Or maybe the problem is you view it as hypocrisy. I don't. It's illustrative of perfectly normal and predictable human behavior. The surprise would be if he did give it all to the Party.
My dad wasn't laughing at him. He was laughing at the Communists with their inability to recognize their false god.
Perhaps I misunderstood. My take-away was that, if he truly believed in Communist principles, he would give his money away. The fact that he didn't, shows his party affiliation wasn't a principled stance. I can acknowledge there are other more pragmatic motivators for being a Communist/Ba'athist/[insert political party of choice here].
I'm certainly not making a case for Communism. Again, it's telling that that is the lens you view these discussion through.
This is true. My point is not everything should be shoehorned into that dynamic. It’s not unlike when someone twists any misgiving into evidence of their pet cause, whether it’s racism, statism, misogyny, etc. The existence of those doesn’t mean every bad thing in society should be attributed to them.