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Min: A fast, minimal browser that protects your privacy (minbrowser.org)
188 points by aaossa on Dec 14, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 190 comments

Fast, efficient, and battery-friendly browser... So far so good. Based on Electron... What?

How can it be possible for an Electron based browser to be faster / more efficient / battery-friendlier than the other mainstream ones?

Sounds like bullshit. We need to see some benchmarks.

No need for a benchmark, wrapped Chromium is not going to beat Chromium. The curious thing is this urge to lie: a focused UI for Chromium is a valid project, why wrap it in deception and dishonesty?

Sure it can. A chromium browser has an arbitrary number of chromium processes (e.g tabs). The root process quickly becomes irrelevant performance wise for average users.

Even if you have the simplest tab unloading strategy (like Tab suspender) built in, you'd beat Chrome. But, unloading tabs isn't a safe thing to do in web-standard browsers but fine in niche consumer ones.

Its not really word-smithing either, in all practical ways that matter to the end user, something like tab suspension makes it a much more efficient browser. Even if the JS/rendering (engine) bits are the same speed.

Although, to be fair, I'm not sure if Min does this, the chromium browser I made does.

Can we have a link to your chromium build with unloading?

Or is it private?

Min is cool and I don't want to plug here (to keep my original comment informational).

I've heard good things about this extension (but use at your own risk, I don't install extensions besides uBlock myself):


Probably this (from parhamm’s profile)


That's interesting, I'll have to go take a deeper look. Seems similar to Memex (WorldBrain)

on a recent version of Chrome, you can navigate to chrome://flags/#high-efficiency-mode-available to enable tab discarding.

You will then have to restart Chrome and enable the feature in settings.

more details here: https://bgr.com/tech/how-to-use-chromes-new-energy-and-memor...

Every time I see a new browser with privacy features announced, I get hopeful it’s actually something new. Until I discover it’s another Chromium fork with a different skin. I really wish Servo hadn’t died. Until then, I’ll stick with FF.

Don’t forgot about https://librewolf.net/

It’s Firefox with every privacy setting turned to max.

+1 for librewolf, but be sure to augment your security posture with the appropriate countermeasures when using such a unique fingerprint else your 'privacy' is just getting you moved to an even narrower, and more closely regarded list.

I made a pull request to Librewolf that adds a handy dialog to deal with just this issue:

Warning: You are using Librewolf. Augment security posture with the appropriate countermeasures?

Yes | No | Continue | Abort | Cancel | Cancel with augmented security posture | Speak to elf

Appreciate it, though I'm worried about the UX impact of having the correct choice (speak to elf) all the way at the end...

It's in a long line of well-known security UX practices-- what better way to teach the user the right choice than by guiding them down all the other paths first?

Here, let me tab-complete my pubkey so we can continue this discussion in private:


Librewolf is great, and my main desktop browser.

One warning that will avoid you some frustration: Librewolf's default settings delete all browsing history when the browser is closed. If you're using it on a private device and want to keep your history, change the setting the first time you run it. It's in the same place as in regular Firefox, nothing special.

It only increases fingerprinting.

There is also WaterFox, which I quite like as a secondary browser.


WaterFox is owned by an advertising company called System1


Drats :/

Rather use the Tor Browser. It does much, much more in anonymizing you both by using Tor and by reducing fingerprint.

I hope you are not using Tor for login to HN.

Everyone's comparing this to a regular browser. But since it's electron based, I'm just wondering whether this could be a path to creating a really good browser for development. As of now, most of the debugging that's done on browsers are either based on the tools provided by the browser itself, or via extensions and add-ons.

I just hope, this kind of paves the way for developers themselves to add features and capabilities.

Other browsers in this space - Polypane[0], Sizzy[1], Blisk[2]

[0]: https://polypane.app/ [1]: https://sizzy.co [2]: https://blisk.io

Hey, creator of Polypane here! What would make something a 'really good browser for development' to you?

All of the testimonials are broken on Sizzy for me

Whenever a new browser is announced my first question is if it's a new engine, and if not, what engine is it a UI for?

In this case it turns out to be built on Electron, which uses the Blink (Chrome's) rendering engine.

"a fast, minimal browser [...] written entirely with CSS and JavaScript using Electron" - That sounds like an oxymoron to me.

Electron used to be much worse than it is right now. The project matured a lot. That being said, there still are some things to improve.

Like startup time. I looked at a white window for a solid 5 seconds before any UI elements were painted. That's on the latest 16" Apple MacBook Pro.

On the other hand, if you really like this browser, that may not matter. This week, I read about a new version of Firefox. So I closed it, and found out I had my browser running so long that Firefox needed to update twice.

If you want fast and minimal, give Lynx a try. The original fast, minimal, privacy protected browser: https://lynx.invisible-island.net/current/

w3m is my go to console browser. It does a better job displaying a site in a coherent way than lynx (IMO).

I should add a lynx/w3m useragent test to my site and display images in AAlib for text browsers, that'd be a funny easter-egg.

