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I really like the positioning of "a project management suite for solos and small teams". That to me is very appealing because these don't really exist very well. Most project management tools are designed for tons of people. You might be able to make them work for a solo or small team, but they tend to be focused on larger teams, because as mentioned previously, those tend to be the customers spending the most money and they ask for features and they get made. Before long every project management tool becomes a large team project management tool because of this.

Positioning yourself as specifically designed for solo and small team project management to me is an underserved market. When I looked at your landing page, I scrolled down quickly thinking "cool another PM tool... just what the world needs". Then when I saw the line 3/4 of the way down that said "Specifically designed for solos, small teams and businesses" that caused me to perk up and go back to the top and look at the page from a different perspective that I was much more interested in.

I see now looking at it again that you mention "personal productivity" which I now understand is your way of saying small and solos. But I just interpreted it as a PM tool that made you productive amongst your team. So it didn't really resonate to me.

Anyway, the product is actually interesting. I'm going to check it out. I've been wanting a PM tool for solos. There are a couple out there, but they all suck. The best solution up to this point for solo project management that I have found is just using a generic solution like Notion or Trello and adapting it to my needs. So this is worth a shot IMHO.

I don’t have a ton of value to add since the parent comment did a wonderful job of laying things out. I wanted to mention that I also perked up and paid closer attention when I saw that this was designed for solos and small teams. I’ll definitely be giving a try. Thank you for sharing!

It seems like the angle "designed for solos and small teams" works great. I'll consider emphasizing this even more on the website.

Thanks for your valuable feedback and suggestions. I greatly appreciate it.

The one thing I'm concerned about regarding the positioning of "a project management suite for solos and small teams" is that people will question: "If my team grows bigger, does the app still work well for us? Or we have to find another solution?"

I wonder if it's worth worrying about that. There's plenty of freelancers who have no ambition of growing beyond a small team that helps them with the side stuff. Those are the freelancers who don't want to become entrepreneurs. I think they're an interesting enough market to target, and maybe it's OK if those who have dreams of growth don't feel addressed here?

Come to think of it, it may actually be flattering to solos if you recognize them for what they are and don't treat them as not-yet-bigs, if that makes sense.

Agreed and maybe expand on this angle. For example, I struggle(time intensive) with the centralisation of resourcing and project/task assignment workflow. Find an available capable person, invite to org, assign to team/project, get working.

I scale through subcontractors so the ability to decentralize that workflow would be nice. E.g. suggestions of who would be best for this project in an internal or public marketplace of other solos.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It makes a lot of sense. Cheers,

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