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Hi, thank you so much for the valuable advice and information!

If I didn't get you wrong, maybe another project (carefree-learn) meets your needs better: https://github.com/carefree0910/carefree-learn.

This is an old project, with a VERY outdated document, but all the features of carefree-creator can be achieved with one or few lines of code from carefree-learn.

Take the typical text to image feature as an example, here's a piece of minimal-working-codes:


import torch, cflearn

api = cflearn.cv.DiffusionAPI.from_sd("cuda:0", use_half=True)

api.txt2img("a beautiful, fantasy landscape", "out.png") # this will save the generated image to `out.png`


And you can install it with `pip install carefree-learn[cv]` XD.

This seems useful. Thank you!

However, not for the purposes I described.

Can I send you an email, or would that be excessive. I could describe what I'd like to build someday. Perhaps it might inform architecture, or perhaps not, depending on how it aligns with your vision.

Of course! I will be more than happy to hear real demands!

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