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CS quotes found while browsing Notepad++'s code (github.com/notepad-plus-plus)
284 points by prvt on Nov 8, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 168 comments

It's curious to see how these quotes add over time and how they progress from dad jokes to more sophisticated, event statements

  Empty your memory, with a free(), like a pointer.\nIf you cast a pointer to a integer, it becomes the integer.\nIf you cast a pointer to a struct, it becomes the struct.\nThe pointer can crash, and can overflow.\nBe a pointer my friend."

  Freedom of expression is like the air we breathe, we don't feel it, until people take it away from us.\n\nFor this reason, Je suis Charlie, not because I endorse everything they published, but because I cherish the right to speak out freely without risk even when it offends others.\nAnd no, you cannot just take someone's life for whatever he/she expressed.\n\nHence this \"Je suis Charlie\" edition.\n

The first one is based on a Bruce Lee quote :)

> Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water. You put water into a cup; it becomes the cup. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. Now water can flow, or it can crash! Be water, my friend.

...And Bruce Lee is paraphrasing from the Tao Te Ching; chapter 8 on water.


There's also a really good and short Ted Talk on it: https://www.ted.com/talks/raymond_tang_be_humble_and_other_l...

I fixed it a litte: "You put water into a cpp; it becomes the cpp." ;)

Sadly C and C++ have aliasing rules, so casting a pointer to another type is often UB instead of having the underlying memory take the form of the new type.

Hence it can flow, or it can crash!

Or it can just give someone root.

Ahhh, I should have recognised it; it's used in this Melodysheep remix:


really gotta wonder if he really said it or its misattributed to him.


At least he said that. Not sure if he was first to say that though.

There are some zen quotes and teachings that compare our minds to the contents of a cup vs the vessel (body). In Daoism you have the yin/yang aspects. Afaik The quote seems to be his.

That quote is indeed his. I listened to Shannon Lee's (his daughter) podcast, and she told the story of when he understood it.

Apparently when his martial arts teacher told him he was too forceful, to be more like water, and then banned him from practicing until he understood. Short story, he went on a boat ride, got angry, started punching the river, then he got that aha moment.

Bruce Lee was actually a really wise dude. I also highly recommend the podcast.


"Linkedin is basically a reversed Tinder.\nHot girls write to nerd guys and they didn't reply."

Damn, this is so right.

I stumbled on this one before. Still one of my favorite quotes:


"Francis bacon"

"Knowledge is power. France is bacon.

When I was young my father said to me: "Knowledge is power, Francis Bacon." I understood it as "Knowledge is power, France is bacon."

For more than a decade I wondered over the meaning of the second part and what was the surreal linkage between the two. If I said the quote to someone, "Knowledge is power, France is Bacon", they nodded knowingly. Or someone might say, "Knowledge is power" and I'd finish the quote "France is Bacon" and they wouldn't look at me like I'd said something very odd, but thoughtfully agree. I did ask a teacher what did "Knowledge is power, France is bacon" mean and got a full 10-minute explanation of the "knowledge is power" bit but nothing on "France is bacon". When I prompted further explanation by saying "France is bacon?" in a questioning tone I just got a "yes". At 12 I didn't have the confidence to press it further. I just accepted it as something I'd never understand.

It wasn't until years later I saw it written down that the penny dropped. "

I wish I could go back in time and tell you that "Time flies like an arrow, and fruit flies like a banana."

An apple is Maryland.

I guess with a C++ file this big, you need some humor to keep your sanity.

Anyway, this one resonated with me: "vi has two modes - 'beep repeatedly' and 'break everything'"

Here is another interesting one: "A cookie has no soul, it's just a cookie. But before it was milk and eggs. And in eggs there's the potential for life", Jean-Claude van Damme

I see this huge C++ file and I raise you a Java file that's so enormous github refuses to render it: https://github.com/DrKLO/Telegram/blob/master/TMessagesProj/...

> public class ChatActivity extends BaseFragment implements NotificationCenter.NotificationCenterDelegate, DialogsActivity.DialogsActivityDelegate, LocationActivity.LocationActivityDelegate, ChatAttachAlertDocumentLayout.DocumentSelectActivityDelegate, FragmentContextView.ChatActivityInterface, FloatingDebugProvider

Someone call a priest

For a second I thought we'd entered the realm of the truly cursed, known as "Multiple Inheritance".

Then I saw the subtle 'implements', which brought immediate repose to my soul.

omg, this is primo java trolling. at least, I think you're being sarcastic...

