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Jazz.Computer (jazz.computer)
195 points by gregsadetsky on Dec 23, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 38 comments

Beautiful all canvas rendering <3

It's really a joy to see the art and the weirdness that can be done with modern web technologies. Doubly reassuring that this is done with open technologies which can enable unique expression in the modern age.

I used to do weird web art back on Netscape 3 (1996). Honestly it's more surprising that browser art/music is so rarely done.

I think part of it is that the environment is inherently a state of distracted and constant navigating. The state of stillness and absorption you need for art/music is counter to the browsing state of mind.

Rendering the whole page on a canvas is the opposite of “open”, but whatever floats your boat. We’re going back to 2005 when it was fashionable to make your site be an single opaque SWF. Time is a flat circle.

You don't see a difference in openness between a proprietary programming environment and an open source language using an open standard drawing API?

Are you maybe saying canvasses are a step back for accessibility? Because I do see that problem (though hopefully it will be addressed).

There’s open as in “can make” and there’s open as in “can repurpose”. I believe the parent is talking about the latter. The great thing about HTML is that it is machine readable by default, and that allows for permissionless innovation like search engines. You wouldn’t get Google in a world where everything was rendered to a bitmap, standards-based drawing API or not.

That's shifting the goal posts quite significantly. HTML is machine-readable because it's less powerful than a drawing API. There's a lot of applications that can't be created with plain HTML.

html isnt a programming language though is it

apples and pairs

That's very cool! On Firefox you really have to scroll like your life depends on it, somewhere around 12+ full scrolls per box.

The progressions appear to be something close to the following: |A|: F6 - C7(♯5) |B|: Dmi7 - A7 |Melody|: (D A) G F♯ E

I think it would be super cool to have add dynamic note selection. Maybe once you get to the |B| section you could cycle tonalities with each box. You could also have the melody be a function of each chord-duo's union of notes. I'm imagining something like the following, which is the combinations of

['mima7', 'mi7', 'mi6', 'mi(add ♭6)', 'ma7', '7', 'ma6', 'ma(add ♭6)'] and

['7', 'ma7', '7(♯5)']

|B1|: Dmima7 - A7

|B2|: Dmima7 - Ama7

|B3|: Dmima7 - A7(♯5)

|B5|: Dmi7 - A7

|B6|: Dmi7 - Ama7

|B7|: Dmi7 - A7(♯5)

|B9|: Dmi6 - A7

|B10|: Dmi6 - Ama7

|B11|: Dmi6 - A7(♯5)

|B13|: Dmi(add ♭6) - A7

|B14|: Dmi(add ♭6) - Ama7

|B15|: Dmi(add ♭6) - A7(♯5)

|B17|: Dma7 - A7

|B18|: Dma7 - Ama7

|B19|: Dma7 - A7(♯5)

|B21|: D7 - A7

|B22|: D7 - Ama7

|B23|: D7 - A7(♯5)

|B25|: Dma6 - A7

|B26|: Dma6 - Ama7

|B27|: Dma6 - A7(♯5)

|B29|: Dma(add ♭6) - A7

|B30|: Dma(add ♭6) - Ama7

|B31|: Dma(add ♭6) - A7(♯5)

You could also change the roots away from D and A. Just spitballing. I get nerdy on notes. ;)

Progression is a Markov chain between chords: http://jazz.computer/info/

Great work.

A few comments remind me of the philosopher and Rubyist, _why:

“when you don't create things, you become defined by your tastes rather than ability. your tastes only narrow & exclude people. so create.”

"Works best with Safari and Chrome". Welcome back to 2003.

I see a weird animation in Safari mobile. No sound.

The AudioContext is suspended (by default, no auto-play). You have to resume() this on a user interaction.

E.g., add a click-handler for the play button, which triggers,

  if (myAudioContext.state === 'suspended') myAudioContext.resume();

Is your iPhone on silent? I had to switch it on to hear the audio.

This. It’s a quirk of iPhone I suppose. But I’m always forgetting about it so probably not great UX.

Not working for me in Safari on macos (works in Chrome though ... nice!)

I found the same with Safari on Mac - need to right click -> settings, and enable auto-play for media with sound

Getting nothing on my iPad with sound turned up.

There's jazz that makes you go huh, and there is jazz that makes you go huh

This is the former

Similarly gif is pronounced like the g in garage.

I’m praying the car is running then, while I listen to some smooth jazz to play me out

Hey are you alright?


the second g

For me, it's "huh" and "hmm"

Should affiliate with zombo.com

I like the small details, for example that the "pause" button doesn't immediately paus the music but it's (sort of) a very quick fade out instead. Actually, I would love to have that for normal music apps as well, normal pausing always seems so abrupt to me.

I haven't the slightest idea what I'm doing when I'm scrolling but this is a work of art. Well done.

Love it. Was the thumbs up / thumbs down intentional? I'm guessing so scrolled to make it a thumbs up.

It’s just silence for me on an iPhone 8, with the ringer enabled and volume to its max. :3

This is like the best kind of fever dream

Got an ad site.

love it

Get an SSL cert! HTTP only is sadge

what is someone gonna deface the site? how are you gonna tell?

Among other threat models, someone on your network shotgun-injecting malicious JavaScript. Hotels have been known to do basically that to inject ads.

Non-HTTPS doesn't mean "an attacker can modify how the website looks", it means "an attacker can server whatever the heck they want". Ads, malicious JS, or a PDF with a payload that pwns your machine... Neither you nor the "real" server are in control without encryption, a MITM can do anything.

Sometimes you can’t tell if the ”artist” is into “graffiti” or “vandalism”. Or maybe just vandegraaf generators.

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