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> Did they migrate cosmetics from 1 to 2?

Yes. Your whole account got migrated.

> I simply want there to be some accountability for mega corps so they can't just abandon games, release the new iteration for $60, and then kill the old version off.

Well then definitely don't point to Overwatch for that, because they released the new version for $0 and migrated everyone's equipment.

> It's more aptly fit to use CoD as an example to be honest

You mean the game where I can play multiplayer for games released well over a decade ago? I haven't heard of an instance where they shut down the old servers for that series yet at all. Other than that they'll be doing that for their free to play platform, but that's practically the same argument as Overwatch to Overwatch 2. You should be able to import accounts, it's no cost for the new version, etc.

EDIT: I guess some CoD versions ran on GameSpy which shut down a while ago. That was a third party system not made by the publisher though, dunno if you can really hold the publisher responsible for that third party service going offline.

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