Maybe. I like to cast a broad net =)

This is past a priest. It looks more like a job for John Constantine

There’s one of those for C++ too, say hello to the .NET garbage collector: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/blob/main/src/coreclr/gc/g...

TypeScript has the same; the whole type checker is in one massive file with 46,393 lines: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/blob/main/src/compil...

IIRC they cited performance reasons when compiling the compiler for the decision not to split the file up, but I could be wrong on this.

Thank you for this, though I will recommend that next time you use something that wraps, as this view still doesn't work for phones (I have to keep scrolling left and right).

Ironically if you hit the “Raw” button near the top of the GitHub file view then the resulting plaintext is nicely wrapped on (my) mobile.

Oh excellent tip, thanks!

Just click on raw

Thanks, another issue with the OP's link is that it is flickering wildly when scrolling on my machine.

{TEXT("Anonymous #136"), QuoteParams::rapid, true, SC_CP_UTF8, L_TEXT, TEXT("Documentation is like sex:\nwhen it's good, it's very, very good;\nwhen it's bad, it's better than nothing.")},

Damn you Anonymous #136!!!!!!!

> "Vidiu Platon": "I don't care if it works on your machine! We are not shipping your machine!"

And now we have Docker :)

I actually tested a bunch of those on GH Copilot -- sure enough, it does autocomplete certain prompts. No wonder, some are probably known quotes. Anyway, when I'm feeling down in my VSCode environment, I enter some random prompts in search of a pun. Most of the time it's just random rambling but hey:

# (prompt: my dog ...) seems to be interested in the plot.

# I wonder what the dog is thinking about.

# Probably about the food.

# I should feed him.

under some code where I was plotting a forecast.

Did you feed the dog?

Here's the catch -- I don't have a dog! Utter ramblings, I say!

Imagining the shock when these show up in Codepilot auto suggestions..

Oh great notepad of the lake, what is your wisdom?

"Social media does not make people stupid. It just makes stupid people more visible."

My favourite one so far:

> No one ever makes a billion dollars.

> You TAKE a billion dollars.

Quite relevant to the vulture capitalists and their fans who frequent this site.

You mean people give it to you? You can't get away with taking one billion dollars from others without their permission unless you are the government ;)

And the government has been making it easier to hit $1bn thanks to inflation.

This only makes sense from a naively individualist perspective. If no one ever made a billion dollars, so to speak, there would be no money at all.

You're assuming that the statement vacuously means "money is never made," which is not what it's getting at. The point is that nobody has ever become a billionaire without manipulating markets, exploiting employees, misleading investors, or otherwise abusing the fabric of society to squeeze wealth out of the rest of the world. The guy who invents the thing isn't the one who gets rich. It's his employer who profits off of it. It's not hard to make money, but it's impossible to make a billion dollars. You can only get that much by taking it.

> If no one ever made a billion dollars, so to speak, there would be no money at all.

Could you please elaborate?

The amount of money/value/richness in the world is not constant.

Suppose we all lived on an island in a completely stable economy valued somehow at 1 trillion dollars.

Then imagine that a dozen or so explorers went to another island and started a completely independent economy that (after some centuries) gets also valued at 1 trillion dollars.

The latter billion dollar was created at the meager cost of a boat and the life work of some people.

This is a horrible analogy for anything that ever happened, but it is something that could possibly happen.

Money just gets arbitarily created by banks. It is easy to "make money".

Maintaining a stable, accepted currency however, is quite hard and so is providing enough value for others, that they give you a billion dollars of a stable, accepted currency ...

Not sure what is special about billion dollars in your statement.

If no one ever made 10^100 dollars, there would be no money at all.

So ... there is no money?

It also makes sense from a marxist perspective. How billionaires/capitalists take the surplus value from manual labour and all that untrendy stuff.

It is not trendy, because labour is not something that exists by itself in a vacuum.

That is very true and something that capitalists often forget.

Yes. After a short episode of amnesia, they continue to create jobs which create the labour.

I'm not trying to be snarky now but you should read Marx, you won't become a crazy stalinist, pinky promise.

Let's say Marx is not the only one I've read when I was young and leave it at that.

The easiest way to make a million dollars is to start with two.

Translations for the few quotes that are in French:

> Je mange donc je chie. — Don Ho

"I eat therefore I shit." It's a pun on René Descartes' "Je pense donc je suis" (I think, therefore I am).

