In general you don't want to piss off your best customers. The type of person who owns 20+ domains is the type of person you want as a customer (lower support costs, lower cost per customer acquisition).
The person who owns 20+ domains is the type of person who probably is someone who cares about SOPA.
I don't think these numbers, really mean anything, to be honest. But I do think that pissing off the people who are the cheapest customers to acquire and support and the people who people are going to ask where to register their domains at is probably not the best business strategy long term.
The person who owns 20+ domains is the type of person who probably is someone who cares about SOPA.
I don't think these numbers, really mean anything, to be honest. But I do think that pissing off the people who are the cheapest customers to acquire and support and the people who people are going to ask where to register their domains at is probably not the best business strategy long term.