Side note: If you want to teach your kid (age 3+) to read, with the assumed prerequisite that you read lots of books aloud together and the kid wants to learn, let me recommend Bloomfield’s book Let's Read from the 1960s, about which you can see tokenadult’s recommendation here:
The book is organized so that in the first ~100 lessons only one new spelling–sound association is introduced per lesson and all words use strictly regular spellings. Lessons have (initially somewhat stilted and then gradually more natural) sentences constructed from previously seen words, so that there is a natural spaced repetition built in. This is much more efficient than most reading curricula, because despite many exceptions English is at its core a phonetic system.
It takes about 10–20 minutes per "lesson", you can do maybe 2–14 lessons per week (we aim for about 1/day), and there are ~250 lessons, so overall it ends up taking about 6–18 months from start to finish, maybe 50–100 hours in total. Afterwards, your kid will be ready to read pretty well anything they can understand, and after a further year or two of practice (reading whatever kind of material they want) will be a strong and fluent reader.
Only real prerequisites are that the kid is interested and can sit still for 10+ minutes at a time, can recognize the letters of the alphabet, and can more-or-less make all of the sounds of spoken English.
If you would like to feel this on a more visceral level, I have been playing "Tunic" recently and it is a really interesting simulation of "you are a child who can barely read one word in twenty in the manual but you sure are having a lot of fun bumbling around in Zelda".
That said, I have been impressed by mine’s abilities to memorize what each menu option does in menus that can go 4-5 levels deep.