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Rackspace Acquires Slicehost and JungleDisk: Challenges Amazon's Could Computing Services (readwriteweb.com)
18 points by qhoxie on Oct 22, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

I'm sick of this 'cloud computing' bullshit already.

I adore Slicehost, and have a few servers with them, but if I hear that term one more time...

The bottom line is the bottom line: SliceHost lowered the prices of 2GB+ slices today.

I understand your frustration. That phrase has gotten as nauseating as "Web 2.0". However, they can say "cloud computing" as often as they like if I save $10 every few words.

Just wondering, How much would an equivalent have cost 2-3 yrs ago?

Competition in cloud computing.

Price race to the bottom here we come!

That's great news for everybody who's looking for cheap hosting.

I hope Slicehost doesn't confuse lower prices with their to-date high quality of support.

JungleDisk uses Amazon's S3...


"JungleDisk used to rely on Amazon's S3 storage solution, but it will now also support Rackspace's new cloud storage solution."

It's right at the beginning...

I stand corrected and thank my corrector.

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