I used to LOVE my Razer scooter back in the 00's - rode it all over London, and you are quite right, even lighter. I used to skateboard 'commute' a lot in Australia too when I lived there - was a great way of getting around on the flats/down hill and easy/light to carry up hill. Too old to skate now (or too fearful of getting hurt again rather) and I really should try my son's scooter out more, but ease, smoothness and just 'go' of the electric scooter just has too much of a pull for me!
I also had an old 'lead acid batter electric scooter I used to ride in London a lot in 2004ish - was great fun and could carry me and my wife together to the pub and back on the canal paths - they weren't an issue back then as then the police only used to care about the petrol 'goped' scooters that we illegal - though you would see a few of them around London, in parks and on the roads.
Many I love alternative transport (while almost always owning a car too). I had a cyclemotor/autocycle - a road legal mountianbike with 35cc petrol engine - got stopped a couple of times by the police on that, but they were just interested in what it was as they'd never seen one before. Had something called a 'Daylight MOT' far simpler to pass but can only ride dawn to dusk.
Man you have me wanting to dig some of these out of the sheds and garages that they are buried in!
I also had an old 'lead acid batter electric scooter I used to ride in London a lot in 2004ish - was great fun and could carry me and my wife together to the pub and back on the canal paths - they weren't an issue back then as then the police only used to care about the petrol 'goped' scooters that we illegal - though you would see a few of them around London, in parks and on the roads. Many I love alternative transport (while almost always owning a car too). I had a cyclemotor/autocycle - a road legal mountianbike with 35cc petrol engine - got stopped a couple of times by the police on that, but they were just interested in what it was as they'd never seen one before. Had something called a 'Daylight MOT' far simpler to pass but can only ride dawn to dusk.
Man you have me wanting to dig some of these out of the sheds and garages that they are buried in!