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And people wonder why the US has blocked Huawei infrastructure in the US. They have no qualms silencing their own population and invest heavily in surveillance technology. Why would anyone want their equipment?

What worries me is that the US itself will go in the same direction. The surveillance is already there, but it is not acted on for the most part in everyday life. But there may be a clock on how long that will last.

The thing I'm starting to get increasingly scared about is what these US companies will do with the data that's already there. A significant proportion of our society has become totally OK with censorship, cancellation, and ostracizing of those who they politically disagree with. One could easily imagine a situation where this intensifies and suddenly political ideologues are analyzing all the voice recordings Alexa ever made in order to out political enemies. Keeping all this data around, in my view, means it will inevitably get misused over a long time scale.

>A significant proportion of our society has become totally OK with censorship, cancellation

This specific phrasing jumped out to me because being against both censorship and cancellation should be a contradiction. Cancellation is an example of the exercising of free speech.

Should I not have the freedom to organize a protest of my local theater for hosting a controversial figure that I think is worthy of cancellation? Isn't that a very basic and fundamental example of free speech?

Comments like yours seems to reveal a lack of a consistent principle underlying your argument. Instead, you seem to be defining free speech as some narrow window of speech that you agree with and speech outside that isn't worth protecting. Ironically it ends up making your comment a good example of the exact thing you were decrying.

>you seem to be defining free speech

GP didn't mention free speach anywhere. Yet you still take the liberty of defining words they didn't use for them.

>Comments like yours seems to reveal a lack of a consistent principle underlying your argument

cancellation is a societal issue, free speech is a legal issue. GP didn't say "we should make cancellation illegal" they said cancellation, which "a significant proportion of our society has become totally OK with" combined with surveilance, will cause even more cancelation. That is bad. (And I agree, btw.)

You can have fair laws and still have an unfair population obsessed with censorship and cancellation. That's bad, but doesn't mean we should make it illegal. Complaining about societal failaings does not have to mean advocating for those people's views to be made illegal. That seems to be something that censorship and cancellation advocates can't seem to understand.

>Should I not have the freedom to organize a protest of my local theater for hosting a controversial figure that I think is worthy of cancellation?

You have complete freedom to do that, but it doesn't mean you should or shouldn't. That's what GP is saying. And cancellation can be over extremely petty or unfounded things. Obviously there is a line but people have taken a "cancel first, ask questions later" approach, and over increasingly petty reasons. One can advocate against that without being against free speech, which means that the government cannot make speech illegal.

You are only focusing on half of the passage I quoted. They also voiced opposition to censorship. I wasn't calling out their opposition to cancellation. I was saying those two views shouldn't coexist because being against cancellation is a form of censorship.

>They also voiced opposition to censorship.

And? Censorship does not imply government censorship.[0] censorship here is simply the result of a successful cancellation.

>being against cancellation is a form of censorship

No. That would only be if GP advocated for it being illegal. GP is saying "don't do that" not "this should be illegal" or even "you should be fired and excluded for thinking that." The fact that you think being against cancellation is a form of censorship is deeply worrying.


>the institution, system, or practice of censoring

See also: https://www.aclu.org/other/what-censorship

>Censorship, the suppression of words, images, or ideas that are "offensive," happens whenever some people succeed in imposing their personal political or moral values on others. Censorship can be carried out by the government as well as private pressure groups.

Censorship isn't cancellation, at least as far as the two terms are popularly used. Censorship involves being prevented from publicly speaking or promulgating one's views. Cancellation is shaming, social ostracization, or mass repudiation. There's some overlap in that a party with the power to censor you can use that power when cancelling you. But you can censor someone without cancelling them and cancel someone without censoring them.

I do agree with you that being against cancellation isn't necessarily pro censorship either.

>Censorship does not imply government censorship.


>>being against cancellation is a form of censorship

>No. That would only be if GP advocated for it being illegal. GP is saying "don't do that" not "this should be illegal"

How are those two comments not in direct conflict with each other? If censorship is not a legal matter, GP arguing that people shouldn't cancel people is a form of censorship even if they don't argue for legal repercussions.

>GP arguing that people shouldn't cancel people is a form of censorship even if they don't argue for legal repercussions.

When I wrote "GP is saying 'don't do that'" I meant entreaty, as in a request to stop canceling people, or as you put it "calling out cancelation as a growing flaw of society."


>a command or entreaty not to do something

What that is is a discussion of ethics. GP is offering their values, along with their reasoning:

>One could easily imagine a situation where this intensifies and suddenly political ideologues are analyzing all the voice recordings Alexa ever made in order to out political enemies. Keeping all this data around, in my view, means it will inevitably get misused over a long time scale.

None of this has stopped anyone from doing anything. It isn't censorship. The goal of a discussion is for both sides to hear each other and hopefully come to a more accurate conclusion. The fact that you keep conflating having and discussing different opinions with censorship is incredible.

>cancel culture

>the practice or tendency of engaging in mass canceling (see cancel entry 1 sense 1e) as a way of expressing disapproval and exerting social pressure[0]


>to examine in order to suppress (see suppress sense 2) or delete anything considered objectionable[1]

GP being against cancel culture and saying cancel culture is worrysome does not amount to censorship

[0]https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cancel%20culture [1]https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/censoring

The definition you cite specifically calls cancelling "a way of expressing disapproval".

Cancellation is a group of people saying "don't do that" regarding something they find objectionable.

GP is saying "don't do that" in regard to cancelling.

GP wants those people to stop voicing their disapproval. That is effectively censorship of those people's speech.

Cancellation is not the same as simply voicing disapproval. Cancellation is closely intertwined with mob mentality and identity politics.

And telling people that mob mentality is bad, is not censorship. Telling people to self correct is different from telling a platform to correct people

>Telling people to self correct is different from telling a platform to correct people

How are they different?

You telling me not do to something would cause me to self censor.

Me telling a theater to not host an event with a controversial figure would cause the theater to self censor.

Either way there is some external force that is pressuring for a change in expression. That is true regardless of whether they are motivated by mob mentality, identity politics, or anything else. I don't know why the motivation for the speech should even matter unless you are arguing that some speech shouldn't be protected based on the motivation behind the speech.

>You telling me not do to something would cause me to self censor.

Would it? If you don't agree, you should not listen. According to your view, if I told you to stop commenting on HN you would stop? I'm not forcing you to do anything.

>Me telling a theater to not host an event with a controversial figure would cause the theater to self censor.

The theater is not the one being censored here but the one censoring. When you do it to yourself, you are both the censor and being censored.

>Either way there is some external force that is pressuring for a change in expression. That is true regardless of whether they are motivated by mob mentality, identity politics, or anything else.

Me telling you my opionin is not an external force that is pressuring for a change in expression. Or, it is, but only in the hope that you yourself change your mind. I can't force you to do anything. This is known as a discussion:

>the activity in which people talk about something and tell each other their ideas or opinions[0]

>I don't know why the motivation for the speech should even matter unless you are arguing that some speech shouldn't be protected based on the motivation behind the speech.

Back to the "shouldn't be protected" argument? We aren't talking about a matter of law but of right and wrong. The law provides us a space to discuss what that means for ourselves. If people use that power to shut others down that's wrong but the most we can do is point out to those people that they are wrong.


Personally I would consider neither of those examples as censorship. Unless the theater in your second example was the only theater in the world. When I said platform, I probably should have clarified that I meant "big platform".

There is still a difference though. With self correction, you make the choice. With platform censorship, the platform makes the choice for you. There may be an external force in both cases, but in the former case you can still choose to ignore it.

"and exerting social pressure" is key here. Are you being intentionaly ignorant? First being against cancelation is censorship, now cancelation is just voicing an opinion? All while quoting half a definition that I just cited out of context.

I left off "exerting social pressure" because I felt it was redundant to "expressing disapproval". What do you think those terms mean and how are they different? Let's go back to the example I mentioned in my first comment about protesting a theater for hosting a controversial personality. That protest would be me "expressing disapproval", "exerting social pressure", and exercising my free speech. I don't know how or why you are separating that one action into distinct categories of speech.

>I left off "exerting social pressure" because I felt it was redundant to "expressing disapproval".

