I would not encourage you to simply quit and try your luck at finding PMF until you run out of money.
Saying that I believe there are options:
1. Work out a concrete problem you're passionate about, then try to attract early capital (business angels) that allow you to draw a livable salary.
2. Join an early stage startup. There are still companies who raised seed in need of strong CTOs.The best founding teams are reluctant to give away equity and are happy to pay more instead.
3. Find structures like startup studios. Especially in the US there are a lot of studios that give you a viable idea and/or capital really early.
Saying that I believe there are options:
1. Work out a concrete problem you're passionate about, then try to attract early capital (business angels) that allow you to draw a livable salary. 2. Join an early stage startup. There are still companies who raised seed in need of strong CTOs.The best founding teams are reluctant to give away equity and are happy to pay more instead. 3. Find structures like startup studios. Especially in the US there are a lot of studios that give you a viable idea and/or capital really early.
If you're in Europe feel free to reach out.