I see the dematerialisation going at an increasing rate: one smartphone replace how many things today?
Think about how things have changed in the last 20 years with the internet. How we have improved efficiency all around, started the EV revolution, solar energy, AI, etc.
Same with internet vs before: books, schools, libraries, stores, etc.
Things like facebook marketplace: so much used stuff everywhere. For me it’s very easy to find almost anything I want used cheaply, but when I don’t need it anymore and want to sell it it’s harder (houses are already full to the rafters)
The new generation is not as much interested in stuff, there is too much stuff everywhere.
So I think we are very close to peak stuff and peak humans on the planet.
Furthermore we are being more and more careful about long term thinking our our effects: pollution, ressources, global warming.
I think we are overcorrecting, putting too much emphasis on these things and not enough on humans problems: meaning crisis, depression, suicide, nuclear war.
To me it seems we are very close to a world of abondance and safety, but we still fighting with each others.
We are looking in the rear view mirror to decide what is important, but the future that is coming is very different than the past.
You can look at Tony Seba energy transition just to get an idea of what is coming on the energy front.
Think about how things have changed in the last 20 years with the internet. How we have improved efficiency all around, started the EV revolution, solar energy, AI, etc.
Same with internet vs before: books, schools, libraries, stores, etc.
Things like facebook marketplace: so much used stuff everywhere. For me it’s very easy to find almost anything I want used cheaply, but when I don’t need it anymore and want to sell it it’s harder (houses are already full to the rafters)
The new generation is not as much interested in stuff, there is too much stuff everywhere.
So I think we are very close to peak stuff and peak humans on the planet.
Furthermore we are being more and more careful about long term thinking our our effects: pollution, ressources, global warming.
I think we are overcorrecting, putting too much emphasis on these things and not enough on humans problems: meaning crisis, depression, suicide, nuclear war.
To me it seems we are very close to a world of abondance and safety, but we still fighting with each others.
We are looking in the rear view mirror to decide what is important, but the future that is coming is very different than the past.
You can look at Tony Seba energy transition just to get an idea of what is coming on the energy front.