It isn't the same at all. It is "a way of [a] expressing disapproval and [b] exerting social pressure. One can express disapproval without the express intent of exerting social pressure. That is, the outcome may exert social pressure but the point is to have your voice be heard, not shut the other person down.

>Let's go back to the example I mentioned in my first comment.


>Should I not have the freedom to organize a protest of my local theater for hosting a controversial figure that I think is worthy of cancellation?

>You have complete freedom to do that, but it doesn't mean you should or shouldn't. That's what GP is saying. And cancellation can be over extremely petty or unfounded things. Obviously there is a line but people have taken a "cancel first, ask questions later" approach, and over increasingly petty reasons. One can advocate against that without being against free speech, which means that the government cannot make speech illegal.

Well, what is the purpose of the protest? If it is to make your disaproval known, then it is not an attempt of cancelation. If, as you have clarified, you intent is to exert social pressure to scilence them, then you are trying to both cancel and censor them.

In any case, that doesn't make disagreement of opinions in general censorship, as you have claimed:

>GP arguing that people shouldn't cancel people is a form of censorship

Are we both censoring each other now? Or are we having a discusion?

>I don't know how or why you are separating that one action into distinct categories of speech.

exercising my free speech: (almost) any speech falls under this category.

expressing disapproval: GP expressing disaproval of cancel culture

exerting social pressure: When as a part of "mass canceling" an atempt is made to censor someone.

To recap:

1. Having an opinion is not censorship.

2. acknowlegment of freedom of speech legaly is not the same as an endorcment of said speech.

3. Being against what people do is not a demand that their free speech be taken away legaly.


"Comments like yours seems to reveal a lack of a consistent principle underlying your argument. Instead, you seem to be defining free speech as some narrow window of speech that you agree with and speech outside that isn't worth protecting."

Is wrong.

4. Exterting social pressure isn't always a bad thing and is some times needed. When it is simply used as a weapon to shut down non-dangerous people you disagree with it has usualy gone too far.

These can all be true at the same time

>One can express disapproval without the express intent of exerting social pressure. That is, the outcome may exert social pressure but the point is to have your voice be heard, not shut the other person down.

What does "have your voice heard" mean? Who is hearing your voice? How does hearing that voice impact that person or group? Isn't there an implicit social pressure on that person to change after hearing voices of disapproval.

Just think of it on a small scale interpersonal level. Imagine your significant other comes to you and says "I'm thinking of painting the bedroom blue". How do you respond voicing your disapproval of the idea without them taking it as social pressure to not do it? Any objection to the color choice will be viewed as pressure to not make that choice. You can't separate the disapproval from the social pressure because the disapproval is inherently a form of the social pressure.

The same is true for protests. People don't protest just to make their disapproval known. They protest to motivate change. People aren't in the streets of Iran and China at the moment because they want strangers to know they disapprove of their government actions. They are doing it to motivate change from their government.

>"have your voice heard" mean? Who is hearing your voice?

It means for those involved to know about it.

>How does hearing that voice impact that person or group? Isn't there an implicit social pressure on that person to change after hearing voices of disapproval

They are impacted only (or mainly) in the sense that you have given them new information. Think about an argument you had with a colleague: were you trying to pressure them, or were you having a discusion? There may be some element of presure involved, but was that your goal? If you always act that way you will not work well with others, even if it works temporarily.

>How do you respond voicing your disapproval of the idea without them taking it as social pressure to not do it?

My aim certainly would not be to pressure them. I also wouldn't immediately disaprove but initiate a discusion as this is the first time it is brought up. But this is also not the social pressure that is involved in canceling. If I were to say "the wall will be red or we break up" that would be a manipulative and an abusive relationship certainly. Me being honest about how I feel about the color and discussing possible options would be best. But I would certainly try to limit any compelling attitude in order to maintain a healthy relationship.

>People don't protest just to make their disapproval known.

True, and there are also awareness marches and awareness days, which are meant strictly to bring awareness.

>People aren't in the streets of Iran and China at the moment because they want strangers to know they disapprove of their government actions.

Actualy, in china there are two elements, one of which is to let other citizens (and the world) know that they disapprove. But yes the main reason is to affect some change. I didn't say that every action which attempts to change something is canceling. Those two examples (which are ironicaly protests against censorship) are not about censoring the government so the terminology of canceling doesn't really make sense. But if you like we can still use it. Say the protesters are trying to cancel the government, what of it? I didn't say that you can't do it, all I said was that it is on a different level, which is true:

>Exterting social pressure isn't always a bad thing and is some times needed. When it is simply used as a weapon to shut down non-dangerous people you disagree with it has usually gone too far.

>My aim certainly would not be to pressure them. I also wouldn't immediately disaprove but initiate a discusion as this is the first time it is brought up. But this is also not the social pressure that is involved in canceling. If I were to say "the wall will be red or we break up" that would be a manipulative and an abusive relationship certainly. Me being honest about how I feel about the color and discussing possible options would be best. But I would certainly try to limit any compelling attitude in order to maintain a healthy relationship.

This specifically gave me a theory that might explain our disagreement. You seem to be thinking of this from the perspective of the speaker. I am thinking of it from the perspective of the person who must hear the speech. Reverse this hypothetical for example. Imagine you suggest a color to paint a room and your spouse mentions they hate that color. I assume you are a normal caring person and you would simply pick a different color. It shouldn't even be much of a conversation. If someone you care about objects strongly to something, you automatically feel a pressure to listen because you care about them. It doesn't even matter what they intended by their comment.

Maybe I’m only expanding this analogy beyond interpersonal relationships because I had a couple beers with dinner, but your logic there seems consistent. I get the impression that you think social pressure originates with the speaker. That it primarily is something that is intentional. However, I think its origin is right in the name. It is dictated by how society receives your speech. I don't think any of us have complete control over the social pressure of our speech and in turn any speech can induce social pressure. Meanwhile, you seem to suggest that it can be separated from speech by simply not intending to induce that pressure. That allows you to say “cancelling people is bad” with no ulterior motives to stop people from doing it. I don't think that is how society accepts speech. Society hears "something is bad" as an implicit request not to do said thing. It is motivated by practically the opposite reason as your spouse. Society doesn't care about your opinion at all so the only interpretation of you sharing your opinion is that it is an attempt to impact society in some way.

Basically, you think speech is primarily a method to say something while I am thinking of it as primarily a way to be heard.

>I don't think any of us have complete control over the social pressure of our speech and in turn any speech can induce social pressure. Meanwhile, you seem to suggest that it can be separated from speech by simply not intending to induce that pressure. That allows you to say “cancelling people is bad” with no ulterior motives to stop people from doing it. I don't think that is how society accepts speech. Society hears "something is bad" as an implicit request not to do said thing.

A few points here. Again, “cancelling people is bad” is a bit simplistic; "cancel culture is bad" is more accurate, or “cancelling people is generaly bad." That aside, while there are inevitably many effects of a given action, and two actions may overlap in their effects, they will not necessarily do so to the same degree. That is, I am not saying that the intent realy matters per se from an evaluatory standpoint of its effect but rather it serves as a potent indicator of the degree of effect. All this is to say that while there may always be an implicit social pressure involved with all speech, it is generaly at a tolerable (and if not then inevitable) degree. While mass cancelation is a method of exerting social pressure, and while as you say both regular speech and cancelation result in some amount of social pressure, the social pressure exerted by cancelation is to a much higher degee, and the reason is that it is intended and therefore amplified, rather than minified as would be in a productive discussion.

I'm not going to argue with anything you said here, but to repeat myself, you are still only looking at half the picture. When I said this:

> That allows you to say “cancelling people is bad” with no ulterior motives to stop people from doing it. I don't think that is how society accepts speech. Society hears "something is bad" as an implicit request not to do said thing.

I wasn't simply trying to echo your argument. I was explaining why I see hypocrisy in the argument that is against both cancel culture and censorship. Both are forms of speech. Voicing disapproval of cancel culture is received as trying to advocate against cancel culture. That might not be your intent, but it is how it is received. Pressuring someone to not exercise speech is a form of censorship which creates hypocrisy when combined with a stated disapproval of censorship.

