audio processing, and I appreciate having the capability at my disposal.

But my point is slightly different. It's not that today, more people have cars, but are much more likely to drive themselves to a stupid place. It's that cars - particularly in the United States - very quickly stopped being a tool that empowers the owner, and became a necessity that's required to interact with the society: with cars being accessible enough, architecture and businesses evolved to compensate. For many, this just means they're forced to endure hours of traffic every day. Is this better than before cars were ubiquitous?

Also, the dream of self-driving cars isn't motivated just by the safety argument, but as much - if not more - because a self-driving car is a chauffeur for the masses. It won't let you skip the traffic, but at least it won't be a complete waste of life.

Another example: every self-service website or app - ticket purchase, food ordering, government form - is replacing what used to be a human interaction. In person, over the phone, or (for a brief period of time) over e-mail. This has some benefits, but one major loss is that you're now limited to a dumb (and often broken) form streamlined for machine processing, where previously you'd be interfacing with a person - so good luck if something breaks, or you have some custom need. Plus, self-service sites very quickly become time-negative: with a person on a phone, you can describe what you need in high-level terms. You don't have to search, explore, read FAQs, and type so much stuff.

What makes this into a problem is that you don't have a choice here - self-service systems are cheaper, they justify cutting human-level support to minimum. Most companies still offer you a phone number to call, but instead of quickly reaching a competent human, you're forced to endure an automated system designed to tire you out, increasingly often featuring a broken "AI" voice assistant, that is only ever good at one thing: keeping you from reaching a human. And then, half the time, the human consultant can't do anything because "the computer says 'no'".

(Note how the same companies that make you suffer through an hour of Muzak and "smart" "AI" "assistant" when you call them, will then have a nice, pleasant, real human cold-call you, to upsell you something that's usually a bad deal for you. It's clear what's driving all those "helpful" technologies: company operating expenses.)

And over the past few years, and particularly in the past few weeks (i.e. since ChatGPT was released), people talk so much about using language model AIs to interface with services and technology - mostly without realizing that what they're asking for is a cheaper, inferior form of having a person on the other end of a phone/chat.

More likely the consultant helped them learn that now that they're so efficient, they can downsize the welding team.

Or helped them be so efficient that the company didn't go out of business.

That was my first thought: rather than three or more welders welding ~10% of the time, they needed a team of helpers setting things up, and a single welder moving quickly from job to job...

Yup. A welder's helper is a lot cheaper than a welder, not to mention all the gear time that produces no value for anyone. You want to set things up to the high skill workers are as much as possible able to spend their time on the high skill task.

Many humans avoid malicious compliance, because they want to keep their job.

This isn't malicious compliance. This is just what organically happens -- see Goodhart's law.

This is a great story because it's not just about welding. I have seen many data science teams working under similar conditions: spending 90% of their time doing miscellaneous bullshit and 10% doing data science at best.

Recall that data science itself is 80-90% data cleaning and basic exploratory analysis, so that means no more than 1-4% of their overall time is spent doing the work that they're actually trained to do, and that you are actually paying them to do.

They look productive because they are always busy. But really they need helpers (data engineers and dev/data ops people) to do all the random software work, so the data scientists can actually build models, meet with senior leadership, and all the other actually value-generating work that justifies their high price tag, and moreover keeps them happy with the work so they are more likely to actually stay at your company.

That can still be ridiculously profitable if the output is good enough and general enough. The human mind has insane leverage, especially in the modern world.

For example, Newton / Leibnitz's invention of calculus created much more than enough value to pay for every single mathematician ever since, and that wasn't even all they did.

This brought a smile to my face. Solid industrial engineering fundamentals brought to the table.

Even if the story is true, taking this attitude to the extremes is what leads companies like Amazon to time warehouse workers down to the last second and set increasingly aggressive targets every year. It is easy to deal with people when they are just a bunch of numbers in a excel sheet. No wonder they are going to run out of workers to hire in the US by 2024, as their own memo said.

No need to ask people to work more or harder - just show/allow them to work more efficiently and they can generate more value with less/same overall effort.

Better to have a more relaxed and achievable target of 100 units with a more efficient way of working than to have a more difficult target of 50 with a less efficient one. Right?

Regarding so many other comments from people who know a lot about welding and/or factories who think the story is made up. Probably you're right, but THE STORY IS NOT ABOUT WELDING!

It is about having misconceptions about efficiency and productivity, and that people being busy does not mean they can't be more productive.

> I then watched the first welder begin to peel the protective plastic coating off the bumper in the places he had to weld. It took a good bit of time picking with his fingernails to get it done.

Seems like this whole step could be eliminated if they only protected the areas that weren’t going to be welded. You don’t care about cosmetic damage to surfaces you’re going to weld on. Just be smarter about where you put the plastic.

There might be good reasons why they did that though. My experience in factory settings is that there is always a reason. It’s just sometimes a really dumb one.

It seems like a story that works well in a factory setting - where its not particularly creative work and you do the same thing over and over again.

The basic gist of the story is an assembly line improves efficiency in a factory. Well no duh.

The translation of that lesson to a programming environment seems like it would be really fraught, encouraging people to do stupid things like write more unnessary lines of code.

Is ChatGPT the helper or the welder?

Yes. (it depends on the situation)

I like the concept of blue light, seems so simple yet powerful. I am looking forward to use it!

There appears to be a typo in the original post title -- perhaps s/for/from/?

I think it's meant to be interpreted as "hiring additional welders would be creating capacity for nothing" because the number of welders was not the bottleneck.

I think "for nothing" means "for free", "at no cost", creating capacity just by moving someone to be the helper.

Too bad all businesses aren't this easy to fix ;x

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