there is no far left in the US. The 'left' here would be center/right in most other countries. The right/conservatives are the true evil who are responsible for basically every bad thing here and the real problem is that most of this country is conservative, and thinks this country is 'special'.
Far left in the US is the group that promotes things like:
- extreme intersectionality
- the original non-diluted Marxism-inspired version of CRT (e.g. punctuality and objectivism in academia are “white values”)
- literal dissolution of police (not just creating better social services)
and much more. So they are far left not in the classic sense. This term has been somewhat redefined in the context of culture war (similar to far right).
Yeah, as a European whenever people say "the left in the US would be considered right-wing in Europe" I shake my head. When it comes to social issues, the extremes in the US are far more pronounced, both on the right and the left.
Right. At least you didn't call me a Nazi. You sound like one of the people who think CRT is "just history" without reading any of the actual books on CRT.
How do you define far left in the US? People who advocate for the redistribution of income and wealth and for a brotherhood of all workers?