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This got me wondering. How does one aquire property such that it your own? I'm thinking of some patch of land that doesn't belong to anybody, since nobody owns it there is noone I can aquire it from. Seems like there is some form of original sin involved in any form of owning land.

> How does one aquire property such that it your own?

you acquire it by fiat - and enforce that acquisition by force.

I'm not really sure if your comment was meant ironically or not. So I will reply similarly.

You're absolutely right and we need more of that.

It hasn't always been this way:

Property is Theft! [1]

The English have a rights of way so you can walk through some private land. [2]

and there's also the concept of common land [3]




The original sin was taking ownership by force.

>This got me wondering. How does one aquire property such that it your own?

I am sure you will find your answer if you read some history.

Maybe I misworded that. I didn't want to ask, how it is/was done. But how it ought to be done.

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