Sounds like you are in the US, so my answer won't be helpful for you, but in case some Europeans are reading the comments:
Check if your government can help you start your own business.
For instance in France, you can sign up for a program called "Aide à la création d'entreprise" [1], which gives you the rights to access like 1 year of your unemployment insurance compensation ("indemnisation d'assurance chômage"). If your income was 2 or 3 times above your spendings, it should be way enough to maintain your standard of living during 1 year, while working full time on your project. Then after this period, if you project didn't succeed, you can move on and look for a job. You basically take 0 risks.
Check if your government can help you start your own business.
For instance in France, you can sign up for a program called "Aide à la création d'entreprise" [1], which gives you the rights to access like 1 year of your unemployment insurance compensation ("indemnisation d'assurance chômage"). If your income was 2 or 3 times above your spendings, it should be way enough to maintain your standard of living during 1 year, while working full time on your project. Then after this period, if you project didn't succeed, you can move on and look for a job. You basically take 0 risks.