Wouldn't the more reasonable approach be over-the-counter legalization of a safer opiate? Fent is inherently dangerous because it is difficult to dose safely. Addicts want an opiate, and fent is the cheap and available one.
Pretty much. Most modern drugs are a far, far more potent version of something that came before. Depending on how far you go with it, you could even apply this principle to the cigarette. The safer, lower-dose version is to chew tobacco leaves.
There are many reasons for the popularization of more concentrated drugs, but the two big ones are that more potent drugs generally make for cheaper doses, and that it's more profitable to create addicts than to create satisfied customers.
The latter is also an increasing problem outside the drug space, e.g. gambling and pay-to-win video games.
I think a reboot of Bayer Heroin (tm) would be better received - from my understanding Fentanyl and similar drugs don't have the euphoria or length of effect of OG Diacetylmorphine.