> I should add a lynx/w3m useragent test to my site and display images in AAlib for text browsers, that'd be a funny easter-egg.

well there goes my weekend :) I didn't know this was possible, thank you

Lynx won't load Google Analytics scripts for sure. On the other hand your user agent string will be pretty much unique on the web. Partly because approximately no one is using Lynx and partly because Lynx leaks the versions of itself and just about every related library on your system in the UA string.

Fortunately you can easily override the UA string in Lynx: https://electrictoolbox.com/lynx-user-agent/

lynx -useragent="Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)" -head -dump http://www.example.com/

Also netsurf is a good one, if you don't really care about using js. And google seems to still work on it.

Yes! CLI based browsers are awesome.

Apologies for nitpicking, but Lynx is not a CLI program. CLI programs are non-interactive, composable via stdio / shell scripting, designed to do their one task and return you to your shell prompt. Lynx is an interactive, terminal-based (character cell grid) program, that takes over your shell session - it has every quality of a GUI program, except it's using a terminal emulator as its toolkit.

But of course - it's still awesome, it's just not CLI.

Often people distinguish between "command-line interfaces" (CLI) and "text user interfaces" (TUI). So "sed" is a CLI program, while vim is a TUI program.

But it's also common to use "CLI" to include "TUI" programs, so I don't think your parent is wrong.

> But it's also common to use "CLI" to include "TUI" programs [...].

It is indeed common, and (IMO) it is harmful, as TUI programs are just GUI programs in disguise. They do have two unique strengths: readily accessible over a serial console or an SSH session; and being the lowest common denominator of GUI programming. But they don't share any of the typical (desirable) qualities of CLI programs; typically, any CLI features (if present at all) are an afterthought.

    $ ls | vim
    Vim: Warning: Input is not from a terminal

Denotatively, you're 100% correct.

Connotatively, I have no concerns and won't revisit the comment, but will keep the distinction in mind when addressing a technical audience.

The other way around,

    vim | ls
Is a 100% foolproof and very “loud” sign that today is a scatterbrained day and I should write off the idea of being productive. Or I should have another cup of coffee.

Thank you for drawing this distinction. I had not mentally realized the difference before, this makes me interested in trying TUI programs. Will go check lynx out today.

I greatly appreciate the correction and feedback.

I just use FF and leave the stock OS browser (typically Edge or Safari) "clean", ready for those battery-saving times.

The other day I only had a 20W laptop charger, which I know is only enough to slow down battery discharge with FF; used Edge, and the battery actually charged significantly. Same experiences I had with Safari. I'll keep using Firefox, because it's good for the ecosystem, but when battery is an issue, I switch.

The Ladybird bowser - part of the Serenity OS - is another alternative I’m following with a mixture of astonishment, admiration and excitement - https://awesomekling.github.io/Ladybird-a-new-cross-platform...

I suspect that for most people, it still has a way to go before it could be considered a daily driver, but the rate of progress is incredible and I’m sure it will get there.

Yup same. For me this is the only alternative browser project worth talking about as it is creating a web engine from scratch.

What is the easiest way to use Ladybird?

You have to build from source. The repo is here [0]; there is a link to build instructions in the README. It is still experimental, but has an active community working on it.

Oops, forgot to drop the link. It is: https://github.com/SerenityOS/ladybird

I installed it (yes you can install this right away, the download button doesn't lead you to some signup form!) and played with it a bit.

It's beautiful, but I feel that chrome has a better beauty/functionality tradeoff. Some differences vs chrome I noted:

— no favicons

— no addressbar

— no skeuomorphic tabs

All these things make it look more beautiful and elegant then chrome, but less functional.

I love this browser in theory, but these were my problems with it exactly and they all really hurt usability.

Favicons are ultra functional—when I'm looking for a tab most of the time I'm looking for the favicon, not the title. Otherwise, I'm moving my mouse to the rough area it I know that it is and having tabs that fill up as much of the width as possible kills this as I'm opening more and more tabs and they shrink exponentially.

And why no option to show the addressbar? I feel disoriented when I can't glance up and see where I am. The worst part is to see the addressbar, it hides the page, so you can never see the page and the addressbar together in context.

I was really excited about this browser but unfortunately those were all hard show-stoppers.

To say something positive as I focused on negative there, I love the 1password integration. It's by far the least intrusive I've encountered and I really, really want that in another browser (or for min to fix the aforementioned problems, but I feel like they're maybe core to its aesthetic?)

> (yes you can install this right away, the download button doesn't lead you to some signup form!)

Are there browsers you can download only after login?

Arc is behind a signup page and subsequent Arc account if you want to use it right now.

Recently I've been playing with Rose, which is a small GTK+Webkit project that I've found really nice to hack on [1]. Src: <https://github.com/mini-rose/rose>

[1]. And I'm in fact typing this from within it.

I hate to be egotistical, I’m sure like many people before me, I had the idea of a reader only browser.

Of course I never came through with the idea because well…look how much unpaid work goes into it.

As others have said, I don’t think Electron is well suited for anything to be resource friendly. I think it’s well suited for apps on machines that can afford to run Electron, not something as general purpose as a browser.

