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But a bunch of it is easy.

Are Unsafe Rust and Procedural (as opposed by "By example") Macros easy? No, unsafe Rust is potentially really hard. If you are implementing a new concurrency primitive or something you're going to need at least the expertise you'd want for the same work in C++. However in Rust you know where the line is, "Huh, I need unsafe, I should find a grown-up". And knowing that the problem areas are flagged gives you confidence everywhere else.

But many ordinary programming tasks are pretty easy, compared to Python you will spend a bit more time with the compiler refusing to compile your program because it's wrong, but on the other hand a bit less time with the program failing at runtime for trivial reasons a compiler would have spotted (compare what happens if you typo a variable name in Rust versus Python!)

Rust is a language that will reward you for embracing it and going deeper as well, which is great.

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