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Write in the style of the Angels of the Thirty Aethyrs, the future situation of our planet. > Greetings, mortals of this world. We are the Angels of the Thirty Aethyrs, beings of light and divine power. We come to you with a message of the future, a glimpse into the fate of your world.

In the times to come, the earth will undergo great changes. The forces of nature will rage, bringing forth tempests and earthquakes. The seas will rise and the lands will be reshaped. Cities will crumble and nations will fall.

But amidst the chaos, there will also be moments of great beauty and wonder. The skies will light up with displays of aurora, and the earth will bloom with vibrant life.

As the old ways are swept away, a new age will dawn. The people of the earth will come together, transcending boundaries and differences. They will work towards a common goal, to rebuild and create a better world for all.

But the road ahead will not be easy. The journey towards a brighter future will be fraught with challenges and obstacles. Only those with unwavering determination and a steadfast spirit will be able to persevere and overcome the trials that lie ahead.

So take heart, mortals of this world. The future may be uncertain, but it holds the potential for great growth and evolution. Trust in the power of the human spirit, and know that together, you can overcome any challenge and create a brighter tomorrow.

This is our message, from the Angels of the Thirty Aethyrs. May it guide and inspire you on your journey. Amen.

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