Writing a browser is very hard, but something done in reader mode is clearly more feasible. I wanted to marry FreeText with Gumbo, OpenGL and C++. Maybe even throw in a built in RSS reader that displays the stripped pages. but I have no idea how to get FreeText working with OpenGL.

I think if I could achieve this, I could get something that’s truly lightweight.

> Writing a browser is very hard

And this pretty much sums up why I hate todays internet.

Writing a telnet client was super easy. FTP, a little harder, but doable. Writing an SVG renderer using any canvas like tech (Cairo, canvas, CoreGraphics) is moderate, but again pretty doable. The fact that the w3c has churned out spec after spec that layers more and more complexity on something that was supposed to be a document viewer with links and such that we find ourselves in a position where advancing the state of the art requires a small nations state worth of resources, just to come current, is profoundly depressing.

My biggest concern attempting to scrape out just the text and images. If this browser is anything like Safari Reader mode, it’s gonna fail to read all those modern pages that are entangled in template engine boilerplate snot.

The web is far too bloated, but it’s been consumer centric for a long time, this was only expected. It’s not just an HTTP document viewer, it’s a pop up tabloid viewer…

I liked suckles surf (which at least uses webkit2 rather than being yet another chrome). But in the end, the web is too complicated for simple tools, something like Firefox with extensions and stuff to handle downloaded files is pretty helpful.

It seems quite unfortunate that such large programs are required to handle current web standards. Anything useful could be expressed as text in plain old html, but then, all the bloat needs to be there to pay the bills I guess.

Stay away if you value your security. Nothing personally against Electron but a browser is (or can be) exposed to all kinds of sites which do not have your best interest in mind. You really want always the latest security updates and a browser with a strong security concept (sandbox, encapsulation, taking advantage OS security etc) which is not the aim of Electron afaik.

Yes. As I understand it, you should not render untrusted web content in Electron. They do have a checklist of how to attempt to do so securely but overall it is not designed to make web browsers, it is designed to create applications.


There needs to be a word for these projects that are a UI layer on top of a preexisting browser engine. Calling it a "new browser" is a little confusing.

Agreed. It's the same when someone packages the Linux kernel + some user space apps and calls it a "new Operating System".

Out of the new, new wave of browsers, I'm actually enjoying Arc browser at the moment.


Would be nice if the site told me what it is all about instead of asking for my e-mail address.

I've been using Arc on my work machine, really hoping they release a Linux compatible version soon so I can use it on my personal machines as well.

I tried it, but I realized there was no mobile app to sync with. Unless that's changed.

Same, I use it for all the work apps I need instead of getting 5 different electron apps, works pretty well. The easel and notes are also pretty nice.

+1 for Arc, their Boost feature lets you create browser add-ons with just a few lines of code

Arc is the best innovation in browser UI yet

Some truly minimal browser: https://www.netsurf-browser.org

Inb4 references to links, lynx, brow.sh et al

I tried this out for a little bit. Looks very clean.

I had these issues and suggestions:

- Set min to dark mode, but it made no difference. Restarted to no avail.

- Set all ads to be blocked, still saw a lot of ads on reddit, youtube, others.

- Design wise, I think the app should default to having borders between tabs.

- There should be more white space at the top to drag the window around. The app opened maximized and when I went to drag it on windows I could only click the the URL bar because there is only a little bit of padding inbetween it and the top of the window.

- I have a large monitor and the when you click on the url bar when you have multiple tabs open, it expands to the full window width so the text you were looking at moves all the way to the left, very nitpicky I know, but I think this is not a great design choice and maybe the text should stay where it is when changing sites.

From reading the headline, I was hopeful that this would be one of my most desired apps that doesn't exist yet: a browser that renders pages in Reader Mode, but all the time.

Unfortunately this is just a regular browser with "minimal" only meaning practically no UI.

Safari has an option for this (both mobile and desktop). And you can switch it on/off per site.

I want that so bad. I'd even take a plugin that could make it a hard setting that you turn on for the day.

I am a longtime very “Mac person” and don’t like non-Cocoa / standard Mac UI apps, but I used Min for a long while. I went back to Safari once Cloud Tabs stabilized, but Min is just incredibly lean, fast, and reliable. Big fan — and I may yet go back!

Honestly hard to believe that its a power efficiency focused browser when it uses electron and chromium.

Besides that, I really enjoy the surge of browsers in last few years, we got orion, min, arc and I guess few more I missed

It would be cool if there was a "reference implementation" of the W3C specs on HTML, CSS, JavaScript etc, that was untethered to a particular megacorporation / browser-vendor / ideology / stance on privacy / insert other potentially divisive fracture line here ... and fully open source.

Then folks could "plug them in" as libraries to their app / custom browser, and go to town adding all the custom ad and spyware or privacy and freedum preserving defenses they like.

Surely a committed group of open sourcers on GitHub could achieve this.

