Getting a job in India is not a joke. And that's saying something.
Most poor people in India, are not the same poor you see in the USA. Many people who make it to WITCH companies are likely succeeding despite all odds, and
are starting their career at such companies, while they can get trained, and work on projects and later use the experience to do some thing good on the longer run. Several lucky also get overseas travel opportunities many even settle outside India.
Sure things are way less than perfect. And if you come from a rich family do not join a WITCH. You can either wait out for a better job, or may be go overseas for studies or just try to immigrate to some western lands.
Most people complaining about WITCH companies are typically from a background which is already better off. And they generally find such companies to be downgrade from their current social class. The remainder do just fine.
WITCH salaries are a joke, no wonder they deliver substandard results.