Coming from WPF and Winform, I find web development to be unnecessarily complex, but I refuse to believe that’s true.
I just want to make a simple web app, no React, Angular or any of that. That can’t be too hard right? I’m sure in large scale, that stuff has its place, but I don’t need it. To me, the browser is the UI framework.
When I Google around to get started, I find obnoxious Medium articles. I don’t want to copy and paste instructions and throw something together without a clue what’s going on. Mozilla has good documentation, but I don’t know what’s a good source to actually get a web app running locally that I can eventually deploy online. Do I really need Node? Compared to WPF/Winform this is a mess, or so I hope not.
I want to make a simple app where users can create and fill out a form. ATC test plans, to be exact.
Using modern HTML and CSS will get you pretty far these days.
For example, dealing with forms used to be problematic in a few different ways without JavaScript or something server-side.
Now form validation can be done with CSS [1].
For example, static site hosts like Netlify have services for dealing with the form data [2]. 100 free form submissions per month.
I agree that tooling is out of control. Jekyll [3] is great for getting started with building static sites. When using Jekyll, my build tool of choice is a Makefile [4].