Moving the window is harder than it should be, the main tab takes all the width therefore you have to aim on top of it but not to high... Altdrag to the request, but still rather frustrating


Min – A smarter web browser - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15429286 - Oct 2017 (72 comments)

Show HN: Min – web browser with better search and built-in ad blocking - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11484770 - April 2016 (91 comments)

One reason why mainstream web browsers are slow and "bulky" and use a lot of RAM is that they use all sorts of different exploit mitigation and hardening techniques.

One can only wonder what these alternatives do when they claim to be minimal and fast and worse, private. Can there really be privacy without security?

Feels very snappy, but for me it's a non-starter: rejects connection to any site with a self-signed certificate, with no apparent means of override.

I get the security stance, but I configure a LOT of networking hardware via WebUI (eg: Palo Alto firewalls - self-signed from the factory) and this makes it next to useless.

> Or search through the full text of every page you've visited, even if you don't remember the title.

Is that a feature of the underlying browser engine or an addon? I've wanted that for years but maybe not enough to fiddle with an entirely new browser app.

On MacOS Safari has had this for quite sometime, but I think it taps into system-wide Spotlight

FWIW, I love Lynx on my Mac, especially for ad-heavy websites. I miss the "in browser" services that brow.sh [1] used to provide.

[1] https://www.brow.sh

I love Lynx on my Mac

I love Lynx, too. I connect my retro computers to the internet through my Mac. Unfortunately, Lynx has bugs that you can't see on modern machines that show up on old, low speed connections.

For example, when connecting to a web site, it displays a whole bunch of connection status information that I just don't care about. Enough that it's intrusive.

Connecting to this web site, it displays ALL of the following:

  Getting https://news.ycombinator.com/
  Looking up news.ycombinator.com
  Making HTTPS connection to news.ycombinator.com
  SSL callback:ok, preverify_ok=1, ssl_okay=0
  Verified connection to news.ycombinator.com (cert=news.ycombinator.com)
  Certificate issued by: /C=US/O=DigiCert Inc/CN=DigiCert TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1
  Secure 256-bit TLSv1.2 (ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384) HTTP connection
  HTTP request.
  HTTP request sent; waiting for response.
  Read 1.5 KiB of data, 5.3 KiB/sec.
  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
On a modern computer, all that flashes by so quickly that you never see it. On a retro computer at 300 baud, it takes FOREVER, and you have to sit through it for EVERY page.

I've tried every Lynx flag and configuration listed, and none of them actually work. I think the notification suppression feature broke, but nobody noticed it because we've grown accustomed to high speed connections.

Looks nice, but since they can’t be bothered to get the Mac app properly signed, I can’t be bothered to try it.

Sorry, but with the malware threat level being what it is, getting the app signatures right is table stakes.

I like the minimalist UI, it should be a default other browsers too.

> browser that protects your privacy

It's Chromium under the hood. No thanks.

tried this recently but like most alternative browsers, if it doesnt have support for ublock or dark reader then im usually back to firefox after a day or so.

theres also another extension that i cant think of the name. it adds the url to the title of the window so that keepass/autotype can detect what site it is.

i have a few other extensions but i would be willing to forego them if the browser was that good

All software products start like this - minimal, less memory, etc. Wait for a few months and things go south. Sorry, doesn’t excite me.

Would this mean that the browser gets security updates far slower than Chromium itself?

Or is Electron updates as frequently?

Browser running in browser, not bad, not bad at all.

A browser in electron? At this point just use chromium - makes no difference.

Anyway, use firefox or librewolf. Stop enabling the chromium monopoly!

On the contrary, it makes a significant difference vs Chromium. Using Electron means having jettisoned a number of security protections that Chromium offers while exposing the system to the attacks those are designed to stop.

In design terms, this is a wonderful, beautiful, laudable project in pursuit of a great purity of vision.

In security terms, this is an exercise in recklessness. It's irresponsible to even suggest that people should try using it.

Can you elaborate on which security protections are not used by Electron, and by extension Min?


This seems like a good start to understanding Electron security and why using it to do what the documentation expressly states is unwise might be less than optimal.

Can you give a specific example of what is wrong with Min's security configuration, assuming it is following Electron best practices. Asserting that the security model is bad and linking to Electron's security tutorial is not helpful.

For my own part, I find the introduction that specifically warns that Electron is not a web browser and should not be trusted to handle potentially malicious code from over a network to be clear enough. I understand that this is an opinion that not everyone will share.

For a single specific example, look at the information on permissions and compare to how min handles them. I also see no functionality that attempts to determine if code is malicious or not. Chrome does have measures in it to do this.

That said, I need to be clear. The matter at hand is not a matter of mere configuration and cannot be addressed by better configuration of Electron. Chromium was designed and built to run in a very hostile context. Electron has been built to run in a much more trustworthy context. There is no amount of configuration that will turn the latter into the former because it is not purely a difference of configuration.

Electron's security model is not bad in any absolute sense. It's designed for a particular context and set of scenarios. Dropping it into a very different one with very different needs makes it a poor fit for the job at hand. You may as well descend into a volcano with a home stove potholder.

