And then the government makes using all that fancy tech a criminal offense (if they could pass PATRIOT act and SOPA, why not), makes a few demonstrative cases, and suddenly no normal people want to be part of that, since for the most part, the internet is still working fairly okay for them.
Using that fancy tech is an end in itself as far as I am concerned.
When you think about it, public key cryptography is just plain awesome. We can generate a pair of numbers that let you hide and authenticate messages! Why would you not want to use that?
Much more recently I became aware of these other technologies that amount to a secure public title registry. Distributed currency and name resolution. Awesome! I want to learn about these things and put them to use, and soon. The hacker appeal of these is just staggering!
The very idea that a government would even consider saying I can't or shouldn't use these (shouldn't do a certian kind of math) is merely a reason to hurry up and do it faster. How dare they.