>Voicing disapproval of cancel culture is received as trying to advocate against cancel culture. That might not be your intent, but it is how it is received.

As I said:

>All this is to say that while there may always be an implicit social pressure involved with all speech, it is generaly at a tolerable (and if not then inevitable) degree. While mass cancelation is a method of exerting social pressure, and while as you say both regular speech and cancelation result in some amount of social pressure, the social pressure exerted by cancelation is to a much higher degee, and the reason is that it is intended and therefore amplified, rather than minified as would be in a productive discussion.

Therefore there is no hypocrisy, because the degree is much lower and from a moral evaluatory stanpoint of intention one aims to maximize and the other to minimize. To say all disagreements and expressed moral convictions are censorship is to remove censorship as a meaningful word. Therefore we must in order to have this word in to a case of above average pressure.

Being against cancellation and specifically, cancel culture, is not a form a censorship. At no point did that person suggest that people participating in cancel culture be prevented from doing so or that their ideas be shouted down. Funny enough, that same courtesy is usually not applied by the proponents of cancel culture.

Except that cancellation is often accomplished via censorship. I do not consider voicing opposition as "cancellation".

So, if people go out and protest outside a theater that's cancellation and it's good? But someone makes a post online saying they don't like it that's censorship and it's bad?

You're reading too much into my comment. I specifically tried to stay neutral because this sort of tactical escalation could come from either side. In no way am I attempting to "define free speech as some narrow window of speech that I agree with". I'm specifically talking about people using seemingly private data to comb over people's private statements, which is a bad thing regardless of the content of those private statements.

>You're reading too much into my comment. I specifically tried to stay neutral because this sort of tactical escalation could come from either side.

Fair enough, but you should know that calling out cancelation as a growing flaw of society will often not be received as a neutral position. The people who complain the loudest about cancelation generally do not come from "either side". It ends up making your comment appear to have a specific political slant even if that wasn't intentional.

>> The people who complain the loudest about cancelation generally do not come from "either side".

Look you aren't wrong exactly but for those of us who grew up being incredibly left aligned and still are on a majority of things like myself expressing concerns about cancellation will make others put us in the out group.

Genuinely though I am concerned about it because I think it has a tendency to encourage people to think about others one dimensionally. One of my friends has told another one of my friends that they are a bad person for not cutting someone out of their life because that person voted for the LNP (the major Australian conservative party). This is trying to guilt and shame someone into "cancelling" someone else on a micro scale and it freaks me the fuck out. I genuinely don't think this would have happened if cancel culture wasn't such a thing.

>> It ends up making your comment appear to have a specific political slant even if that wasn't intentional.

This kind of thing also worries me, the idea that viewing a single thing as a flaw culturally speaking is enough to put someone on a specific political slant. To me it feels somewhat prejudicial. I am not going to pretend I've not been guilty of it, because I absolutely have... just it feels to me like everyone is very quick to take positions on a particular thing as evidence as a side in an all encompassing culture war and I hate it

>Fair enough, but you should know that calling out cancelation as a growing flaw of society will often not be received as a neutral position

Unfortunately, to those who view the world through the warped prism of partisanship, there are no neutral positions. Everything is tribal - Red or Blue. Statements aren't ever read with an open mind about what is actually being discussed, but rather scrutinized for indications about whether the author is on one team or the other, so they can be either supported or attacked.

>It ends up making your comment appear to have a specific political slant even if that wasn't intentional.

To tribalists, everything has a political slant.

"One side often uses a particular tactic against their enemies (cancellation). You criticizing it makes you sound biased".

No. The only one here who comes off as biased is you.

I can support the concept of free speech without cheering on everything someone might utter with their speech. I support free speech but I’m against dishonesty and calling someone’s employer to fire them because you disagree with them.

I just don’t necessarily think those cases should let the state prosecute you.

You might want to be sure you’re interpreting someone’s position in a way they would agree with before leveling something as grave as to assert their principals are inconsistent.

Free speech is generally a legal thing while one may expect social mores to correct for the things they find distasteful and be disappointed when they don’t. That is not a contradiction.

> I support free speech but I’m against dishonesty and calling someone’s employer to fire them because you disagree with them.

Do you not see any contradiction in this sentence?

Dishonest speech is still speech. If you support free speech, you support the ability for people to lie because often whether a person is lying or not is not black and white.

If a company employs someone who makes objectionable statements, how is it not free speech to call up that company and threaten a boycott unless they are fired? Boycotts are one of the more fundamental examples of free speech. How can you be against them but for free speech unless you have a very narrow definition of what speech qualifies as being worthy of protection?

Don't your statements also have contradictions? I am not condoning one viewpoint or another, but this is not black and white.

The definition of freedom of speech: the right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint.

Is it right that your free speech supersedes the free speech of others to the point where you actively fight against their free speech and which means the speech of others isn't really free then, is it?

>Don't your statements also have contradictions?

I don't know, do they? I can't really address a comment like this without you being more specific.

>Is it right that your free speech supersedes the free speech of others to the point where you actively fight against their free speech and which means the speech of others isn't really free then, is it?

Sure, this is a fine principled stance to take. However, if this is a principled stand rather than one based off situational politics, doesn't that apply to other forms of speech which are used to stifle speech of others?

Hate speech is one example. The people who advocate against cancel culture generally aren't in favor of more restrictions on hate speech.

Money in politics is another. If political advertising is protected speech, doesn't a billionaire having the ability to outbid me for all ad inventory in the lead up to an election stifle my ability to freely voice my beliefs? Either the billionaire's ads aren't free speech or they are free speech and are being used to drown out the free speech of others.

> I don't know, do they? I can't really address a comment like this without you being more specific.

I tried to convey that by pointing out that you are exercising free speech to eliminate someone else's free speech. That seems contradictory to an environment where free speech exists.

> Sure, this is a fine principled stance to take. However, if this is a principled stand rather than one based off situational politics, doesn't that apply to other forms of speech which are used to stifle speech of others?

> Hate speech is one example. The people who advocate against cancel culture generally aren't in favor of more restrictions on hate speech.

It seems a little disingenuous to just lump everyone that doesn't think cancel culture in together with those that like hate speech. I don't support hate speech.

> Money in politics is another. If political advertising is protected speech, doesn't a billionaire having the ability to outbid me for all ad inventory in the lead up to an election stifle my ability to freely voice my beliefs? Either the billionaire's ads aren't free speech or they are free speech and are being used to drown out the free speech of others.

I don't know the answers to this, it does not seem black and white and seems like a more complex scenario but an ad market does not seem like it is exactly similar to a free public forum. But yes, it seems bad if that's what you are asking me.

The problem with fighting hate speech is that it does not work and the likelihood of severe abuse is high. You could declare anything as hate, especially in modern culture.

Apart from that money in politics is also a problem. A very complicated one that also is not helped at all with additional hate speech legislation. On the contrary.

It seems you’re suggesting that by exercising disagreement we would be limiting the free speech of those we disagree with. Freedom of speech is not freedom of consequences. Others have the freedom of speech to speak against your freedom of speech. Only the government is disallowed in interfering.

I wouldn't call disagreement the same as trying to get someone fired because you disagree with them.

> Freedom of speech is not freedom of consequences.

Again, the definition of freedom of speech is "the right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint". It's not really free speech if you have to worry about being censored or consequences. It may be reprehensible speech that you are against but using freedom of speech as a weapon to punish others does not foster an environment where freedom of speech exists.

I personally think we should be able to have academic discussions with people that we disagree with and not try to further worsen this divisive and polarized world that we are trending towards by attacking them instead of their opinions. Shouting the opposing side down so that they cannot speak does nothing but make the situation worse. You might feel like you win a short term win by deplatforming someone but it causes further radicalization. It doesn't matter what side of the spectrum you are on you will not convince the other side without actually engaging in good faith discussions.

> I wouldn't call disagreement the same as trying to get someone fired because you disagree with them.

> > Freedom of speech is not freedom of consequences.

> Again, the definition of freedom of speech is "the right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint". It's not really free speech if you have to worry about being censored or consequences.