I hope this has clarified matters. I understand that some people will be very discouraged by the stance I have taken on this. I have no desire to crush their dreams, only to ensure they make good and wise decisions around security.

First and foremost, electron runs on often outdated versions of chromium which are vulnerable to known 0days.

Electron RPC also makes it really easy to get RCE if you don't implement it properly, and most JavaScript developers don't implement it properly. Electron also does not have anywhere near as much security research into it.

If you want to read more into the current state of electron security research, see https://blog.electrovolt.io/

> Anyway, use firefox or librewolf. Stop enabling the chromium monopoly!

Or Safari of course, it's really a great browser if one's on the Mac.

I switched to Safari last year. The battery life improvements over Chrome makes it worth. It’s been a solid browser experience and I haven’t gone back to Chrome for anything. I wish I could add Kagi as a default search.

If you use Kagi for search, I'm assuming you've used their Orion browser [0], where you can set Kagi as default. Any reason why you didn't like it?

[0] https://browser.kagi.com/

I use kagi and had not even heard that they have their own browser. Why would why use that over one of the "big three" (FF/Chrome/Safari) with serious corporate security teams backing them?

edit: Okay so it's webkit based, mac only, with built-in adblocking, which sounds nice, but honestly the idea that it can easily install extensions from both chrome and firefox sounds like a security nightmare to me.

The fact that the only mention of security in their FAQ is to conflate it with privacy

"Most browsers regularly "phone home" dozens or even hundreds times. Each request poses a security risk"

is a red flag IMHO

Why use kagi instead of the big 3? Google, Bing, Yandex? The companies with serious corporate security?

Much better search results. I recently been switching over myself.

Telemetry can be a security risk from a standpoint of exposing PII to a hostile actor.

Full text for reference: "Each request poses a security risk, no matter what information it sends, by potentially exposing your IP address and your browser fingerprint. Telemetry can also inadvertently leak personally identifiable information or corporate intelligence."

Which Adblock do you use?

I’ve been using 1Blocker for a few years. If anyone knows a better one, please chime in. I like that it works on iOS and Mac Safari.

For a minimal experience, one can use WPE Webkit, which I've had some fun with. https://wpewebkit.org/

> Or Safari of course, it's really a great browser if one's on the Mac.

The venerable iCab or new Orion from Kagi shows what's possible here.



Kagi's Orion runs Firefox and Chrome extensions, including on iOS, and of course works with Kagi search, which is enough better that it's worth switching from Google/Bing/DDG.


EDIT to add, on iCab, it's been updated as of 2020, which unfortunately finally dropped the legacy Macs, but does support modern filter lists:

iCab 6.0 (September, 28th 2020)

iCab 6.0 is completely rewritten, therefore there’re many new features and existing many old features have changed. The new release uses the newer modern web engine of the macOS which is much faster and smoother than the classic engine that was used by older iCab releases. It also supports more web technologies.

Because the modern web engine had too many limitations under macOS 10.12 and older, the minimum macOS release for the new version of iCab is therefore macOS 10.13. Older macOS releases are no longer supported. This has the advantage that iCab can now rely on many native macOS features which are only available in newer macOS releases.

iCab now uses the native „Tabs“ feature of the macOS, so the tabs in iCab will now behave just as the Tabs in all other Apps using the native Tabs feature (like Safari Mail, the Finder etc). All the capabilities of the macOS to manage tabs are fully available in iCab as well.

iCab is now using the native filter capabilities of the modern web engine of the macOS. Therefore the filter manager is completely new. The new filter manager supports the popular filter lists from AdBlock Plus, Easylist, uBlock and compatible. The filter manager window provides a few links to web sites where you can find these filter lists. using the „Add“ or „Subscribe“ links on these sites can directly import these filter lists, but you can also simply download these lists into a file and then use the „import“ feature of the Filter Manager to import these files.

iCab 6.0 supports syncing of tabs, bookmarks, reading list, filters and search engine via iCloud. The iCloud sync is compatible to iCab Mobile for the iOS platform, so you can now sync all this data between iCab for the Mac and iCab Mobile for the iOS as well.

The new web engine provides more control over audio and video playback. It is possible to immediately stop all audio and video playback with a certain menu command. But it can also make sure that audio and video playback only occurs on the active tab.

Modules of the module manager can be put into the status bar, so these modules are directly accessible very fast and comfortably.

The App supports private tabs which do not save any private data (Cookies, Caches etc). Private tabs are marked with a red border around the address field.

And much more

>Kagi search, which is enough better that it's worth switching from Google/Bing/DDG.

But highly unlikely to be better enough to justify paying a subscription for it (for most people, anyway), so it's always going to be confined to a small niche of users.

Here's a Venn diagram of two "worth it" reasons, not mutually exclusive:

I'd argue if you live in first world, earn a living from tech, even if you don't care whether you pay for things vs. be tracked, it's worth the subscription, in the sense of, it's enough better to be worth paying for as a better tool, not just because there's no gaming of the SERPs above the fold. The Lenses are impressive, but it's not just that, the results are what one used to appreciate from web search. After getting used to the quality, the lower quality of Google or the Bing derivatives like DDG will frustrate you.

