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”If you’ve liked that business’s page, the story about you liking the page (including your name or profile photo) may be paired with the ad your friends see.”

I completely agree with you that this is a brilliant game-changer. I don't like it, and won't be a part of it, but there is no question that I would have an emotional response to the picture of one of my friends "liking" a restaurant or a product.

And, I suspect it will be allowed as long as it is clearly spelled out in the TOS (for those who didn't read, there is some dissent and even legal action concerning using the photos of people without direct consent). I also doubt that people will quit FB because of it.

This reminds me a bit about the (small) uproar when brands like Nike were just starting to sell T-shirts with their names on them. Many of us said, "Why would I pay money to advertise for them? They should pay me to wear it!)

Nevertheless, most people were perfectly willing to spend the money and advertise the logo.

Here it is at least clear that the consumer is getting something for his/her willingness to advertise: s/he is getting the use of FB.

> I would have an emotional response to the picture of one of my friends "liking" a restaurant or a product.

The first time I saw an article that was 'liked' by one of my friends on HN I definitely had an emotional response. I logged out of facebook and never went back.

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