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Let’s talk about the control these big tech companies have over our lives, because last week I was locked out of Amazon and closed my account with them.

I understand my issue is entirely different from Op’s from the wealth perspective but the fact remains a third party holds all the keys to the kingdom.

I woke up last week to a flurry of Amazon chargeback alerts. Somehow, Amazon (Chase Bank) issued me a new credit card because my old card was expiring and they continued to allow me to buy my entire family’s Christmas on an expired credit card - or this is what appears to have happened.

Instead of contacting me or charging the new, correct card Amazon decided to lock my account. That makes ever Amazon device stop working. You can’t access AWS, you can’t login to update your credit card.

We have a home full of Amazon bricks suddenly, the kids alarms clocks no longer even function as clocks.

The customer service was so poor I am no longer a customer of Amazon. I held firm and let them know if they didn’t unlock my account they could sort it out themselves with the credit card company.

Make no mistake these companies are holding us hostage the more we depend on them.

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