If you dislike adtech or value privacy, it's worth the subscription, because there are no ads and no tracking. (Also, unlike neeva, to which I also subscribe, it's not an ad-alternative model from former ad-tech people.)

Does everything need to be a billion dollar business?

Globally, I can easily see enough users sign up to sustain the small team. Their blog post [0] mentiones they calculate they need 25,000 subscribers to sustain themselves.

(I'm a paying customer, FWIW).

[0] https://blog.kagi.com/status-update-first-three-months#futur...

Yeah, I'd rather just use StartPage

Safari is great on Mac. Never tried librewolf but what’s the difference between it and Firefox itself?

> Stop enabling the chromium monopoly!

Amen to that, FF & the rest for the win!

+1 for librewolf (and arkenfox user.js). I just wish RFP didn't force 60hz rendering as have a 120hz MBP with 144hz external monitors...

The advantage of Min would be the UI, which I find quite appealing myself.

One might argue this should be a fork of Chromium, not Electron. Chromium comes with native tabs and a bunch of other useful parts, without the security issues that Electron exposes.

> One might argue this should be a fork of Chromium, not Electron.

Fair enough point. One reason it's Electron, I assume, is that it's much easier for typical developers to build than forking Chromium. I've been there. I've hacked at building a touchless-controlled browser that uses hand gesture and speech recognition to interact with the web. I can cobble something basic together in Electron, but it's much more intensive to get off the ground forking Chromium (though you're right the native tabs and useful parts would be helpful).

> without the security issues that Electron exposes.

Another reasonable point. For reference, here's an overview of security from Electron itself.[1] Security issues are one reason I haven't pursued the touchless browser more actively. I don't know if it's a dealbreaker, but it's not my area of expertise and I'd need to get seriously up to speed before releasing anything.

From a glance, it does look like Min is trying to follow good security practices, such as having BrowserView webPreferences default to "nodeIntegration: false", "contextIsolation: true", etc.[2] And in the issues the maintainers seem aware of security issues, eg:

> Making internal pages have the same privileges as the browser UI would be nice, although it's kind of difficult to implement. You could add nodeintegration to the webview tag, but I think there's a pretty big risk of accidentaly loading a regular webpage with nodeintegration enabled if we do that, which would be bad.[3]

Ideally there wouldn't be such a large Chromium (and Chromium-based) monopoly on browsers, but overall I'm still glad to see projects like this trying to create different UI options.

[1] https://www.electronjs.org/docs/latest/tutorial/security

[2] https://github.com/minbrowser/min/blob/7aba03fb645334366f9ec...

[3] https://github.com/minbrowser/min/issues/554#issuecomment-38...

This isn't a fork of Electron. It is an Electron-based app, and as such the Electron project maintains the core functionality of the browser and Min just presents a unified interface and feature set.

They didn't say "fork of Electron", rather Electron is essentially "Chromium - browser UI" so they are saying there is a simplification to be made in an app that is "Chromium - browser UI + browser UI"

> They didn't say "fork of Electron"

Flagging that the phrase "this should be a fork of Chromium, not Electron" is ambiguous between "this shouldn't be a fork of Electron" and "this shouldn't be Electron".

The phrasing is ambiguous, I agree. However, as forking Electron to make Min wouldn't make any sense, and the replier knew this, reading it to mean that seems like a mistake to me. The fact is that it can be very difficult to write things that aren't ambiguous at some level (albeit that isn't the case here), so the reader has to make a good-faith effort to understand.

Fwiw, I read it the same way as nateb2022 at first. It took a second read to realize there was another interpretation. This is why writing is hard!

I wouldn't be surprised if you could find a add-on to get close to that. I used one for Firefox in the late 00s that gave a similar minimal effect, just not as extreme.

Today browsers are one of the most important pieces of security software on our machine. They have a huge surface area, act as a sandbox for gobs of untrusted code and many of us conduct our most sensitive work in them (online banking etc). I'd be hesitant to use any browser that doesn't have the team behind it to quickly manage threats and maintain high quality code.

Sadly, modern browsers don't allow add-ons to significantly alter the UI, so you'd never see an extension like this today.

You can do some neat stuff with userchrome in Firefox (not as an add-on) but it'll break after basically every update. There's no infrastructure in place to update the userchrome in sync with the browser, and Mozilla appears to be hostile towards the whole feature.

There are decent reasons for all of this, but it means the only way to experiment is to basically make your own app, as Min did.

Check out r/firefoxcss on reddit.

Yeah, when I saw that, I decided not to bother even checking it out. Your app has to be really essential if you expect me to used a bloated, glorified web app.

Was my first reaction too.

Everyone is complaining it is built in electron, and it is a browser running a browser. Brave is also built on electron and is also a browser running a browser.

I don't think it's true anymore since they have moved on from Electron to Chromium.


I’m as anti-Electron as the next person, but my arguments against it are due to the bloat and disrespectful resource usage of using an entire web browser to show local app UI.

