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The site is down so if you can't read the article, see here [1].

The author is actually pointing out two distinct problems, which are both having a real impact on tech companies. The first and most difficult problem which every company faces (startup or otherwise), is finding great talent.

Every tech company is fishing in the same water trying to find devs in competitive places like S.F. or NYC. These cities certainly have the highest concentration of great developers, but there are hundreds of thousands of equally great devs scattered across the country. If your company can find a way to get the best of the best among these isolated devs (who may be in Kansas), you're ahead of the game.

The second problem he discusses is how to get startups to work well in a distributed team. As many have pointed out, using Skype can be awkward. There is also something missing from typical remote working platforms that doesn't capture the social dynamic of working in the same office.

I'mworking to solve both of these problems. Right now, I'm looking for beta testers before I launch. If you're interested and willing to give feedback, shoot me an email.

1. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://...

FYI the site should be up now. It's loading fine for me.

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