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zip is generally implemented as a functional concept, where the iterators take values from the backing iterable structure "by const &". You can implement a custom mutating zip operation on top of the iterator protocol.

I believe masklinn is talking about whether `zip` consumes an extra element from the longer iterator on the last iteration, when the shorter iterator raises StopIteration. And the behavior might vary depending on the order of the arguments.

    def a():
      yield "a1"

    def b():
      yield "b1"
      yield "b2"

    x,y = a(),b()
    zip(x,y) # => [("a1","b1")]
    next(x) # => raise StopIteration
    next(y) # => "b2"

    x,y = a(),b()
    zip(y,x) # => [("b1","a1")]
    next(x) # => raise StopIteration
    next(y) # => raise StopIteration

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