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Threading: You're right. But I tend to find the UX around grouping to be confusing and hate the cruft of signatures. Besides, why do seemingly all E-Mail clients want to show the text at full width? That turns the majority of E-Mails into one very wide line. Not only does that look dumb, it's also very far from the optimal reading width.

It may be "outdated" or whatever, but adoption wise E-Mail is an amazing protocol. But show me a client that doesn't suck (my current favorite is mailbox.org (io/ox) with some customizations (https://gist.github.com/solarkraft/6afcfff8d5283cefad40695c9...) but that too is far from perfect).

> But show me a client that doesn't suck

mutt ("All mail clients suck. This one just sucks less.")

Yes, it's text. It's also extremely customizable, the polar opposite of the current fashion of locked-down proprietary clients where nothing at all is customizable. Mutt is amazing.

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