> Mathématiquement, un cocu est un entier qui partage sa moitié avec un tiers.

"Mathematically, a cuckold is a whole who shares his half with a third [party]."

> Si un jour une chaise te dit que t'as un joli cul, tu xtrouveras ça bizarre mais c'est juste un compliment d'objet direct.

"If some day a chair tells you you have a pretty ass, you'll find that weird but it's just a direct object compliment." It's a pun on "complément d'objet direct" (the object that is put directly after a transitive verb), intentionally being misspelled as "compliment d'objet direct" to mean that it's a direct compliment from an object.

> Mon pied droit est jaloux de mon pied gauche. Quand l'un avance, l'autre veut le dépasser. Et moi, comme un imbécile, je marche ! — Raymond Devos

"My right foot is jealous of my left foot. When one goes forward, the other wants to overtake it. And I, like an imbecile, I'm walking!

> > Mathématiquement, un cocu est un entier qui partage sa moitié avec un tiers.

> "Mathematically, a cuckold is a whole who shares his half with a third [party]."

In French "moitié", which means "half", is also slang for "spouse" (or girlfriend, significant other, etc... you get the idea). "tiers" indeed means "third" or "third party".

"entier" means "integer" in a mathematical sense, but more generally, it means "whole", and by extension, "uncastrated".

So "un entier qui partage sa moitié avec un tiers" can be loosely translated as "an (uncastrated) man who shares his girlfriend with a third party" in addition to the mathematical meaning of "an integer that shares its half with a third".

This is hilarious. I wonder if every language can be as playful as this. Or I am simply oblivious to it in English.

"comme un imbécile, je marche" has the double meaning of "I walk" / "I fall for it". A possible translation would be "And I, like an imbecile, go along with it".

* Don Ho is the author of Notepad++.

[Tiny bubbles of laughter go here]

"Knock knock "Race condition\" "Who's there?

- Brilliant!

In the same vein:

  A programmer had a problem, so he decided to use threads.
  Now 2 has. He problems

Your local pedant feels compelled to share that this is a paraphrase of a quote from JWZ on regular expressions, which in turn credits back to a quote from someone named D Tilbrook on awk


I've also seen this variant:

Why did the multi-threaded chicken cross the road?

other side. to the To get

  In C++ it's harder to shoot yourself in the foot, but when you do, you blow off your whole leg.

  Bjarne Stroustrup
Is it though? I feel it's as easy to shoot my foot as to modify few lines of C++ code and get 200+ lines of STD error messages.

That's not shooting yourself in the foot, that's a compiler slapping you in the face for attempting to.

Did you ever read the infamous fake interview? It always makes me laugh. Ref: https://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/susan/joke/cpp.htm

Compare it to C and Assembly language at the time C++ was first written...

> The best things in life are free. > Notepad++ is free. > So Notepad++ is the best.

I have never come accross a more valid argument. I, however, can't say the same about it's soundness XD

We are missing a premise about whether Notepad++ is a thing in life.

  # UNIX command line Russian roulette:[ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf /* || echo *Click*

“A good programmer is someone who always looks both ways before crossing a one-way street.”

But… there is no any other way to cross a street… in Russia.

"Me: \"I'm 45 years old but I've got a 19 year-old young man's body\"\nHer: \"Show me\"\nI opened the freezer to show her the body.\nShe screamed.\nMe too.\n") }


Elon should have talked to Bill Gates before firing half of Twitter: "Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight."

"The best things in life are free.

Notepad++ is free.

So Notepad++ is the best.


Logically incorrect. Maybe that is the joke. Should be: "The best things in life are free. Notepad++ is free. Therefore if something is not free, it cannot be one of the best things, or notepad++"

The joke is indeed the false syllogism: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syllogism#Syllogistic_fallacie...

Well deduced!

It's also the cartesian ontological argument for the existence of God.

>The God is perfect.

>If the God did not exist it wouldn't be perfect.

>Therefore God must exist.


The ontological argument is a valid deduction

> A, B implies not A thus not B

The problem is that you have to prove both A and (B implies not A), without self referentially assuming it in the first place,

Sounds like proof by contradiction

Also the definition of an alibi!

If you read “is” as “equals”, then the best things in life are Notepad++.

Yes, that is the joke lol. Just like the witch scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Something something "like dissecting a frog."

(Context: "Explaining a joke is like dissecting a live frog to figure out how it works. The first thing you have on your hands is a dead frog.")

