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Salman Khan of Khan Academy AMA on reddit (reddit.com)
234 points by michael_nielsen on Dec 28, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 24 comments

Just wanted to mention that if any of this sounds interesting, Khan Academy is hiring both for full-time devs and interns. Here's the job post:

  Mountain View - Khan Academy (full-timers and interns welcome year-round)

  Our mission is to provide a world-class education to anyone, anywhere. We
  already have millions of students learning every month, and we're growing

  Our students answer over 1.2 million math exercise problems per day, all
  generated by our open source exercise generation framework
(http://github.com/khan/khan-exercises, http://ejohn.org/blog/khan-exercise-rewrite/)

  and Sal's videos have been viewed over 99 million times. We're just getting
  started feeding this data we're collecting back into the product to help our
  users learn more. If you're interested in data, analytics, and education,
  this is a dream gig.

  Plus, it's one of the highest educational impact positions you can imagine.

  We're hiring all types of devs -- mobile, frontend, backend, whatever you
  want to call yourself. Big plans ahead.

Any jobs or volunteer (intern) positions that don't require you to be in Mountain View?

We're biased in favor of hiring people who can work with us in person, but regardless I highly recommend getting started via the open source framework mentioned above -- you'll connect pretty tightly with the team, get a sense for how we work, and can figure things out from there.

Plenty of our coolest, most interactive exercises were contributed by remote open source contributors.

Thanks! I'm in Chicago and not looking to relocate, but am looking to contribute.

In-person is strongly preferred, but remote is a possibility for the right person -- there are a couple of employees who work full-time remotely.

If you're looking for something less formal, here's information about volunteering and helping to make exercises:


I'm really excited to join KA as an intern this summer!

If I ever had to get a job (as opposed to running my own startup) this would be one of the first places I'd apply.

My favorite answer:

‎"In the ideal world, the Khan Academy [or another online learning solution] will progress to the point that you can get a deep understanding of most topics independently and "school" will be a physical place and support network that helps you explore and apply what you know (build robots, start businesses, write a book)"

Very Inspiring Guy. My fav quotes from his FAQs."if you are a social venture capitalist and are looking to deploy capital with the highest possible social return per dollar invested, we should talk. I think you'll find that there is no more measurable, scalable and high impact way to educate the world."

He's also answering many questions in a 30+ min video


I asked over at Reddit but he won't see my question. What's the software he uses to scribble out his calculations?

Not sure what kind of AMA is this, I don't see any answer from salman_khan_

I'm not sure what the problem is -- there are a whole bunch of his comments on the page. Make sure that the comments are sorted by top or best (you can change the sort order right under "top 200 comments").

You know, I really hate it when people downvote for no good reasons. I simply said that I don't see his answers, and that is the truth. What's there to downvote my comment?

I've been noticing a good amount more down votes than usual. I wonder what's happening, or if it's just the couple threads it's been in fresh in my mind.

There has been a secular trend to more downvotes in the last few years here.

Clearly you were lying and must be punished!

Strange. I see your post is from 10 mins ago, but many of his responses are much older than that. His name is highlighted in blue and has a green leaf next to it.

I've watched his stuff on Roku. Appreciate all of his work, but he needs production help. It is really rough. Really rough. But, hats off to him. Great bloke.

Khan academy is multi-million pound organisation with 22 employees. If he really felt the need... Since videos are popular I don't think it matters much

Maybe try the HD versions?

You don't want it being passively presented by some clean talking newsreader. The main appeal is the conversational style of his talking.

Man, the odds of getting a question answered are really slim.

Reddit has pagination, unlike HN. Sort the comments and you will find more answers.

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