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So many comments about how this is missing feature X or Y, isn't responsive, or isn't accessible... It would be nice to have people focus on its achievements rather than its pitfalls, unless the author has claimed it is a built-in replacement for HTML/CSS (which I don't think they did)

Rome wasn't built in a day. Not everything can solve all of the problems at the same time. Not everyone has unlimited time and resources.

Is it not laudable to keep pushing the envelope of what's possible and experiment creatively?

Creating is really hard, destroying is alluringly easy.

I mean, I would not be criticizing it's lack of responsiveness if the author did not claim it was responsive. But they did: https://svija.love/faq#inpage1

Also, this is not really that novel. Absolute-positioning (or ECP as the author calls it) has been a thing for forever. E.g. Flash websites, Dreamweaver, Wix, Android apps using AbsoluteLayout, etc...

But there's a reason why the entire internet moved towards responsive based layouts. Because although absolute-positioning makes websites/apps super easy to create, it results in sites/apps that have many usability concerns. Most of these concerns are fundamentally unsolvable.

To be clear, I still think the framework is useful, in fact, I may even have some of my non-techy friends use it to make their websites because a website that has bad usability is better than no website at all.

Thank you. I really poured my heart and soul into this project, and I think that the idea of creating animation by naming objects in a graphical interface has a lot of potential.

It's obviously a prototype — I've been building websites since 1995 and believe me, I have a long list of missing features and capabilites that need to be added in.

I've been building websites for about the same amount of time, and have never done JS animations and stayed away from GreenSock because I was scared of it, even though I was always curious.

This is the first time I've felt like the effort to learn and make something cool would be worth it. Thank you!

Greensock is really great. It's pretty easy to use if you know a little JS, and it's very powerful.

And, their support resources are top notch — very important for a tool that powerful.

These sorts of meta comments end up being just noise because the discussion changes over time. If you want to move the thread in a direction you think is better, be/write the change/comment you want to see in the world/thread.

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