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Sorry, one other point about the term responsive.

I get that responsive, in this world, means sending different layouts depending on the client.

I'm in a bind:

If I say "no Svija's not responsive", people will assume that the content doesn't change size and we'll immediately get written off as not addressing the question.

If I say "Svija is responsive" then, as you remark, people say "no, because the content doesn't adapt to the platform".

But, Svija adapts to the window: if you want bigger text, make the window bigger or zoom (currently broken, see my other comment).

So when someone says "is it responsive, yes or no?", the real answer is: it's different.

The main thing I want to emphasize (this is roughly my 20th comment like this) is:

We are committed to making accessible content. It's OBVIOUS that a platform that can't offer accessible content can't be a serious alternative to current technology.

How exactly we implement it remains to be seen. The first thing is to get some users and establish that the basic premise is interesting.

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