I was/am a pretty big fan of the Context-Driven Testing (https://context-driven-testing.com/) concept from James Bach and Cem Kaner, though I think Kaner later backed away from either it or Bach, not sure which. It was basically the testing version of the Agile Manifesto.
The idea in general of "THINK about what you're doing and the specific results you need and do what's OPTIMAL, not what's DOGMATIC" has guided my career for many years, both inside and outside of testing.
I was/am a pretty big fan of the Context-Driven Testing (https://context-driven-testing.com/) concept from James Bach and Cem Kaner, though I think Kaner later backed away from either it or Bach, not sure which. It was basically the testing version of the Agile Manifesto.
The idea in general of "THINK about what you're doing and the specific results you need and do what's OPTIMAL, not what's DOGMATIC" has guided my career for many years, both inside and outside of testing.