I'm going to reflect on my faith to think about this (and, before you immediately skip, maybe hear my logic).
One of the most fundamental teachings of any religion is that we are a composite being of both a body and a soul. We have both a physical essence, and a spiritual essence, of what we are. Your daughter cannot be quantified by her body alone, as that ignores the wonders of her mind.
Many of the issues I see with the "frictionless" society (where everything gets more convenient but less satisfying) is that there is an increased focus on only one or the other - but not both. Bitcoin has a spiritual essence (as does paying with, say, a credit card), but no real "body" representing its worth. ChatGPT as well could be viewed as having a spiritual value, but no physical "body" representing it. Physical media (CDs, DVDs) are, in my view, ideal as a media distribution method because they are a body, and a soul, together. Why is an eBook so much less satisfying than a real book? Conversely, why are blank pages with ink smudged all over so much less satisfying than a book that's well-written? Why as an original console much more interesting and nostalgic at parties than an emulator?
It's just a thought on one potential reason for this. The best things, it appears, are a composite of both physical and spiritual realities; and something is missing when one or the other is lacking.
I like this line of thought, as it resonates with my own experiences. But I also think things (physical or virtual) are far less important than relationships when it comes to a fulfilling life. We have some basic human needs that have less to do with acquiring stuff, and more to do with being needed/useful, being creative, having purpose, overcoming obstacles, etc...
One of the most fundamental teachings of any religion is that we are a composite being of both a body and a soul. We have both a physical essence, and a spiritual essence, of what we are. Your daughter cannot be quantified by her body alone, as that ignores the wonders of her mind.
Many of the issues I see with the "frictionless" society (where everything gets more convenient but less satisfying) is that there is an increased focus on only one or the other - but not both. Bitcoin has a spiritual essence (as does paying with, say, a credit card), but no real "body" representing its worth. ChatGPT as well could be viewed as having a spiritual value, but no physical "body" representing it. Physical media (CDs, DVDs) are, in my view, ideal as a media distribution method because they are a body, and a soul, together. Why is an eBook so much less satisfying than a real book? Conversely, why are blank pages with ink smudged all over so much less satisfying than a book that's well-written? Why as an original console much more interesting and nostalgic at parties than an emulator?
It's just a thought on one potential reason for this. The best things, it appears, are a composite of both physical and spiritual realities; and something is missing when one or the other is lacking.