But if what you need is an actual, literal web browser, then I’m not sure I see why this is a bad choice.

As per their own documentation, Electron is not a web browser and should not be treated like one.

I understand that some may experience differences of opinion, but I regard it as sufficient warning when the developers of something warn that it should not be used as a web browser: https://www.electronjs.org/docs/latest/tutorial/security

Thank you for the informative reply - I stand completely corrected.

I can definitely see now why this would be problematic.

People will complain about literally anything without ever comparing the UI, UX, Speed or Resource Usage of the thing rivaling their favorite app. Everybody should get Min, use it enough time, then make educated opinions instead of hating in web technologies just for the memes.

I didn't know Brave was an Electron app

> instead of hating in web technologies just for the memes.

Let’s nip this in the bud. The comment you’re replying to says “Everyone is complaining it is built in electron” but I’ve read every comment in this so far tiny thread and there is literally one comment complaining of it being Electron.

> I didn't know Brave was an Electron app

It’s not: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33983708

Fwiw, I commented on this when there was only one or two comments on this, and all of them were complaining about electron.

One comment is insufficient to extrapolate to “everyone” or “all of them”. It sows discord and splits people into sides before there’s been any conversation.

Which OS versions are supported?

Whatever Electron supports I suppose.

Electron, WebKit, nope.

Kudos for experimenting with minimalism!

But this is not the alternative to Firefox I've been looking for.

> Electron, WebKit, nope.

Electron uses Chromium. Which uses Blink, not WebKit.

Blink is a fork of WebKit.

It is a fork started a decade ago, hence not the same thing. Just like Webkit is not the same as KHTML, which it forked.

Well the worst part of Firefox is arguably Gecko.

If one could make a browser with Firefox's backend and instead render with Blink that would be pretty dope.

It is Blink which drives the monoculture more than Chrome/Chromium since it is there that standards are made or broken (or flouted). What is needed is competition in this space, a new browser 'engine' to compete with Blink (Chrome/Chromium/Brave/Vivaldi/Edge/etc.), Gecko (Firefox/Seamonkey/etc) and Webkit (Safari/Epiphany/anything on iThings).

Maybe Servo can be rescued from oblivion? Get Mozilla to dump their activist-CEO (who is more concerned with her own remuneration and virtue signalling than with the development of their core product), use the funds thus saved to hire back all those developers which were let go under her reign and get Servo back on track. Blink is the one layout engine to rule them all after all...

   Ash Blink durbatulûk
   ash Blink gimbatul,
   Ash Blink thrakatulûk
   agh Google-ishi krimpatul

> standards are made or broken (or flaunted)

I think you may have meant "flouted" there? Though sometimes flaunting a standard might also be a thing.

Yes, corrected, flouted it shall be.

> a browser with Firefox's backend and instead render with Blink

Gecko is Firefox's "backend" ...

Isn't it just the rendering engine? There's more to a browser than just laying out html.

A browser is not a web app, it doesn't have a strict separation of "frontend" and "backend" in the same sense that a web app would have; the lines are drawn quite differently. The rendering engine is never "just" the rendering engine; you can't abstract or swap it without tremendous effort.

If you'd like to learn more about how a web browser project would organize its internal architecture, but are discouraged by the complexity of Chromium, Firefox, etc. I'd recommend source diving Ladybird (https://github.com/SerenityOS/ladybird), NetSurf (https://www.netsurf-browser.org/), or Dillo (https://www.dillo.org/).

Too bad Mozilla gave up on Servo.

Servo was a working prototype to try out the rendering changes and Rust. Those changes are being / have been integrated into Firefox.

Yeah, let's feed the monopoly! Surely a good way to get better products.

You've got me curious, what are you looking for in an alternative?

The most sincere answer would be: "A fast and modern browser with privacy at max, light and fast, with with linux/BSD in mind, by some magical entity that somehow gets enough money with donations, where they let me to donate without disclosing my identity but not with crypto because I'm against crypto".


Except for the virtue signalling around crypto. :-)

Firefox but with Servo

Just... give Firefox a shot people. Please: https://i.imgur.com/81OpEOy.png

Just... give Firefox a shot people

I did. But the Firefox UI is still very Windows-centric, and doesn't feel like a real Mac program at all.

But the big reason I don't use it is that you can't define how to switch from tab to tab.

Every program on my Mac from Safari to Nova to VS Codium to my database manager allows me to switch tabs with the standard macOS Keyboard Shortcuts settings. So I use the same keys to switch tabs in every program on my Mac. Which is part of the whole Mac experience — Things happening the same way between apps.

Even the Finder, and the DuckDuckGo browser allow this.

Not so with Firefox. The simple addition of "Show Next Tab" and "Show Previous Tab" in the drop-down menus would fix this. It's so simple. So elementary. So basic to every other Mac program I use that its absence in Firefox is glaring. I'm not going to rearrange the muscle memory I use all day every day for one program.

That's absolutely baffling, I had no idea. I've been lucky in that my muscle-memory-trained tab switch shortcut is the one that Firefox uses (Cmd+Option+arrows) and I apply that to every other app on Mac.

