- The Test Runner lets you retrace your actions with a visual UI and interact with the page as you rewind, with access to Dev Tools the whole time. It also has an excellent tool for targeting elements. (Although you'll eventually lean more on Dev Tools once you're fluent with CSS selectors.)
- There's very little boilerplate for anything. Several useful libraries are packed in and available globally.
- You can easily spy on and interact with fetch and XHR on the page
- You can easily execute Node stuff
- They have a great Dashboard (their only pay feature)
- The Test Runner lets you retrace your actions with a visual UI and interact with the page as you rewind, with access to Dev Tools the whole time. It also has an excellent tool for targeting elements. (Although you'll eventually lean more on Dev Tools once you're fluent with CSS selectors.)
- There's very little boilerplate for anything. Several useful libraries are packed in and available globally.
- You can easily spy on and interact with fetch and XHR on the page
- You can easily execute Node stuff
- They have a great Dashboard (their only pay feature)