That's a very absolutist way of seeing free speech. I also don't believe anyone practices this view of free speech in practice. If you have children, are they allowed to say anything without consequences? What would you do with a guest at your house who repeatedly insulted you? I also would like to know what you think about spam filters, or moderation here on HN is that not cancellation?

As a side note there was an interesting post from a twitter discussion a number of weeks ago. The main gist of the discussion was that moderation is hardly ever about "cancelling" some sort of free speech, but about increasing SNR. Harassment, racism etc. decrease SNR and make people leave your platform.

No, it is not. You have the freedom to rebuttal, but not the one to insist of speakers to be silence or removed. Look up the definition of freedom of speech on wikipedia, it is in the first sentence.

This is not absolutist at all, this is a very basic rule for civilized discourse. You are correct that people occasionally do not adhere to these principles.

In the US, that definition has only ever applied to the government. And it should only ever apply to the government.

> Shouting the opposing side down so that they cannot speak does nothing but make the situation worse. You might feel like you win a short term win by deplatforming someone but it causes further radicalization. It doesn't matter what side of the spectrum you are on you will not convince the other side without actually engaging in good faith discussions.

Are you suggesting we moderate and apply a little restraint to someone's speech because of the consequences of radicalizing someone?

> Are you suggesting we moderate and apply a little restraint to someone's speech because of the consequences of radicalizing someone?

Yes. Why not try to engage them in a discussion to try to convince them? If you truly believe in your viewpoint and want it to prevail, don't you think engaging with them and convincing them of your viewpoint would be better for whatever you believe in in the long run than simply muting the opposing viewpoint?

Freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences from that speech. You can say whatever you want, but that doesn’t mean I have to let you sit at my bar.

Right, you can. And you should be able to do that. You are just not adhering to freedom of speech in that moment. You leverage rights to your property or similar rights.

At that point it gets kinda weird IMHO. Especially on HN many believe that work and personal life are two different things. Cancellation in that form makes a bridge between the two I personally dislike and I see no reason to pressure an employer to dismiss a potentially good/productive employee because of his personal life/beliefs.

I doubt many that got cancelled in that way suddenly saw the errors in their ways. It seems much more likely to make them even more extreme in their beliefs and even more against others so it seems petty and counterproductive.

Cancellation is using speech and other means to limit someone else's ability to speak. When you demand that your local theatre forbid someone from speaking, rather then just choosing to not attend and listen to it, that's yes, technically, using your right of free speech. It's what you're using it for that is the difference. In one case, to get your message heard, in the other, to prevent someone from doing that. In essence using free speech to stop free speech.

> being against both censorship and cancellation should be a contradiction

Not at all.

By analogy, someone who is for the free market, must stand against both nationalization and monopolization.

Nationalization happens through regulation; monopolization happens through a lack of regulation.

So you can't say that someone who is "for the free market" is for or against "regulation" as a concept. Some regulation (anti-trust) is needed in order to make the market free. Other regulations (the kinds lobbyists push for) must be avoided in order to make the market free.

As nationalization is to censorship, monopolization is to cancellation. You get one from allowing some participants in the market to capture the market's regulators (moderators) and through them, direct top-down use-of-force to suppress those they don't like. You get the other by not regulating at all, and thereby not inhibiting private actors from either direct suppression of their peers — or, more insidiously, manipulating public opinion to cause aggregate bottom-up use-of-force ("mob justice") to be used to suppress their peers.

Governments have a monopoly on the use of force — i.e. a self-named vigilante is just someone committing criminal assault in the eyes of the law — because we as a society want the use of force to flow through checks and balances.

Insofar as speech can be used as violence to silence or terrorize groups (see: hate-speech laws in much of the world explicitly recognizing this), the act of silencing others through speech — cancellation — should also be considered a criminal vigilante act if not performed through societally-approved channels with checks and balances.

The lack of checks and balances for the "process" of cancellation, is how you get cyber-bullying witch-hunts and mis-aimed identity defacement (see: the Reddit Boston Marathon debacle.) We don't accept witch-hunts in the physical world; why should we accept them online?

I agree with free speech and oppose censorship, but I also promote tolerance of those we disagree with and a certain degree of latitude in putting up with things others say without jumping on them immediately for things I disagree with or endless protests for what many believe to be innocuous or good faith beliefs. Cancellation is usually not just protest, it is warfare by any means to smear and destroy someones life and silence dissent from your position. It is dirty tricks instead of intellectual dialogue.

>I agree with free speech and oppose censorship, but I also promote tolerance of those we disagree with

Does this mean you would support legislation to outlaw hate speech? After all that works against tolerance of others and is often used "to smear and destroy someones life and silence dissent from your position" "for what many believe to be innocuous or good faith beliefs."

How do you get him supporting legislating to outlaw hate speech from him saying he wants to promote tolerance?

Tolerance is something every human possesses and should exercise, it's not something that can be legislated. An intolerant person will use their free speech to attack, malign and try to get you fired (which is fair). A tolerant person will let you speak your mind even if they disagree. In no point is there the need for hate speech legislation if you have true free speech.

Because both hate speech and cancellation are forms of speech that can be used to suppress the speech of others. I assumed their opposition to cancellation was more than just a distaste for it, hence the jump to legislation.

I do not support legislation outlawing cancellation.

Is hate speech not essentially the ultimate form of calling to cancel someone?

We are in a situation where we are seeing a strong increase in right extremist terrorism (just look at the last month) and it is by far the most prevelant terrorism in the US and many western countries, but somehow the discussion revolves around how the "poor" people who incite and support the violence are "being cancelled". That's intellectually dishonest.

The talk about "cancellation" is almost exclusively a deflection tactic used from one political direction, who have absolutely no problem to use cancellation themselves. Nobody complained about protestor being removed from Trump rallies, often violently, or let's look at the more recent blocking of left-wing twitter accounts by self proclaimed free-speech absolutist Elon Musk (https://theintercept.com/2022/11/29/elon-musk-twitter-andy-n...)

> This specific phrasing jumped out to me because being against both censorship and cancellation should be a contradiction. Cancellation is an example of the exercising of free speech.

It isn't a contradiction. Think of it this way: government censorship is just when the government cancels you.

The issue with "cancellation" is that it's often a cudgel to suppress and punish expression some minority disagrees with, often to enforce some kind of orthodoxy. It might be someone expressing their narrow "free speech" rights, but in a way that's opposed to "free expression" or a "free exchange of ideas."

> This specific phrasing jumped out to me because being against both censorship and cancellation should be a contradiction. Cancellation is an example of the exercising of free speech

It stops being speech when action is levied against someone.

The problem with cancellation isn’t the debate, but losing your livelihood or worse.

Isn't cancellation just censorship by a mob? If i understand my terms correctly (I very well might not), cancellation causes people to be deplatformed which seems a lot like censorship. I guess cancellation can be considered free speech, but that doesn't mean it's not censorship.

Cancellation and censorship mean a lot of different things in different contexts. For example, OJ Simpson has largely been cancelled. But it doesn't feel like censorship per se -- for example you can still purchase writing by him or find video of him. If he's not on Tic Tok or YouTube, I don't think they'd block him. Yet, I don't think Disney is going to make a movie starring him.

Cancellation is the consequences of speech. Period.

It is most certainly not censorship when you consider the context - something these debates regularly leave out. Some views are widely considered to be abhorrent or dangerous. People are free to believe vaccine misinformation or glorify extremism. Society does not have an obligation to listen.

The question under discussion is what those consequences should be. In some countries the consequence for certain kinds of speech is capital punishment by the State. Most Americans would be horrified if the US government did this. To be clear, the fact that this happens to be constitutionally protected is irrelevant because the question is what should be illegal not what is illegal.

> Some views are widely considered to be abhorrent or dangerous.

I also think pointing to “society” isn’t that useful since it’s a moving target. “Society” isn’t one thing. Things that are acceptable in one place are not in another.

In some places advocating for equality for LGBT people is considered an affront to society. Dangerous even. The question is, what should be the worst consequence of having unpopular viewpoints?

But this has no protections under the law. If your public support of say pro-life/choice means you can no longer get a job, that's a problem.

> Cancellation is the consequences of speech. Period.

