Cool. Is there a way to reliably retrieve the path of the internal markdown file (I assume it is a markdown file within the extension as well) so that I can setup a cron job to export it or something?
There's no internal markdown file. When you press the export button, it gets generated from the HTML content of the editor. The extension saves the state of the editor in browser's local storage. I don't think it's possible to access it outside of the extension itself.
There is a Firefox add-on, if you visit the site from Firefox, it should point you to the Mozilla Add-ons page [0].
Also thank you for the link to the firefox add-on.
If you were so inclined, you could look into setting up some storage integrations with things like owncloud or dropbox. I believe they offer APIs that allow you to store files without having to write a server-side integration with them.
Also a firefox add-on would be cool as well.