That's great, and it's not all CS quotes. It reminds me of the quotes from the old UNIX fortune program [1] that many systems or accounts would be configured to use to show a quote on each login.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fortune_(Unix) https://github.com/bmc/fortunes/blob/master/fortunes

> Should array index start at 0 or 1? My compromised solution is 0.5

i like this one, it puts a nice perspective on compromises.

“To iterate is human, to recurse divine.”

I can't believe that I just created a few lines of C driver to print out the messages:

Good programmers use Notepad++ to code. Extreme programmers use MS Word to code, in Comic Sans, center aligned.

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.

Emacs is a great operating system, lacking only a decent editor.

A good programmer is someone who always looks both ways before crossing a one-way street.

Life is too short to remove USB safely.

I would rather check my facebook than face my checkbook.

How do you generate a random string? A: Put a Windows user in front of vi, and tell him to exit.


(One of my favourites is an alien message missing here due to HN's filtering of non-letters.)

Had some fun with vim this morning...

  .||||||.             |   |  |°°°
  ||.||.||             |   |  |..
   .°..°.              | | |  |
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   °.   .°             .|°°°  .|°°|.  |°.°|  |°°°
  .|°|||°|.            |      |    |  | ° |  |..
 | |°°°°°| |           |.     |.  .|  |   |  |
    °° °°               °°°°   °°°°   °   °  °°°°
  ..|||||..            °|°  |°.  |
 ||°°|||°°||            |   | °. |
 °°||°°°||°°            |   |  °.|
 .|° °°° °|.           °°°  °   °°
     ..||||..          |°°|  |°°°  .°°.  .|°°°  |°°°
   .||||||||||.        |..|  |..   |..|  |      |.. 
 .||.||.||.||.||.      |     |     |  |  |.     |   
   °|°  °°  °|°        °     °°°°  °  °   °°°°  °°°°

What line is it on?


It's just the Space Invaders ASCII art. But fun, good times. :)

“Your mother is so fat, the recursive function computing her mass causes a stack overflow.”

An old favorite of mine is the exception message "God Damned Exception" [0]

I stumbled across it in 2007, the day after Windows Vista was released. I installed Windows Vista, and the first thing that I installed was Notepad++. Shortly thereafter, I got a popup "God Damned Exception", but it wasn't immediately clear what application was raising it. I thought it was humorous to entertain the possibility that Vista had been released with this oversight. But... notepad++ was the only thing installed that was not Vanilla out-of-the-box Vista, so I searched through the notepad++ source to find/confirm it. It's been a favorite of mine ever since.

[0] https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/blob/...

ROTFL. Enough for ten standup routines in there. "Take my Surface Pro 3, PLEASE!"

The only funny thing about that code is that someone took the time to type in hundreds of "funny" and "inspirational" quotes into the source code, gone to die in the depths of Notepad++.

The following wchar_t* wtf[] has an interesting tail string too.

Tip: Use "shift + scroll" to read long quotes.

I can't seem to get this to work for me (Firefox on Windows).

Works on my Firefox on Windows, for shift + scroll focus need to be on the element you want to scroll. Arrow keys works even better

It sure does work for me, firefox on windows too.

Really?? Hmm, I wonder what's different on my setup then. Thanks for letting me know.

How do I get Shift here? (Safari on iPad)

I wish they would just use full width of my screen.

1280 pixels. This is the width that should be enough for everyone according to github.

(max-width in .container-xl. Why did they put that there? The website looks perfectly fine without it)

Kind of niche and specific to X11, but one my favorite quotes is from jwz [1]:

"X is slow because of the separation of servers and clients, i.e., the client-server model, i.e., its network capacity. It doesn't matter that it uses shared segments in the degenerate case -- it still takes a dozen context-switches amongst three different processes before an X client can even pick its nose."

[1] https://slashdot.org/story/99/08/04/2242224/ask-slashdot-com...

What functionality in Notepad++ triggers showing one of these quotes?

Type random, select the word and click ? -> About Notepad++

I recall a feature that would show a quote in a new document each time the application was opened. I'm not sure if This is the same quotes in the source.

Unfortunately I couldn't find any information about this on Google but it was documented in one of the older change logs.

Yes, it's an easter egg. Add -qn="random" to the Target in the shortcut you use to open Notepad++

Heh heh heh ... {TEXT("Elon Musk"), QuoteParams::rapid, false, SC_CP_UTF8, L_TEXT, TEXT("Don't set your password as your child's name.\nName your child after your password."