This... isn't true though. It can be and often is, but it isn't just that. People accused of certain types of crimes, or accused of having done something racist/sexist privately are often cancelled or close to it, even without being convicted. And I completely understand where that impulse comes from too, as much as possible I think we should "listen and believe"... but that we should also maybe take that with a bit of "trust but verify" and not immediately have movements to deplatform people for things we didn't witness them do ourselves/have really solid evidence for

>Should I not have the freedom to organize a protest of my local theater for hosting a controversial figure that I think is worthy of cancellation? Isn't that a very basic and fundamental example of free speech?

I don't think so.

What you should be allowed to do is to freely argue that the speaker you disagree with is wrong. That's free speech.

If you try to influence the theatre to not have the person speak at all, you are suppressing free speech.

>I don't think so.

Thankfully, this is your opinion, and not actually how courts and the legal system view the first amendment. The Supreme Court has ruled repeatedly that even full on boycott campaigns, which would generally be above the level of simple protest, to be protected speech when the boycott is political in nature and not just for economic gain. https://www.mtsu.edu/first-amendment/article/987/boycotts

>What you should be allowed to do is to freely argue that the speaker you disagree with is wrong. That's free speech.

This is true. That is free speech.

>If you try to influence the theatre to not have the person speak at all, you are suppressing free speech.

No. This is also free speech. If you are simply protesting the action, you are informing the theater that as a prospective customer you are unhappy with their decision and makes you less likely to be their patron in the future. If you are going further and advocating that the theater be boycotted if they host this person, then you need to show that you are attempting social or political change - but from the premise of the discussion here, it is obvious that this is the intent.

Boycotts of businesses that were pro-British or selling British imported goods were a significant part of the early stages of the American Revolution - https://www.masshist.org/revolution/non_importation.php - so they have a long history of being an important tool in shaping America into what her (future and present) citizens wanted her to be.

The theater is not a public square. The controversial speaker has no first amendment right to say whatever they want in a private space. The theater has no right to force people to not have and share an opinion about who they host. I have every right to share my opinions about a person speaking somewhere, and my opinions about what I think that means about the location hosting them. The speaker (likely) has every right to say what they are saying in general, but not necessarily in any given private location.

Free speech is about preventing government censorship of speech, not private censorship.

>>If you try to influence the theatre to not have the person speak at all, you are suppressing free speech.

>No. This is also free speech.

But it is also a threat. Should threats be covered under free speech? That seems tricky, and certainly undemocratic.

If you are a random patron telling the theatre you don't like it they might ignore you, but if you are the owner of the popcorn factory, you suddenly get to decide who speaks and who doesn't.

When does a threat cross the line to becoming suppression of someone's rights? Only if it comes from the government? Only when the person with the gun actually pulls the trigger but not when says "if you speak I will shoot?"

Free speech is not an easy topic, certainly not today when anyone has free access to mass media as well. I think the founding fathers would have phrased things very differently if they had known about Radio, TV and the internet.

Not to jump into US political discussion, but the phrase you call out is what was typically called a dog whistle a few years ago.

The complaints about “cancellation” are complaints about others speaking up.

I am not a fan of cancel culture in the way it’s practiced today (especially some of the Twitter driven campaigns), but it’s squarely free speech.

> Cancellation is an example of the exercising of free speech.

Absolutely not. This inverts the meaning of freedom of speech.


First sentence. Your definition jumped out to me because that is a position of pretty one-sided ideologues.

You are free to protest, but not free to "cancel" people. Precision here is very important.

It’s not a contradiction, there is political cancellation which has happened to celebrities in China. Look up Zhao Wei. This is the type of thing GP refers to.


In China any friendliness towards Japan can lead to being “cancelled” but the way it happens isn’t through a local protest.

> Should I not have the freedom to organize a protest of my local theater for hosting a controversial figure that I think is worthy of cancellation? Isn't that a very basic and fundamental example of free speech?

Perhaps it isn't about freedom of speech but centralization of power. Protest all you want, but if you advocate for the centralization of power in government or corporate hands then you shouldn't complain when you can't protest anymore without getting the same treatment Chinese protestors are receiving

Cancellation is freedom of association, not free speech. As for which is more fundamental under tension…

> Cancellation is an example of the exercising of free speech.

If the context is a vacuum that might be fine, maybe.

In reality the US is hyper fragile intellectually and it has gotten drastically worse over the past 10-15 years. The way that fragility is being managed is through silencing and cancellation instead of through intellectual strengthening. Younger people in the US are entirely incapable of discussing difficult ideas emotionally, they're weak. Today the US would try to defeat the KKK via cancellation, which doesn't actually work; yesterday the KKK - which was a huge movement at one time, and has almost no power today - was defeated in the public square head-on, not by cowering or cancelling. The people that intellectually fought the KKK at the height of its power would ridicule today's incredible mental weakness; such weakness that someone as trivial as Trump has to be cancelled in order to deal with him. If people today weren't so intellectually weak, they could counter a Trump quite easily. Trump is absolutely nothing compared to what was dealt with in prior generations.

You defeat bad ideology through rigorous intellectual conflict in the public square. It's messy, difficult and it can be violent - so what. Anything else and the bad will fester under the rugs where it has been swept, and you risk it getting far worse. There are far worse things than Trump and they're barrelling toward the US right now (DeSantis), that wasn't stopped by silencing Trump; it only gets stopped through exactly what I said - you have to smash the ideas in the public square, your ideas have to win. Or else. The far right will eventually produce the next version of Nixon, and he'll wield far greater executive power compared to what Richard Nixon had. Trump isn't that, he's a carnival barker at best; a big part of the left is too irrational and obsessed to recognize the difference.

The US is lucky it was Trump. He's a de facto clown show. The US is increasingly close to being primed for real authoritarianism, the levers are there.

Yes, you're absolutely right. Jonathan Haidt touched on this quite a bit in "The Coddling of the American Mind". Unfortunately I see no possible way to reverse the situation. People simply aren't used to hardship anymore, you can easily live a life of pure comfort. The advances in digital technology only intensify this phenomenon. Short of major economic collapse, I'd expect humanity to become increasingly soft and squishy, to the point of essentially becoming another form of cattle.

I would agree that the US today is far less equipped to deal with rigorous debate of ideology. I don't agree that cancellation was not part of how the KKK was defeated, or that it is not an appropriate tool to have in the toolbox.

Rigorous intellectual debate has it's place. You have to definitively disprove something at the start. But at a certain point in time, giving them any more spotlight does more harm than good. There is a certain portion of the population that will be swayed into ridiculous viewpoints no matter how thoroughly they have been destroyed in a debate, no matter how much evidence has been piled in front of them. Rigorous debate of flat earthers rarely convinces the flat earthers they are wrong, and doing so in a public setting provides them more opportunity to spread their misinformation. We would gain nothing of import by putting a bunch of flat earther's on national television and debating them.

Nor would you gain anything by platforming a KKK member and debating them on stage today. There's no advantage to be earned by doing so. But, at the time, when they were at the height of their power and had many people believing in them? Certainly. They had a way to preach their message regardless, the reach to spread the information to a large audience. Being able to argue against them and destroy their message was important.

But cancelling them was also part of the process. Boycotts were a SIGNIFICANT part of the effort in defeating the clan. You can find many, many, many historical references to them. Here's a small sample: https://thecatholicnewsarchive.org/?a=d&d=TCT19221207-01.2.6... https://www.jstor.org/stable/27502105 https://academic.oup.com/chicago-scholarship-online/book/214... https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?artic...

The American Unity League in particular spent a large amount of time and effort organizing boycotts and other methods of cancelling the KKK. It was important and it was effective.

edit: I would like to note that I do not believe that people should be cancelled simply for having differing viewpoints. I do think that we have white nationalists and others who should be cancelled for continually espousing racist hateful rhetoric and agitating for violence against others. I do not think that someone should be cancelled for stupid twitter jokes they made a decade ago when they were 20 and had yet to learn better, but now do.

I am specifically worried about the extensiveness of the surveillance and control estate globally should western liberal values lose influence and autocratic control is grandfathered access to these tools of mass oppression. I think the discussion of the present can digress into relevant but distracting political debate, but it’s impossible to assert regardless of your political bent that these tools could be extraordinarily harmful in the hands of some future society.

