I like this tech "fights" (evolutions). Even if bun will not overtake node, it will make node better. We see this many times with other projects (js/coffeescript/typescript/..., php/HHVM/HPHPc, webpack/vite/...)
Hadn't heard of io.js before but from reading up on it it seems to be a unique case since they had the explicit goal of merging back into node eventually.
Can't really find what the main benefits of io.js are though...
Why wouldn't bun, if it keeps its performance promises on its way to 100% node compatibility? I am intently keeping tabs on bun's progress because a better-engineered, faster, and leaner node-compatible runtime means $$ saved in server costs.
Besides, from the effort going into bun, it looks like the node community has its work cut out.
Also, a big reduction in dependencies could make hardening a Bun application something that’s realistic. It’s unimaginable with the typical node stack that I’ve seen.