The one before the last is ascii art (I hope the formatting doesn't get messed up, sorry if it does). EDIT : It actually does, so here is a screenshot instead : https://ibb.co/Kr67DHk

> “ If I'm the Father of Open Source, it was conceived through artificial insemination using stolen sperm without my knowledge or consent”

“You take the red pill an-“

“No thanks, Morpheus old pal! I’m off the meds for good! To Jupiter!!”

I kinda miss Notepad++. Or rather, I miss the OS having a unified look and feel, and Notepad++ being a great editor within the constraints of a unified look and feel.

If I'm ever using Notepad++ at work, I'm probably not doing noble work. That being said, it's one of the best tools for those type of jobs.

Isn´t it a very obvious thing to get the idea that the information of this site should not be hidden inside an ancient three-column design that resembles the antique NukeCMS (PHP)?

Why is the most important coder website build in a way that hides information so hard?

What purpose do the left and right column with empty space serve?

Once I used to install some user css to get 100% width for the content, but I got tired to do that.

How can such a design dinosaur survive for so long right in the center of "modern development tools"?

Are you talking about news.ycombinator.com ?

If you are, it's because this is not « the center of "modern development tools" ». It's a textboard and it serves that purpose well.

And this is completely off topic.

No, they are talking about GitHub's website, which wastes a lot of horizontal space only to then show a horizontal scrollbar within the content:


If it did not explicitly set a max width, then the code would be much more convenient to read: https://i.imgur.com/hxoHJHM.png

It's a critique of overarching design consistency trumping actual usability.


Though to be fair it is still against the guidelines:

> Please don't complain about tangential annoyances—e.g. article or website formats, name collisions, or back-button breakage. They're too common to be interesting.

Thank you for giving a link with these quotes, I haven't seen it before I tried to open link from your screenshot. BTW I do not see no issues:


8272 lines of code in a single file.

I guess you could talk about coding standards and code smells all day, but let's not. I'm impressed.

This is pretty common in the C world.

Look up the source code of common Unix utils, too, or a popular game...

LS [0], WolfensteinET (idtech3) [1]

[0] https://github.com/wertarbyte/coreutils/blob/master/src/ls.c

[1] https://github.com/etlegacy/etlegacy/blob/master/src/game/g_...

sqlite has the option of a single file build. They found that the compiler can optimize best within one compilation unit.

Actually, this is a great idea. I also would like the idea to compile some quotes and puns into binaries.

it's always fun to use the strings command on binaries just to see if there's humor to be found

made my day. some good old (and new) ones in there.

where do they pop out in the GUI?

and why the hell are there 7000+ lines in one file?

Make a new file.

Type the word, without quotes, "random"

Highlight it.

Click the ? menu.

Click "About Notepad++".

Would be interesting to see what GitHub Copilot makes of this.

>8k lines in a single file >mfw

Adding #L7102 to the URL gets you straight to the quotes:


I added #L7102-L7368, but it disappeared automatically after I clicked submit.

HN rewrites headline text by default, but if you edit and save afterwards it doesn't rewrite the second version. Maybe the same is true of the URL text?

Unfortunately normal users can’t edit the url after submitting.

Yeah HN does that, screws up reddit comment links too.

It’s one of the most annoying features of HN. I’ve tried submitting GitHub comments to no avail, since it’s impossible to get a permalink to them.

I guess you could create redirect page redirecting to specific comment and submit that?

To see them in action, type the word "random" in Notepad++, select it and go to the ? -> "About Notepad++" menu. A new tab will appear where one quote will be typed out.

or type "random", select it and press F1 :-)

>"Je mange donc je chie."

Roughly : "I eat therefore I shit"

I never understood devs that do this, it reflects very poorly on them and it doesn't bring anything to the table. Way to show your immaturity.

I write code since 2006, 99% of it is private and is mostly read by me and I still don't do this.

Good for you, but I think it reflects more poorly on your maturity that you think some funny comments on a solo project reflect the maturity level of an author so negatively or that that even matters. How many solo projects have you made with millions of users translated in 80+ languages? Given your assertion, maturity is not required for success. The author has made political statements with his work and clearly takes a more artistic approach.

One person's immaturity is another persons humor.

Not sure about the author, but programming is most often a lonely exercise with alternating bouts of creativity and tedium. Comments like these bring out the humanity.

I love these comments. It would really make my day if I found those when trying to fix a bug a few years later.

Coding is not a serious act for some of us. We play, we build, we create and have fun.