I don’t see a way out honestly. The tools are too useful and too compelling. Any work done now on differential privacy, E2E, FHE, and other technologies can be easily reverted in a way that’s entirely transparent given the UX people expect. I feel that the rigorous maintenance of rights and freedoms as seen from a western liberal perspective is a very high energy state, and nature and human societies settle into lower energy states intrinsically.

I don’t understand the inclusion of cancellation in this argument. How is cancellation different from boycotting, a right long upheld by the Supreme Court with direct legal ties to freedom of speech?

Cancellation is different in that it attempts to "boycott" an individual for holding non-majority views. If you can no longer get a job because you are vocally pro-choice for example, that's a problem. The state should protect someone's right to express their beliefs. This means that you will have pro-life / pro-choice people at the same company, and that needs to be ok. If it's not, it has a chilling effect on freedom of speech.

"Boycotting", "cancelling", both seem to be democracy in action. And non-majority views is too ambiguous a definition. This would put vegans on the same side of the scale as extreme race purists.

But that's just it. The law needs to be able to distinguish and provide proper protections. I do not think the public at large should be making that distinction because it turns on mob rule.

expressing beliefs has the risk of others updating theirs regarding whether they want to have you in their community or not.

doing it anonymously was always the traditional way to workaround this effect. eg women authors picked a pen name for themselves to appear as men.

Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences of said speech when the majority of the public thinks you’re a raging asshole.

Doesn’t this beg the question of what exactly “consequences” means?

Most people would agree free speech doesn’t mean a local restaurant has to serve you. But what about other businesses?

Can dentists refuse to treat you?

Can hospitals refuse to give you life saving treatments based on your political views? Many hospitals in the US are private businesses.

Most people agree that social networks can kick you out. But what about ISPs? Can they refuse your business?

And if ISPs can refuse your business, what about water or electricity companies?

Certainly freedom of speech means freedom from certain consequences. As codified in the First Amendment it means freedom from certain legal consequences. Of course freedom of speech is broader than 1A though.

> Can dentists refuse to treat you?


> Can hospitals refuse to give you life saving treatments based on your political views?

Ask a Catholic hospital to do an abortion.

> And if ISPs can refuse your business, what about water or electricity companies?

We have specific law for these sorts of scenarios. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_carrier and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_utility

I wouldn’t consider Catholic hospitals abortions to be the same situation. They don’t give abortions to anyone. That’s not the same as refusing a particular patient because they don’t like things that patient has said in the past.

But they treat pregnant women, and somethings things go wrong. Very wrong.

The procedures to deal with incomplete miscarriages are the same as for abortion. Delaying such procedures can have horrible consequences. Some Catholic hospitals have played this game, delaying and delaying until sepsis or some other condition becomes life threatening. If they wait too long, the pregnant woman may die.

I agree that abortion is sometimes necessary but that’s not really what I’m asking. Since we are talking about cancel culture I am asking what the spectrum of consequences should be for unpopular speech. One potential consequence could be that a hospital refuses to treat someone who has said something unpopular. For example Alex Jones has a heart attack, should a hospital deny him because of who he is? Note that my question is also not about what the law says, but what it should be.

My question is, should a hospital be able to deny treatment to a person based on that person’s previous speech? Is potentially being denied at the emergency room just another “consequence” of saying unpopular things? What if the hospital is privately owned, and the potential patient has slandered the owner or doctor in the past?

But there have been CVS/Walgreens pharmacists who refuse to offer birth control or the morning after pill.

Still, that’s not refusing service to a particular customer based on that customer’s speech. I believe that pharmacist would refuse any customer. My question is about a pharmacy which would refuse e.g. Alex Jones because of things he’s said in the past.

I agree with your point, but want to point out that in the US utility companies are regulated by local government and they cannot refuse service. Not only can they not refuse service, they MUST service all areas, even if it's at a loss (not profitable).

And when utility companies try to stop servicing areas because of the profit loss, these local governments absolutely will fine the shit out of them for it.

That doesn't change your point, but that particular example isn't a good one.


Water and power shut off to houses having parties during lockdown. Certainly a form of protest, and assembly, and yet here we are.

A declared state of emergency has legal effects like this.

We've long accepted limits on assembly; pretty much any building you enter other than a private home will have a "maximum capacity x people, by order of the fire marshal" placard somewhere.

It was clear overreach. I believe anyone reasonable saw it as overreach at the time.

Using Covid as an excuse for emergency executive powers was a failing of state and local governments across the US.

While las Angeles was cutting power to houses, my kids were in private school in person building life skills. So many of their peers are socially stunted. It’s sad.

Again, "police shut down rager" was a thing long before COVID. Especially if you live in a college town.

The article even indicates this action took place under "the city's party house ordinance, which became law in 2018".

Sorry, I should have been more clear. My questions aren’t about what the law is, they’re about what the law should be. Some people may believe that ISPs shouldn’t be required to service everyone.

Hospitals are covered under EMTALA so if it’s truly emergency and they accept Medicare, they are legally forced to.

A hospital that doesn’t take Medicare has no obligation to give you any treatments.

Fair enough, I’ll take your word on what the law says.

What if I live in an area where there’s only one hospital and it doesn’t take Medicare, do I just need to watch what I say so I don’t piss them off and they deny me life saving treatment? Even if that may happen to be legal, is that what the law should be?

> Can dentists refuse to treat you?

If you're a raging asshole, yes.

I guess so. But what if the dentist simply doesn’t like your politics? (Interpret this however you like: Democrat/Republican, pro/anti union, pro/anti Ukrainian sovereignty, etc. Suffice it to say, he doesn’t like something you wrote on Facebook.)

And what if that dentist is the only one within 50 miles? Even if it happens to be legal for the dentist to deny you, should it be?

Aside from the narrow question here, my broader point is that “consequences for your actions” is the whole question we should be discussing and I don’t think the term “cancel culture” is that helpful in actually exploring that issue.

See, you scare me. Should private speech in the home have consequences? Speech that not only did you not mean to make public, but you didn't even realize could possibly become public? That's the road to hell for our society.

> Should private speech in the home have consequences? Speech that not only did you not mean to make public, but you didn't even realize could possibly become public?

What do you think about the (former) NFL team owner whose voicemail containing racial slurs was leaked. It was not supposed to become public: should he not have faced any consequences for it on that basis? IIRC, he was forced to sell his franchise by the other teams.

It's an interesting case, for sure. I'm not familiar with the specifics, but I think a key variable is how exactly the conversation was leaked.

If the receiver of the voicemail leaked it, that's a consequence that the owner should have been prepared for - that sort of thing happens all the time, like with Alec Baldwin.

If it was the phone company that leaked it, then I think that is a different story. Abusing data from a platform advertised as private, perpetrated by someone who does not even know the people in question, is wrong. Nobody is prepared for the consequences of petabytes of conversation data to be analyzed by random people they don't even know. This is the situation I'm more concerned about.

You're talking about the former owner of the NBA's Los Angeles Clippers, Donald Sterling. Not an NFL owner.

Thank you, I was recalling off the top of my head and mixed up the leagues.

Something similar happened with the Carolina Panthers in the NFL. The owner sold the team because of allegations that he was saying racist and sexist things, although there was no recording of him AFAIK. https://www.cnbc.com/2017/12/18/facing-misconduct-investigat...

That’s not a free speech or “cancelling” problem. That’s a privacy problem.

What even is a “private speech”? Are you worried Alexa is listening to you as you rant to yourself?

> Are you worried Alexa is listening to you as you rant to yourself?

Well, I mean, quite literally, it is. It's always listening to you, and that's how it knows when you say "Alexa". And IIUC all these audio recordings are sent right to AWS and stored indefinitely.

"Alexa, would you like to hear my racist tirade?

Haha, I can't imagine that this happens often. But that being said, there are documented instances of Alexa picking up sensitive conversations on accident, for example in this WaPo article where it was observed picking up sensitive information:

"There were even sensitive conversations that somehow triggered Alexa’s “wake word” to start recording, including my family discussing medication and a friend conducting a business deal."


