Gotta love the MVC pattern ... with an SQL injection vulnerability - (What happens when you search for a component ID of "'; drop table defects")
Also, what is the controller doing? Why is there even a DefectModel with database code in it? Why is it not using an ORM style like every other database-fetching thing written this century?
I've looked at a couple of "chapters" of their "book" now, and it's all hideous train wreck code like this, with stuff that reads like it's been cut+pasted out of a wiki somewhere, and no sample output/data. I'm not sure what you're supposed to learn from these examples, other than "Design Patterns are hard".
I looked at couple of them. Some of the patterns has a note mentioning it is a port of C#/Java/C++ implementation in the Wikipedia article.
Python is drastically different from C#/Java/C++, and a direct port of classical patterns won't make much sense. It will work, but it will the equivalent of Fortran programmers writing Frotran in Python.
If anyone is interested, this talk by Alex Martelli is a good starting point:
I think Bruce Eckel was writing a book on "Design Patterns" in Python, but that's not completed. However, there is a book using Ruby, which shows the classical approach for implementing design patters, then shows how it is done in Ruby:
We don't do this in C++/Java because object & methods are compiled into address, and you can't concatenate arbitary memory/VM address directly like getattr()
Factory pattern is basically a huge pile of lookup table of if's and switch's, unless you use some clever voodoo in reflection, it's just a bridge to map semantic vars to memory/VM addresses.
Which in a way, is a user-level re-implementation of a dynamic language engine (poor man's version)
Well really, what's the point in calling it a factory? In Ruby or Python everything is an object, every method or function call returns an object, hence everything is a factory, and the term loses its meaning.
> In Ruby or Python everything is an object, every method or function call returns an object, hence everything is a factory, and the term loses its meaning.
I don't think factory is defined as anything that returns an object.
I am not a design pattern buff, but here is what the wiki entry says:
* it deals with the problem of creating objects (products) without specifying the exact class of object that will be created. *
I don't see why it has anything to do with everything being an object.
The example is factory pattern. It isn't implemented the same way it's implemented for Java/C++, and I wasn't commenting on the implementation; but that doesn't make it not factory.
Similarly, the command pattern, in a language with first-class functions and closures, will be implicit and look nothing like the one implemented in GoF book.
If you are taking the implementation in GoF as the definition, callbacks as we do in Ruby, JS, Python et al. look nothing like command pattern. But the implementation isn't definition, and GoF explicitly mentions it that these patterns aren't the same in all languages.
> I don't see why it has anything to do with everything being an object.
Well it certainly blurs the lines, doesn't it? If you're returning an object anyway, it's not that much of a stretch to return a slightly different object depending on circumstances. Why does it warrant a pattern all to itself and an entire chapter of a book? And more to the point, why should I care about it, other than to try and decipher legacy ex-Java code like this?
To return slightly to the original point - where are the patterns for list comprehensions, decorators or generators? There aren't any, because in the Java/C++ world it's so hard to throw functions around like this. You need to look to fields like FP and Haskell to find good uses for list comprehensions beyond the very basic stuff.
> Why does it warrant a pattern all to itself and an entire chapter of a book? And more to the point, why should I care about it, other than to try and decipher legacy ex-Java code like this?
I think we started discussing different things. I wasn't saying the way GoF implements factory for C++, or the article in question does that, is useful; I mentioned elsewhere that copying patterns literally from Java/C++ isn't really fruitful when programming in Python
Many of the classical design patterns will either be invisible or simpler in dynamic languages. In Peter Norwig's presentation, he claims 17 of the 23 are either invisible or much simpler for Dylan - we can make the same claim for Python, Perl, Ruby et al.
But even in Python, some patterns are non-obvious, and it's better that the developer knows them beforehand, rather than re-inventing them. Apart from the non-obvious ones, you sometimes need the others as they condense a paragraph of explanation to single term.
Factory isn't one of those non-obvious patterns - a competent developer, given the problem for the factory pattern(the above will invent factory in under 5 minutes.
Oooh, check out Django - it uses them for forms (and maybe other things). I've spent far too much time tinkering with modelformset_factory, inlineformset_factory, and my personal favourite, generic_inlineformset_factory.
(As a bonus, they're quite poorly documented too. Yay!)
Somehow, i'm not sure if i like the word "pattern". Patterns are something which can be used generally and repeatedly. I think that's sort of scary. For example: I've learned factory usage while doing twisted and it came naturally how and why this was used. But somehow i feel that with all those books and courses about "design patterns" new programers are missing out how to find a solution. It's like "here are your tools, MVC, factories and observers, try to solve your problems with those". This can be dangerous when a programer first looks how he can mold his problem to be solved with some pattern, whereas he should first analyse the problem and use patterns carefully where they fit naturally. I'm scared of a programming world where every bit is solved by factories of factories of metafactories ;)
Design patterns are useful because they improve.. design. I mean application and code design. They model a recognizable structure. You are right: they have been sold as the ace of all trades in CS books and courses and they are not. That lead to the ' factories of factories of metafactories ' situation. Experience and intelligence are the real 'ace of all trades'. On the other side chaos is not good for anyone. Instead having a common lingo to identify code structure and common solutions to local architectural challenges is a good thing.
So, wouldn't it be better to write books on how someone got from a problem to a solution and why the outcome was something that can be described as a factory pattern, rather then the other way around?
I didn't read books on design patterns, but the book from the link structures around what design patterns there are and how they got applied to a problem. It'd be nicer to first have a problem and show why and how a particular pattern is better than, say, a bunch of monolithic lines of code.. So that you can say "oh and by the way, the way we solved that problem falls into the category of factory patterns".
related: Norvig's presentation design patterns in dynamic languages (and how many of the GOF patterns are built in idioms, e.g 'strategy' is just passing in a function as a parameter).
For everyone saying if you really need these patterns. From the site header
> This book is about learning design patterns through the medium of Python language.
Its a book about learning the patterns, not idiomatic (or even good) Python. As a example of idiomatic and good python, this book is useless, but if you just want to understand how patterns are used in other languages, this book is not bad.
Except that a lot of patterns tend to be language specific. So while it does teach you patterns, sort of - the patterns here are unlikely to be of any use, since they won't be usable if you're writing Python, and if you're writing Java or C++ you'll need to translate them anyway.
For instance, go and have a look at the example code for his command pattern: That's not idiomatic anything - in normal Python you'd probably expose a couple of methods on the Light (on/off) and construct a switch to call those. Two classes, duck typed and no need for Command abstract classes and all the extra boilerplate.
Also, what is the controller doing? Why is there even a DefectModel with database code in it? Why is it not using an ORM style like every other database-fetching thing written this century?
I've looked at a couple of "chapters" of their "book" now, and it's all hideous train wreck code like this, with stuff that reads like it's been cut+pasted out of a wiki somewhere, and no sample output/data. I'm not sure what you're supposed to learn from these examples, other than "Design Patterns are hard".