We mustn't confuse attestation with reputation, nor even the combination of attestation and reputation with truth.
Attestation is nothing more than someone staking their reputation on the veracity of what they're sharing with the world.
If I'm being frank, I thought this was too obvious to need stressing. If the camera is pointed at David Copperfield, cryptography can't make the lens show you reality.
Attestation solves a lot of problems, but like my first sentence said, video integrity isn't a problem which can be solved anymore, if it ever was.
We mustn't confuse attestation with reputation, nor even the combination of attestation and reputation with truth.
Attestation is nothing more than someone staking their reputation on the veracity of what they're sharing with the world.
If I'm being frank, I thought this was too obvious to need stressing. If the camera is pointed at David Copperfield, cryptography can't make the lens show you reality.
Attestation solves a lot of problems, but like my first sentence said, video integrity isn't a problem which can be solved anymore, if it ever was.