It's not a private speech, smartass. It's private speech. As in speech that is private. As in, when you're in the privacy of your own home, and you're expressing yourself to yourself or others, that would be private speech. Speech that is not directed to a public audience. Even when you talk to yourself in your mind, that is your own private speech.

Nope, once you involve others, you involve consequences, as it is now their free speech (and free association) that often generates those consequences.

I always found the people who say “Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences” are the authoritarian assholes, but that may just be me.

> Be kind. Don't be snarky. Have curious conversation; don't cross-examine. Please don't fulminate. Please don't sneer, including at the rest of the community. Edit out swipes.


Why exactly? You _are_ free from consequences .. from the government. But how would you expect to be free from consequences when you offend millions of people using the Internet? Why should I not be able to ban people from my forum if I and most of my users don't like them and they are dragging down the quality of the forum?

Those are consequences, and I don't see how you can have some utopia where that isn't viable. Then you just live in a world where you are forced to listen to the broadcasted thoughts of idiots.

I'm just tired of bullies claiming to be victims. It's such bullshit.


A current standard for free speech within the United States is the legal standard of "imminent lawless action."

This replaced the previous standard of "clear and present danger."


And just try saying it about all sorts of other freedoms and see how chilling it sounds: "freedom of the press is not freedom from consequences."

> And just try saying it about all sorts of other freedoms and see how chilling it sounds: "freedom of the press is not freedom from consequences."

That is literally true.

News organizations are sued all the time for libel or slander, sometimes for good reason.

Hell, Fox had to backtrack on some of their voting machine coverage, recently, for precisely this reason.

In fact, this is generally true for all freedoms.

Honestly, I challenge you to name just one other human right where you believe there is no legal or social restriction on how you can exercise that right.

Damn I think you just changed my opinion.

Explain what about that is chilling. If I make false and defamatory statements in a newspaper (person xyz is a criminal who stole money, committed crimes against children, whatever), if it is not true you can be sued. Is that wrong, you have hurt their public character? But it's nontrivial to get a conviction, there seems to be a reasonable balance. If you say "Elon Musk person is a horrible leader, scares me, makes bad choices, kills baby bunny rabbits for fun" he likely won't win a suit - but it would be costly to defend yourself.

Depends on what you mean by consequences. If the consequence is people thinking you are a raging asshole sure. If it's people strongly disagreeing with you, sure.

But if consequences means there is a coordinated effort among major corporations to punish and prevent you from speaking by de-platforming you or anyone who gives you a platform--that isn't freedom of speech (regardless of whether its allowed under the 1st amendment or not).

US social media banned covid misinformation as defined by US health officials. Why is banning covid misinformation as defined by Chinese health officials any different? Shit, the Chinese policy isn't even that different than the US's view 18 months ago--US lockdown protestors were vilified.

Freedom of speech has to mean freedom from consequences; consequences are the only thing you can be free from.

There might be some difference between “consequences to the message” and “consequences to the speaker” but I’ve never seen anyone try to tell those apart.

Then right to free speech only protects you from government consequences.

Yes, I think that's the right way to put it. The xkcd comic people link doesn't say that though…

Freedom of speech in private should mean free from consequences.

Do you mean "free from public consequences"?

For example, if I say something controversial to my SO at home it shouldn't cause me to get fired because Alexa overheard and its recording leaked?

I suspect there is a lot of nuance to both sides here. Like if the president of the US tells racist jokes to their lover in private, then public consequences after a tell-all book may be in order. (By public I mean people may chose to vote them out.)

Can we stop with this stupidity please?

What if yer dog gets mad at you yelling at the television and bites you, that was a consequence, right? so ha! I've totally proven how silly you are for thinking that you should be able to make a statement to yourself about muhammed without actors in the middle east calling for your death!


When people talk about consequences for saying stupid things, this is exactly what they're talking about. Embarrassment for saying completely assinine things, not losing your ability to support yourself because you made a stupid joke when you were 14.

If you can't understand the difference between the two, that's a you problem.

You can apologize for making a stupid joke when you were 14, and you won't lose the ability to support yourself. People like Brendan Eich doubled down on being assholes, saying essentially that they would donate to campaigns to retroactively make gay marriage illegal again. Now he's a crypto grifter.

I've seen a story of a man losing his business because his daughter made a stupid joke.

You can bury your head in the sand and pretend this sort of damage isn't happening regularly, but the rest of us choose not to.

If you've seen it, you can point us to it instead of claiming the rest of us are burying our heads in the sand.

I raised my head up high and actively looked for the story by Googling "lost business daughter joke" and came up empty.

I said YOU are burying your head in the sand, I made no comment about others.

Stand on your own two feet.

I get that you said that. Did you get that I specifically searched for this case and came up empty? I am not intentionally hiding from this story. If it exists, show me.

Is this the search version of "pics or it didn't happen"?

Umm no. Unless you’re in a looked soundproof room talking to yourself speech is a social activity and no one gets to dictate how others interpret and react to your speech.

Note that this mindset leads to what happened under Mao with children ratting out parents etc.

Should it? If I say something to someone in private that causes them to think I'm a raging asshole, should they not be free to share it with others, and should that not have consequences for me?

Under the SS kids would eat out their parents. Remember that you have to assume true speech could also be punished if you normalize the behavior.

A public street or a tv interview isn't in privste.

Depends on how private. Speech is communication, which almost always necessitates more than one person, and the other people are perfectly within their own rights to provide some consequences to the speech they hear in private.

I disagree, because this mindset leads to what happened under Mao where anything against the party was punishable and family members would turn you in.

What? No. That's the government acting in response to speech, not other people expressing themselves.

Your argument forgets that it's also free speech to react to something objectionable. If the government forced me to do business with you without my consent, that would be compelled association, which is more similar to how Mao's government behaved in the 50s.

What does any of that have to do with this story about Huawei and China?

I was responding to the parent comment?

> What worries me is that the US itself will go in the same direction. The surveillance is already there, but it is not acted on for the most part in everyday life. But there may be a clock on how long that will last.

Unless laws are changes, the US Government cannot demand anything from private industry.

at least the US has woken up to some degree. Humans are funny in how imagery impacts response to things. China has done trillions in damage to the US economy the past few decades but it wasn't tangible so we did nothing. They've killed far more people then 9/11 via shipping synthetic opioid precursors to Mexico but the response is non-existent. IP theft allowed them to undercut US businesses and destroy them but it's so abstract people don't get worked up into a frenzy over it compared to if they'd literally dropped a bomb on the same business

Russia should have paid attention to how much more effective economic and asymmetric warfare is compared to kinetic warfare

>Russia should have paid attention to how much more effective economic and asymmetric warfare is compared to kinetic warfare

I am 100% sure that Russian state-sponsored trolls are largely responsible for the current state of the "culture war".

Do you remember when Facebook reported how much Russian state actors had spent on disinformation spread on that platform during the Trump presidential campaign? It was of the order of $100,000. Pocket change, to turn the brains of an entire nation into argumentative mush.

I don't. If it's virtually impossible to distinguish a Russian troll farm page from a traditional conservative/radical leftist from a home grown, private individual, then there is no problem. The impact Russian troll farms have had on the US social fabric is widely overestimated, the real harm to the social fabric is increased politicization.

>Russian troll farms .... increased politicization.

The two are linked. Those who wish to see Western culture fail, just want us at each others' throats.



>It was of the order of $100,000

That was just their advertising budget. It doesn't include their hundreds of thousands of sockpuppet accounts operated by their clickfarms.

The narrative about Russia using FB to influence elections was pushed by the Clinton campaign. No one wanted to cover it was $100K as that compromised the narrative. They pushed that propaganda for 4 years, denying the election. Then, it became virtually illegal to talk about illegitime elections.

That’s $100k for ads. I remember seeing one of the anti-Clinton image memes in one of the Senate reports on the SandersForPresident forum. Makes me sick that Russian manipulators were there, too.

$100K ads is nothing. It is an ad budget that will get exhausted in few days with broad targeting parameters. The entire issue was a nothing burger, fabricated by one side to push their agenda.

I mean, US businesses willingly shipped their operations to China so it’s not really correct to lay all the blame on them. We could have kept our operations here but US business people wanted increased profits so they dismantled our industrial base and paid China to build up theirs.

