Yeah I see ads as the biggest threat to my future in their ecosystem. It's a revenue stream that seems to so reliably ruin any company that dips more than the tiniest bit of a toe into it. Which sucks because they're by such a large margin the least-bad option that I hate to be stuck with any of the alternatives. Of which the largest (Microsoft, Google) are at least as bad on the advertising front, so that leaves me with... Linux. And just no remotely-OK solution for phones and tablets, at all. I have so very little interesting in "tinkering" with those platforms.
Damnit, Microsoft, why'd you have to ruin your OS with ad and spying garbage and shittifying your calculator and notepad apps et c. just as you were starting to add useful stuff like WSL that might have made it a viable OS for actual work and not just playing video games?
So I guess it's Linux. Ugh. Or maybe the FreeBSD driver situation will get better before then and I can use that. That'd be... fine, I guess.
Damnit, Microsoft, why'd you have to ruin your OS with ad and spying garbage and shittifying your calculator and notepad apps et c. just as you were starting to add useful stuff like WSL that might have made it a viable OS for actual work and not just playing video games?
So I guess it's Linux. Ugh. Or maybe the FreeBSD driver situation will get better before then and I can use that. That'd be... fine, I guess.