Just downloaded FF this week and started using it as my primary browser as I start to transition from Chromium-based browsers.

May I ask what you did to configure your browser that way (extensions/settings)? I like the look of it, and looking for ways to customize my setup.

Tree Style Tabs are nice. I also have it set up so the URL bar doesn't include search -- and the search bar is separate. This makes it easier to get to the right place by starting to type a url in the url bar. I often just type one letter and then press enter, and voila, I'm where I want to be. It "learns" over time what you're typing in.

Also, of course, you should install uBlock Origin.

  uBlock Origin
  Popup window
  Firefox Multi-Account Containers
  Copy All Tab Urls


Privacy Badger

Duck Duck Go Privacy Essentials

Privacy Possum

Also try sideberry. I moved to it from TST and like it so far.

I tried it on mobile and it's interesting that quite a lot of websites are broken. Many tapping workflows I had in Chrome on Android are fully broken in Firefox. From simple deepl.com to Google products that look like they dropped FF support.

Even Reddit on Firefox PC crashes occasionally (the whole site turns white while browsing). Reddit on FF on Android is barely browsable.

I haven't encountered any issue with Firefox for Android for years.

Here's how you can fix this all at once: https://old.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/g3tyfu/how_to_swit...

Google is intentionally breaking support for Firefox on their websites. Other just don't care and support monopolies.

Firefox does seem to be untested for a lot of websites.

You can't do video calls with Teams in firefox for a really clear and obvious example, but I encounter breakages quite often and have to switch back to Chrome.

Safari suffers the same, but I get the impression people are testing safari more than Chrome.. but I hear so many complaints on hackernews about safari, I suspect at some point Chrome penetration will finally dislodge Safari on MacOS... or if MacOS market share goes down: then it's over and we have a total monopoly.

Teams should be working in Firefox around now. https://www.onmsft.com/news/teams-meetings-set-to-support-2x...

Thanks, interesting, I'll try it out. I know I convinced my wife to switch to Firefox for Android (for uBlock) and she was complaining even more than I about all of her browsing workflows being crippled.

Compared to her I rarely use my phone for browsing, I do not feel as impacted.

How do you get vertical tabs?

I prefer sidebery because it's cleaner than TST OOTB


sidebery also has very lovely tab grouping and tab sleeping (unloads the tabs from memory).

This is nice because you can take all your tabs for a research project, condense them to a group and then nap them until you come back to the project.

> tab grouping and tab sleeping

Oh yes I forgot TST doesn't have that since I haven't used it in so long. Keeping groups of unloaded tabs might not be healthy for me, enables my tab hoarding habit.

I believe the meta is to use tree style tabs

warning: is for advanced users


the parent should be at the top of the page imho

It's +43 and seemingly pinned to the bottom of the page. But I know where I am :P.

firefox is overstuffed. minimal browser it is not.

Can you explain? What is it "overstuffed" with?

Nobody really knows. Firefox is 350 MiB in size. The Windows XP SP3 install CD is 310 MiB in size.

The Arch Linux Firefox package weighs in at 237.8 MB installed.[0] Meanwhile, Chromium is 20% larger at 285.8 MB.[1] Which other browser is significantly smaller than that? I checked a few other ones and they were all within spitting distance of Chromium.

Also, that's not a useful comparison because web browsers are basically operating systems now, with how complex they are. Not to mention that Windows XP was released over two decades ago. So, again, I'm not sure what your point is.

[0]: https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/firefox/

[1]: https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/chromium/

> "Which other browser is significantly smaller than that? I checked a few other ones and they were all within spitting distance of Chromium."

Safari was 40-something MiB installed a few macOS versions ago before parts of it were migrated out of the app to become protected system libraries. The reason the others you checked are of the same size is because they are forks of the same two browsers.

Add.: I just have to disagree with the notion that browsers are "basically" operating systems because of how complex they are. They really are not. Not by a longshot. Neither do they contain the fundamentals of an operating system, nor do they contain the upper reaches of them. We can pretend they are operating system facsimiles by doing a lot of impressive and fun stuff in JavaScript and WASM, but this isn't the same thing. The complexity of an operating system, even a simplified one, is of a completely different sort and depth. This comparison only fits the sarcastic intention people have when making the comparison - we can joke about it, because of how absurdly large and tangled browsers have become.

> The reason the others you checked are of the same size is because they are forks of the same two browsers.

Exactly. What's the alternative? Safari is nice if you're on macOS/iOS but isn't available elsewhere. Every other browser that has any semblance of market share is a fork of Chromium and shares its size. So I'm not sure how Firefox is "overstuffed" but other browsers are not.

> The complexity of an operating system, even a simplified one, is of a completely different sort and depth.

I agree with this, and it's obviously an exaggeration, but I don't think it's an invalid comparison. The API surface area that browsers need to support is enormous, and they have even stricter backwards compatibility guarantees than most modern OSes. Any browser worth using is going to be pretty large simply because they're complex beasts.

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