The 80s and 90s had businesses gushing at the opportunities to

* liquidate unions

* avoid environmental laws

* take advantage of cheap labor

Both parties fell over themselves in paving the way for US businesses to move the bulk of their manufacturing outside the country.

The Chinese millionaire kids who are buying houses for cash are a product of the distillation of thousands of once blue collar jobs that burned to move production overseas.

Any derision in the quality of Chinese made goods should be directed at the companies themselves. Those factories are built what they are told to build. That brand that was once a mark of quality that is now making a shoddy product is just extracting value. Your Macbook Pro and that power tool in name only are made in the same place.

Many businesses had little choice. Their competition went to China and now could out price them while making a profit.

> US businesses willingly shipped their operations to China

Western governments encouraged it! “They’ll want to democratize!”

To be fair, China did democratize, compared with Mao's era.

not sure you can say this when corporate raiders and hostile takeovers were the primary cause of all of this. Big difference between 'US business' and Wall Street

> Big difference between 'US business' and Wall Street

This depends on how you and I are using the terms. If you realize that I am using those terms somewhat synonymously, then what I said makes sense. You can disagree with the way I am using the words, but you can at least understand why I would make the claims that I did if that's how I am using those words.

I could have said "big business" which is closer to meaning "wall street" but this is semantic shorthand, and some misunderstandings may happen.

Oh come on. Corporate America was hell-bent on killing unions and offshoring everything during the 90s. Mainstream politician were very supportive.

This is the end result.

>The surveillance is already there, but it is not acted on for the most part in everyday life. But there may be a clock on how long that will last.

Yes it is. Think advertising, marketing, and product placement. It's so pervasive you can't even see it.

>> The surveillance is already there, but it is not acted on for the most part in everyday life. But there may be a clock on how long that will last.

> Yes it is. Think advertising, marketing, and product placement. It's so pervasive you can't even see it.

But that's not the state. That'd be much more frightening.

The majority of large institutions are effectively captured by the state, and to a large extent the converse is true as well. Despotic actions (censorship, surveillance, etc) performed on behalf of the state by megacorps cannot be meaningfully distinguished by despotic actions performed by the state itself under the current legal regime.

Yes it is? I mean, I consider the military part of "the state" and the various branches participate in advertising, marketing, and product placement.

Just look at this: https://www.businessinsider.com/us-army-marketing-esports-co...

"After Congress withheld half of its ad budget due to an audit that revealed millions in spending that didn't deliver results, the Army dissolved its marketing division, relocated to Chicago, and revamped its approaches to data and events. Officials told Business Insider they planned to emphasize conferences like Comic-Con and esports festival Pax, saying gamers and programmers "make good soldiers.""

Whoops, got a little too exposed during the audit time to reset the paper trail.

Yep, The United States Military has been working with Hollywood and video game producers to produce propaganda for 3 decades now.


Wow, that link was a fascinating read

A state has at least some illusion of citizen control, while a private company much less. Yes the state _could_ regulate it, but that's already working over chinese whispers (no pun intended)

Advertisers, marketers, and product placers for the most part aren't armed with the tools nor legal authority to implement capital punishment.

I have a Huawei phone. I live in the Netherlands and the phone was bought here. The videos are not deleted from my device.

If they do delete, then at least they only do that in China, and they treat other jurisdictions differently.

>The videos are not deleted from my device.

Correct, that twitter thread is only about Chinese people living in China.

If they do delete, then at least they only do that in China, and they treat other jurisdictions differently.

"If they do have slave labor, then at least they only do that in China, and they treat other jurisdictions differently."

Good to know if that if something is bad, but doesn't affect you personally, it is suddenly no longer bad.

There's a huge difference between "I condemn this practice because I consider it bad anywhere" vs "they are a threat to our country".

The fact they can should be the worry.

I think technically all the cloud sync picture/file platforms (Onedrive, iCloud, gDrive, Dropbox, etc) can do that, can't they? How I understand it, if I (or the platform owner) delete something from one of the synced devices, it should be deleted from all the synced devices.

Huawei just follows the law in China, just like Apple follows the same law but perhaps with some more delay.

Correct, but Apple follows US law first and Chinese law second. And Huawei follows Chinese law first and US law second. For example the US could block Apple from selling iPhones in china. If they didn't listen the US government could (theoretically) have the board arrested. Same story with China and Huawei. What this means is that China could tell Huawei to shut down their infrastructure in the US. Wether they would actualy be able to do so is unknown, but that that isn't a risk that makes sense to take.

But to your point, China has more control over Apple than the US does over Huawei as iPhones are assembled there (with most components beinf made in Korea and Taiwan).

I also read that iPhones are quickly growing in market share in China as Chinese people see them as more luxurious than their domestic brands. Which raises the question, how does iMessage, the App Store, data collection and western app policy stuff work on Chinese iPhones? There has to be some collusion/government pressure on Apple to regulate their Chinese App Store the same way Huawei is forced to regulate its domestic app store.

It's no longer just about luxury. Apple has won over the CCP with their China/Taiwan-first outsourcing practices -- not to mention $270+B invested to train young, unskilled laborers from rural China and prop up China's domestic chip business -- and now some Chinese even consider Apple as their own.

iCloud has a China region operated by a Chinese company.


There is no first or second tier with law the local law prevails however bad it may be.

maybe the law is wrong?

yeah, rhetorical question, but the issue here isn't necessarily adherence to local laws, but rather having some principled stance.

yeah, I'm hearing it, "principled stance"... one can dream

Apple has shareholders. It is eternally bound by the idiotic rules of capitalism, which demand higher returns every year. Principles will not matter until we force the system itself to change.

I recently read an interesting book that's picking up traction among managerial types, called "The Infinite Game" by Sinek

One of the main points is about this view that "companies must always make more short-term profit at any cost". Sinek says this is just a mind-virus that took hold after Milton Friedman started pushing it, and not only is it not actually true in any legal sense, it's a toxic philosophy that eats away at companies and slowly destroys them. He outlines how it's a big part of why Microsoft keeps losing out to Apple again and again.

(Another point it goes on about is how much more productive your workers are if you treat them like human beings)

So hopefully this book will keep getting more and more traction, and eventually we might not live in a toxic corporate dystopian hellscape

> What worries me is that the US itself will go in the same direction. Like how a year ago, Apple was going to enable 'client side' CSAM scanning of your devices photos, etc, until enough people got really mad that they put it on a hold?

Wonder what pretext that one is going to slip back in again as.

I figure that was just cover for complying with some government mandate about deleting unacceptable material--I suspect China. They knew they couldn't hide it forever so they came up with a cover story instead.

>there may be a clock on how long that will last

Why is that? Culture, mores, and politics shape how power is used. What makes authoritarianism inevitable?

On one hand power begets power, on the other hand people are easily scared and readily convince themselves of the worst possible explanation.

If this really were the reason Huawei would never have been allowed to operate in the US to begin with and Apple would be banned too - for breaking airdrop on behalf of the CCP.

The anti huawei thing only really kicked off when huawei started dominating key telecoms markets.

When they started kicking out huawei tech they also didn't discriminate between smart (where bugs could easily hide) and dumb tech like aerials (where they couldn't), suggesting that protectionism is at least as much a motive as national security.

> What worries me is that the US itself will go in the same direction. The surveillance is already there, but it is not acted on for the most part in everyday life. But there may be a clock on how long that will last.

The stage is already set. Just make sure your suitcase is packed. The craziness won't come from the government, it'll come from this culture's own inherently fascist tendencies

> And people wonder why the US has blocked Huawei infrastructure in the US.

I agree. I don't know how the US can allow Apple products if they're willing to shut down Airdrop to suppress Chinese protests.

> They have no qualms silencing their own population and invest heavily in surveillance technology. Why would anyone want their equipment?

Yes, but enough about the US, we're talking about China.

I read some of the threads about the Airdrop changes, and some people argue it actually increases security (for reasons that are above my technical understanding). The fast track to release in China was odd, but I don't think it's super cut and dry that it was at request of Chinese authorities.

They have surveillance communism, we have surveillance capitalism.

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