This doesn’t mean what we code is low quality or hacky. But this requirement doesn’t exclude the permission to have fun.

Sometimes a variable name, sometimes a hex value, sometimes a comment or Easter egg.

Life is too short to be too serious about anything and everything.

I write code since 1999 or so. I still have fun here and there.

Exactly! It makes no difference to the compiler what you call a variable, but it makes a difference to the human.

Whenever I do a pandas dataframe melt, I name the variable "melted_cheese". I could just name it something plain/boring, but life is simplybetter with melted cheese.

Agreed. A certain amount of word–play is necessary for a happy and healthy life. Sadly I once worked on a team that didn’t understand this.

I had been given the task to add an insignificant feature to a minor subsystem, and by chance the first two methods I added to my class had names that started with the letter A. I had to “ask” the user for confirmation, and I had to “authenticate” a widget. To keep myself interested, I pushed myself to continue the trend. I needed names for about six or eight methods, and the last two were the hardest. I had to lock some files to deny anyone permission to read them, and I had to record the actions taken in a database. I had the implementations written and tested, I just needed good names.

I ended up with the names “afsluiten” (literally “off–close”, or “to close off”) and “αναγράφω” (“anagrapho”, to inscribe, record, or publish). I laughed so much when I found both of them. They were perfect! I committed, pushed to a branch, wrote up a pull request, and then started a two–week vacation the next morning.

I anticipated that on my return we would all laugh at these funny names in our weekly meeting, that the team lead would request that I rename these two methods, and that I would then push to master with English names. Instead, I had a meeting with HR and the VP of Engineering about how I was mocking them, disrespecting their work, how unprofessional it was, and on and on and on. Apparently the team had been stewing on this “insult” for the whole two weeks, making it worse and worse in their minds.

I was rather sad when they fired me, but I have been so much better off ever since; the people I work with now actually know what humor is, and how to play. They can even express admiration and wonder when someone does something clever or slick. It’s like night and day.

Oh my...what an awful way to get back from vacation! It's such a shame when egos get involved like that.

I deeply appreciate that level of wordplay though! Glad it worked out for you in the end, and I hope you have continued to express true creativity in your code :)

Yea, it wasn’t ideal. Luckily I choose better afterwards.

I came across a council system for recording the holes that ultility companies dig in roads. Often a specific job would require several additional "associated" holes to be dug around the main one.

The programmer chose the filenames: "holes" and "assholes". kudos!

NB: This was MSDOS days when filenames could be a maximum of 8 characters.

This is brilliant. I'm archiving this in my Folklore notes.

I guess a lot of non-French speakers will miss the real joke: "I think therefore I am" translates to "Je pense donc je suis", which rhymes well to the parody. Then it's not plainly immature, but somewhat elaborate.

> I write code since 2006, 99% of it is private

and author of Notepad++ made an open-source project used on a massive scale

(none is obligated it to work on open source, but I consider it admirable and praiseworthy, especially if someone is doing it successfully and helping many other people)

> it reflects very poorly on them


The envy of the slave for the free.

I don't understand people who get upset by people just trying to have a bit of fun.

Being uptight about it doesn't reflect super well on you either IMO.

Adult : someone who knows better.

Being able to joke is a sign of maturity. Some people loose this ability when they become adults.

Sometimes it's OK to let loose and be a little immature. Life is short.

Some of the quotes are cancel-level inappropriate for 2022, though, so you may want to avoid promoting this topic in professional circles.


we must cancel the cancel people.

Time to get back what is ours.

And keep the kids in safe spaces if they can't play outside.

Yeah I really don't care about being cancelled, like at all.

I might be one of those boring types, but I agree. Jokes get old, source code stays. Seeing the same shit obscuring the workflow gets tiring really fast.

This kind of humour is fine to see in passing on HN, but I'd be furious if someone put it in my production code.

> I never understood devs that do this

Succeed? Have a personality?

It's a parody of "I think, therefore I am", which I find hilarious.

My code is littered with expletives...


That's not why the parent comment is nonsense. They are obviously free not to like jokes about feces.

I'm a Notepad++ user and I'm not a fan of some of these quotes. I wonder if someone has already made a cleaned up version of Notepad++. I would certainly be interested in that.

There are way too many oversexed nerd jokes to my liking, but it is all nostalgic if you've been visiting IRC during the 00s

I found Notepad Next. It doesn't have all Notepad++ features I use but it is pretty good.

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