A smart investor though is going to diversify risks though. Some good solid, low risk but moderate return investments along with a higher risk strategy with a portion of the money.
Otherwise you have higher risks but no guarantee that you will be able to succeed across a trouble economic climate.
A better approach IMO is to diversify risks. One thing YC does that's kinda cool is a very small amount of investment combined with a sort of mentoring approach. I am not sure it is the right thing for my business, but I won't say it isn't occasionally under consideration.
Otherwise you have higher risks but no guarantee that you will be able to succeed across a trouble economic climate.
A better approach IMO is to diversify risks. One thing YC does that's kinda cool is a very small amount of investment combined with a sort of mentoring approach. I am not sure it is the right thing for my business, but I won't say it isn't occasionally under consideration.